Really Frustrated with Northerner...

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  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    Really Frustrated with Northerner...

    I placed an order over 2 weeks ago over $240 worth of snus with a little snuff spinkled in there.

    I received one package about a week and a half ago that had 16 cans in it (a flatpack roll and 6 single cans), received one package last week with 1 can of snus and two tins of snuff, and received a package today with ONE can of snus in it.

    Now normally I would just wait for the rest of my stuff to come in however, most of it said that it was "sent" a couple days after my order, and now with the one can that came today a paper was in it of my order and it shows that 90% of my big ass order was "Shipped in a previous delivery" yet I have not recieved it yet.
    It all should have been shopped UPS with tracking, and the only tracking number Northerner gave me was for one of the small packages.

    I really don't know what is happening here, and would just like my snus to arrive. :/
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    It is frustrating. The last order I made has been trickling in bit by bit. I can't believe how much money they must be losing when they are paying 4 sets of shipping per order, but it is very nice of them to at least ship out what they have on hand. They are just swamped right now and I'm sure it will only get better moving forward. Just keep track of what you got and what's still missing and I am sure they will fix you up once things calm down. They are doing all they can and Fredrik even said if anyone's totally out of snus to PM him and he'll put out a quick fix. That's quite a gesture IMO.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      man that sucks. I wouldn't worry too much about it tho. Northerner always comes thru in the end. I don't understand how they can make any money tho cuz so many partial orders are back ordered lately and for some reason won't wait till the whole order is in stock to ship it out. I can see sending half an order if the second half is going to be a week or so late but to send one can when its obvious that there is alot more they need to ship to you. Its pretty clear that in cases like yours northerner isn't making any $. And thats been happening alot lately. I've even emailed them and said to just hold my entire order untill everything gets in stock and then send it. But they send small partial orders anyway.

      Give it a month and I'm sure all northerners customer service issues will be worked out. I'm sure they will have customer service second to none.

      [not saying your order will take a month, just a general statement]

      Good luck

      edit; looks like snuffy and myself posted at the same time. pretty much the same thing. great minds think alike
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I understand it might take some time but it says on the paper that the stuff was "shipped in a previous delivery", that is what concerns me the most.


        • timholian
          • Apr 2010
          • 1448

          Originally posted by c.nash View Post
          I understand it might take some time but it says on the paper that the stuff was "shipped in a previous delivery", that is what concerns me the most.
          They will replace anything that doesn't make it to you, I am sure. I know the feeling of just wanting what you paid for but trust me, the only part of this that sucks is the waiting, losing your snus isn't going to happen. *Puts C.Nash on Snus Prayer List* lol


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            lol. Thanks. Hopefully I don't get disappointed. Or I'll cry.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Originally posted by c.nash View Post
              I understand it might take some time but it says on the paper that the stuff was "shipped in a previous delivery", that is what concerns me the most.
              Don't worry about it. That has happened to me a few times when they ship multiple orders, but I always got my snus even without having to contact them.


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511


                If I don't get it next week I might have to start raising hell. lol


                • ChaoticGemini
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 564

                  I was surprised to get a partial shipment today all the way from Sweden via USPS. The problem is I was just expecting an UPS domestic shipping notice for the order, so the box sat outside baking in 100+ temps. I brought the box in and opened it and everything is hot to the touch. I just left it to acclimate to the AC for now, but what is the best way to handle all the rolls. They are a stash of soon-to-be non-US-available snus. I will be freezing, but not sure if I should slow cool, or just throw them in.


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    Just throw them in the freezer, that's what I do...

                    But I keep all my snus in the freezer at all times.


                    • desirexe
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 1170

                      Originally posted by ChaoticGemini View Post
                      I was surprised to get a partial shipment today all the way from Sweden via USPS. The problem is I was just expecting an UPS domestic shipping notice for the order, so the box sat outside baking in 100+ temps. I brought the box in and opened it and everything is hot to the touch. I just left it to acclimate to the AC for now, but what is the best way to handle all the rolls. They are a stash of soon-to-be non-US-available snus. I will be freezing, but not sure if I should slow cool, or just throw them in.
                      I normally don't order in the summer just because of temps. A couple cans that someone sent me sat in my mailbox for 10 days, I just threw them in the fridge and they 'seem' fine. Who knows about bacteria or increased tsna levels, I wish I had a lab to test for that stuff.


                      • Curtisp
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 189

                        I just received 9 cans of out of stocks, from my order on Tuesday. It came in the "regular mail".?? They still owe me 3 cans currently out of stock. Fine by me, this seems like awesome customer service if you ask me. Their profitability on multiple shipments is their business, not mine. Northerner has my support and respect. Good customer service and expediancy is a rarity these days..


                        • SnusoMatic
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 507

                          it burns me that shipping is so high that if one bought a single can of snus shipping would be like $10. Yet when they split up an order into 2-3 chuncks you will get a couple of cans and the postage is stamped right on the front $2.53 (or whatever). If they can send a few cans of snus for a few bucks when they have to how come i can't order a couple cans and pay low postage.

                          Ok, i will tell you why ;-) .... They have issues managing orders and shipments so the easy fix for them is to over charge everyone for shipping. The real solution would be not to accept orders for out of stock items or not send orders until everything is in stock. How many times have i received two cans of snus a day after the main load arrived. Right now i await a single can of thunder frost loose. if i ever get it they will have paid $2-4 for shipping, who do you think pays for that? me of course. Keep in mind when i placed my order everything was in stock. I hardly ever order anything that don't show as in stock to try and avoid this crap. Yet, at any given moment in time i have something that is "on it's way" because they were out of it although it was "in stock".

                          I like northerner and they have always made any problem right but communication and correct orders carry a lot of weight with me. thats why i order my large orders from buysnus. even paying more for shipping is worth not going through the hassles of wrong orders, waiting, lack of communication, etc. I read in a post by someone from northerner that EU orders are three times larger than US orders. i am kind of used to who i send my money to serving me, not me serving them. buysnus is boss


                          • Owens187
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 1547

                            I have a roll of Thunder frosted that I ordered from GetSnus several days ago, still just sitting there saying "pending". Bullshit. The old Getsnus always had my order shipped within 24 hours, never an exception. This sucks.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              This last minute ordering before the PACT deadline must be hell for Northerner to manage. How the hell do you make sure you manage to order just enough inventory to cover orders without getting stuck with a lot of post-PACT inventory?

                              I'm glad it isn't my job.


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