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  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Originally posted by Fredrik_Northerner View Post
    Just a quick note about Oden's. Guess who manufacturs Oden's for Gajane? Yes, V2. So the exact same thing happening to Thunder is happening to Oden's, too high demand right now.
    Thanks for clearing that up.

    ok V2 you better get with the program or I'm going back to dip when my snUs runs out!


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
      Easy for you guys to say! You've got like a 10% (Missouri) and 15% (Florida) tobacco tax! Oklahoma tobacco tax is 60-80%! You got a garage I could rent out? Oklahoma gov't taxes the sh*t out of everything, yet we have the worst roads, worst schools, worst divorce rate, worst child abuse rate, worst substance abuse rate, worst everything! It's a f*ckin' cesspool in this state. These assholes have no idea how to manage money! They take more and more of our money, then say they need to raise taxes cuz the state is broke. Pompous self-serving hypocritical douche bags!!!!! Sorry, I'm not bitter.
      Um.... Florida is 85% wholesale tobacco tax...


      • NonServiam
        • May 2010
        • 736

        Originally posted by c.nash View Post
        Um.... Florida is 85% wholesale tobacco tax...
        My fault. I could've swore it said 15% on that chart. But being a Floridian, you would know better than me what your taxes are. I'll give you credit, if an 85% tax on your snus doesn't phase ya, then you're a better man than me.

        EDIT: Strike that, I just checked the State Tobacco Tax chart that Lxskllr posted as a sticky and it says your snuff tax is 25%. So that's where I was getting the "15%" tax, I was just 10 off. What I failed to see was Justintempler's post that you guys have amended the law to carry an additional 60% surcharge. So yeah, that would equal 85%. I know Northerner says that some snus carries a lower tax rate, V2 products I think. I don't know what you snus, but if it's V2 then that might be why the taxes didn't hurt you too bad.


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