...at The Northerner. Just ran another dummy order---six cans, all V2, shipped to KS. Price of cans has gone up about a dime since yesterday, tax has plummeted to only 42 cents total, and everything is now listed as in stock. Confusion still reigns methinks.
Pot Still Boiling...
Originally posted by Fury View PostI'd just like to know WTF is going on with Oden's?!? I have had a roll of Oden's Kanel ES lös on backorder for over a month now! It's already paid for, I sure as hell they don't hit me up with shipping also, I belive I already paid for that.
The northerner certainly seems to be having some issues, don't they?
Personally, I think that PACT is still nothing to be that concerned about. It is unconstitutional, sure, but more pertinently (at least as far as our current capitol dwellers are concerned), it will shut down our already puttering Postal Service and there are still no conceivable means of enforcement for the law.
What I am getting at is this: how sad would it be if all of this stumbling and bumbling the northerner has been doing to try and appease the USFG and get us yankees our moist Swedish snuff was all for nothing?
Originally posted by LaZeR View PostAccording to Fredrik. Oden's is one of those that falls under manufacturer 'under-supply' and they don't know when the ES kanel lös will be back in stock. After numerous of my funneh but bitchy posts and a few PM exchanges finally with Fredrik, I got mine subbed out to like 5 tins of ES kanel portion & 5 tins of skruf Xtra stark lös. I sold the 5 kanel portion to a co-worker luckily cause I much prefer it in lös. :-/
Originally posted by Fury View PostSo you settled for 5 tins of ES kanel portion & 5 tins of skruf Xtra stark lös in place of the Kanel ES los or was that just to hold you over till they can send your Oden's? And what does manufacturer 'under-supply' supposed to mean? I would think that they could have sent enough here to the US within the past month to fill some backorders.
I would like to 'think' there is a possibility I would still get at least some of my oden's ES kanel lös shipped when it ever comes back in stock, however, I'm not going to start that pissing match as I've done more than my share of yapping on here and do appreciate what Fredrik's and Rick have accomplished thus far personally with myself. Hey, I finally got my long awaited "Snus is the Shit" T-shirt. How can't I be a little happier now?
Bandersnatch- Personally, I think that PACT is still nothing to be that concerned about.C. Nash- Just made a mock order and tax prices seem pretty good!
Originally posted by NonServiam View PostEasy for you guys to say! You've got like a 10% (Missouri) and 15% (Florida) tobacco tax! Oklahoma tobacco tax is 60-80%! You got a garage I could rent out? Oklahoma gov't taxes the sh*t out of everything, yet we have the worst roads, worst schools, worst everything! These Assholes have no idea how to manage money. It's a f*ckin' cesspool in this state! They take more and more of our money, then say they need to raise taxes cuz the state is broke. Pompous self-serving hypocritical douche bags!!!!! Sorry, I'm not bitter.
Originally posted by Bigblue1Beg to differ bro, but with all the taxes collected in the once great state of lincoln, you'd expect great public schools, roads, and blowjobs at stop lights, I've yet to encounter just one of the three. But at least we still got a great water supply, that most of the people that use it have to pay for. Really, You go to Alaska as a reg citizen and you get paid for the resources. Just don't understand it all......
Now in order to keep this thread on track.....yeah, PACT definitely sucks! Did a dry run on Getsnus earlier, and 20 cans of General ES los was about $100.00! Those $2.50 cans of Timberwolf dip are looking really good.
Originally posted by Bigblue1Beg to differ bro, but with all the taxes collected in the once great state of lincoln, you'd expect great public schools, roads, and blowjobs at stop lights, I've yet to encounter just one of the three. But at least we still got a great water supply, that most of the people that use it have to pay for. Really, You go to Alaska as a reg citizen and you get paid for the resources. Just don't understand it all......
you aren't stopping at the right stop litesGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I got smacked by PACT right upside the head yesterday at the post office trying to mail 10 cans of snus to a US Air Force base in Yemen. 10 cans of fkng snus. I filled out the customs declaration form not only honestly but lawfully, and the lady said "oh no you cant mail tobacco anymore, as of today". I explained that APO addresses are exempt from PACT, or so I thought, and I ended up having to call a post office help line (for postal workers, not customers) to get it sorted out as she was taking forever and a huge line was forming behind me. After 30 minutes on the phone it was determined that some APO zip codes are exempt, some are not, including the one for Yemen. So next time I send a troops donation I have to first make sure that tobacco can be sent to Afghanistan and Iraq. Anyway, today I take the package to UPS, she looks up the zip code and tells me: "UPS doesn't ship to this address". I had already explained in casual conversation why I was shipping this UPS. I thought about taking the package pack to the post office tomorrow and filling out a new customs form and saying it contains "gifts" or ****ing tiddlywinks, but do I really want to commit customs fraud? That's a $300 fine at the very least, I remember that from the scolding I received last Fall trying to smuggle brats off a flight from Frankfurt. "Any meat or animal products in your bag?" "Uh, no sir".
Originally posted by Roo View PostI thought about taking the package pack to the post office tomorrow and filling out a new customs form and saying it contains "gifts" or ****ing tiddlywinks...
postal bulletin 22287 (6-17-10)
Might find something there to get you through the Postal procedures without feeling like a criminal!!
Also, you should try a different office or a different clerk
(this one is bound to remember you and would definitely find your package questionable.)
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