I bought the stainless steel portion can because several of my normal snuses (i.e. offroad or snusx) don't have the catch lid - and it looks really nice but technically I could have just re-purposed one of the Skruf cans I have sitting around.
I imagine you could also more safely put a can in your back pocket with one of these - although Skruf cans are pretty sturdy too compared to V2 or even General.
lol. i guess I see your point. However I have no problem with regular cans in my front pocket or shirt pocket at work...
I don't know why one would put it in their back pocket in the first place, has to be uncomfortable. But different strokes for different folks I suppose.
I use a smaller container, because I very rarely need more than ten grams in any given day, but I have heard that the accessories really make the outfit. Godspeed on your quest for snus fabulousness.