Northerner- Why does it take ye over 3 days to ship snus?

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  • BuLLitz
    • Jun 2009
    • 180

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    Well it is friday now. I ordered on monday, paid 50$ for 2nd day shipping, and STILL it sits in their warehouse, not even on the truck yet after a week. All items are in stock and at the US warehouse. I sent a request to customer service but have heard nothing.

    Their FAQ reads: "Your order is always handled right away. Within 24 hours of placing your order 97% of the orders are shipped out. There can be delays sometimes due to delayed shippments or the items currently beeing out of stock at our suppliers. Delays of this kind is out of our control. "

    None of my items are out of stock so I must just be part of the 3% that gets farked. Funny because I have ordered twice in the last month and each time this happens. I was hoping that paying the extra 50$ for shipping would help get it here faster but looks like I paid extra just to have the normal 14 day shipping time. Sigh....
    This EXACT thing happened to my wife on one of her orders from them. My wife finally got ahold of them and they said "Oh, we are out of stock on those items".

    When my wife ordered them they were in stock in the US whse at the time.

    What pisses me off about that, is that Northerner SHOULD have contacted my wife and let her know that her order was being delayed. My wife finally cancelled the order and got it from somewhere else I think.

    They screwed up my last order by sending me 2 cans of the wrong item... but after contacting them they sent me the right item and did not charge me for them.

    When it shows "In Stock", take that with a grain of salt.
    I don't believe they really know.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by RobS View Post
      FWIW, the last order I placed with them was early in the morning, and it shipped the same day.

      You must have been flagged as a trouble-maker, targeted for frustration, or some such. It's probably a government sponsored experiment on the frustration limits of nicotine addicts. I'm guessing it's the same guys who are spraying mind-altering chemical on your house. Which reminds me, are you *sure* you placed that order? Really?

      Excelent point Rob S, there could be a communist plot afoot here. Maybe aliens took it? They will write history books about me!!

      No but seriousely I am just worried my order will end up like Roos last order, where suddenly they say it is out of stock and I will have to wait a month like Roo just did. I'm obviousely not the only one who is having this problem. I wish they would respond to my customer service inquiries so I can find out if this is the case. if it's going to be a month I will need to go elsewhere, I am completely out of snus and cannot wait that long. I understand a delay because of pact but when I order something because it says "in stock, US warehouse" I expect them to actually have it in stock and available for purchase. Either that or at least don't ignore me when i call after a week to figure out where my package is (considering they had no problem taking extra money for expedited shipping and all)


      • Joe234
        • Apr 2010
        • 1948

        I just had my backorder shipped by The Northerner.
        They upgraded my shipping to Next Day Air for
        free. I usually paid about 8-11 bucks for shipping.
        The highest I paid was 23 bucks for 16 rolls. I got
        nearly 23 off in discount which paid for my shipping.

        It is a communist plot. They don't like Holocaust dimishers in Europe.

        Us on the Left receive top notch service.



        • PipenSnus
          • Apr 2010
          • 1038

          I hadn't had any problems with GetSnus/Northerner regarding shipping delays until my most recent order. It's been sitting in "Pending" status in the GetSnus website since Wednesday, which I thought was a little unusual. However, it is a much larger order than I usually make, and I know they're running behind due to unanticipated demand. It's also the first order where I selected UPS shipping (it was $7 cheaper than USPS, strangely enough). I don't know which of those factors, if any, might cause a delay.

          I'm trying to be patient and understanding, but if it's not shipped by Monday evening, I'm going to send an inquiry via their Contact page.


          • Joe234
            • Apr 2010
            • 1948

            Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
            I hadn't had any problems with GetSnus/Northerner regarding shipping delays until my most recent order. It's been sitting in "Pending" status in the GetSnus website since Wednesday, which I thought was a little unusual. However, it is a much larger order than I usually make, and I know they're running behind due to unanticipated demand. It's also the first order where I selected UPS shipping (it was $7 cheaper than USPS, strangely enough). I don't know which of those factors, if any, might cause a delay.

            I'm trying to be patient and understanding, but if it's not shipped by Monday evening, I'm going to send an inquiry via their Contact page.
            If you're waiting for something pending you may be able to switch it to something
            in stock if you decide to. I was able to do so by a simple email to The Northerner
            using the contact form on their website. As soon as I did my order was promptly


            • PipenSnus
              • Apr 2010
              • 1038

              Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
              If you're waiting for something pending you may be able to switch it to something
              in stock if you decide to. I was able to do so by a simple email to The Northerner
              using the contact form on their website. As soon as I did my order was promptly
              That would be fine, if it were just one item, but every item in the order shows a "Pending" status.


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                Did Northener ever get that order out to you? Was curious how that turned out..


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                  Did Northener ever get that order out to you? Was curious how that turned out..
                  No. After a week they responded to me saying it is out of stock (wish i would have known that beforehand). It will probably ship post-PACT and I will likely get stuck with all kinds of additional costs/hastle.

                  They offered to let me switch to an instock item but A) The email they sent me does not allow me to reply and request said change, and B) I only want thunder frosted.

                  So the short answer is no, my order did not ship since they are out of thunder frosted still and I am pissed.


                  • Joe234
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1948

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    No. After a week they responded to me saying it is out of stock (wish i would have known that beforehand). It will probably ship post-PACT and I will likely get stuck with all kinds of additional costs/hastle.

                    They offered to let me switch to an instock item but A) The email they sent me does not allow me to reply and request said change, and B) I only want thunder frosted.

                    So the short answer is no, my order did not ship since they are out of thunder frosted still and I am pissed.
                    You can't reply to The Northerner emails.
                    You simply reply via Contact Form.
                    Click Here

                    I've done it myself and received an answer and order adjustment.

                    I have Thunder Frosted myself. I have come to the conclusion
                    that V2 products are cheap. That goes for Oden's too.
                    They're nice to have but are not my mainstay.

                    Skruf Rules!



                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Thanks Joe. Unfortunately I only want thunder frosted so i'm just screwed. It says out of stock, 1-3 days, which means next month. God damnit.


                      • Joe234
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1948

                        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                        Thanks Joe. Unfortunately I only want thunder frosted so i'm just screwed. It says out of stock, 1-3 days, which means next month. God damnit.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Sorry to hear that, I actually have a prob myself I forgot to put in my damn apt # on my order. Hopefully the apt office will hold it for me while i'm at work


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