ClubSnus Back in Business?

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    ClubSnus Back in Business?

    Dear Friends of,

    we are Mysnus AB and we are operating Recently we got in touch with Jonathon Polak and started to discuss how we together can continue the great work he has done with building and operating the website. As you may have realized, Jonathon decided to close down his online shop because of upcoming legislative changes (the PACT Act), which make it very difficult to sell tobacco products online and to ship them to other states. Very soon the idea was born to enter a cooperation where his expertise and enthusiasm meet our experience in selling Snus, as we are in business for more than 10 years now and we have become one of the biggest shops on the net.

    As we are at the moment discussing with Jonathon how we can make it happen to continue the website, I’d like to invite you to place your orders at in the meantime. As mentioned, we have a vast experience with shipping Snus to the US. Our UPS shipments are sent DDP (delivery & duty paid), which means that in addition to our already low prices, there are no further costs to come for you when you choose UPS as shipping method.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and to a great cooperation with Jonathon of!
    Armin Sachs

    PS: In case you should have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me any time at


    Curious if this means ClubSnus will be opening again under Jonathon's command or if they are just hiring Jonathon to manage US sales?

    Sure would be cool if he were allowed to be a member here and post his comments on the issue.
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    I've been aware of this for a while but at Jon's request had to keep it quiet.

    A private investor was interested in buying the ClubSnus site, which has turned out to be MySnus AB.

    Jon will be involved, particularly in the US area, although at this time not sure to what degree.

    This will be a Swedish based operation with no US warehouse and orders will ship from Sweden, from what I am aware of.

    At this time, that is all the info that I've heard outside of the info on


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
      I've been aware of this for a while but at Jon's request had to keep it quiet.

      A private investor was interested in buying the ClubSnus site, which has turned out to be MySnus AB.

      Jon will be involved, particularly in the US area, although at this time not sure to what degree.

      This will be a Swedish based operation with no US warehouse and orders will ship from Sweden, from what I am aware of.

      At this time, that is all the info that I've heard outside of the info on

      Chad, thanks for the insider info on this deal.

      No US warehouse, no deal. With Northerner I remain.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        With UPS delivery times to the west coast. There is a hole in the market for a western warehouse.
        It would have been nice to see warehouse inventory in California.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by justintempler View Post
          With UPS delivery times to the west coast. There is a hole in the market for a western warehouse.
          It would have been nice to see warehouse inventory in California.

          Seriously though, someone must have the foresight to see that we need a US warehouse for the west coast. All they have to do is rent a building, it could even be in some cheap remote location that's not expensive, then hire some mexicans to staff the shipping/recieving dept. It would be profitable.


          • skyline142
            • Apr 2010
            • 193

            Hahaha, sgreger, thats great. Mexicans always can come in handy No offense. But ohhhh how I would love to get into the snus business. Lol. Good for Jon though I am happy for him.


            • shikitohno
              • Jul 2009
              • 1156

              Sooner or later, Northerner will probably start up a west coast warehouse. Provided the market grows large enough to make it profitable, I can see them running four or five warehouses across the country to speed shipping time.


              • Simplysnus
                • May 2010
                • 481

                Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
                Sooner or later, Northerner will probably start up a west coast warehouse. Provided the market grows large enough to make it profitable, I can see them running four or five warehouses across the country to speed shipping time.
                Like Netflix, next day delivery, hah.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by Simplysnus View Post
                  Like Netflix, next day delivery, hah.

                  Jonathon gave me next day delivery! I WANT HIM BACK!

                  Edit: Sorry, John's ex-girlfriend just hacked my account and posted that.


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                    I've been aware of this for a while but at Jon's request had to keep it quiet.

                    A private investor was interested in buying the ClubSnus site, which has turned out to be MySnus AB.

                    Jon will be involved, particularly in the US area, although at this time not sure to what degree.

                    This will be a Swedish based operation with no US warehouse and orders will ship from Sweden, from what I am aware of.

                    At this time, that is all the info that I've heard outside of the info on
                    When I first heard of this news in the chatbox earlier today, I almost wet myself and I do wish Jonathon luck. Unfortunately for me personally, I won't order outside of the states anymore IF/NOW THAT UPS is the only option. I'm not playing "Brokerage Fee Roulette" no more, no sir. Been there done that, was not pretty.

                    Now I'm sad again...


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