BuySnus PACT info email...

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  • bleubeard
    New Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 7

    The adult signature verification by UPS is REALLY inconvenient. UPS usually will leave packages at the apartment leasing office, but not this. I missed it twice because I was at work. Now I have to drive across town to pick up my snus.

    On another note, BuySnus is pretty good. It's the only snus retailer I've bought from (except recently I tried northerner and it was a huge disappointment.) Good deals every now and then, freebies, and they ship out pretty quick.


    • skyline142
      • Apr 2010
      • 193

      Buysnus will almost always be cheaper now that Northerner enforces taxes


      02 Original Strong Portion 10 $ 20.50 $ 32.40 $ 32.40 (0%)
      General Extra Sterk, Strong Portion 10 $ 19.10 $ 33.10 $ 33.10 (0%)
      General Sterk, Strong Portion 10 $ 21.20 $ 33.10 $ 33.10 (0%)
      Jakobssons Wintergreen, Strong Portion 10 $ 18.30 $ 27.60 $ 27.60 (0%)
      UPS Ground 1 $ 0.00 $ 13.25 $ 13.25 (0%)
      Total weight: 4.158 lbs
      Items: $ 126.20
      Tobacco tax: $ 79.10
      Delivery from US-PA: $ 13.25
      Total: ~$ 218.55
      Charged in USD: $ 218.55

      02 Strong Portion 10 pack 1 34.27 34.27
      General Extra Sterk Portion 10 pack 1 34.27 34.27
      General Sterk Portion 10 pack 1 31.04 31.04
      Jakobssons Wintergreen Strong Portion 10 pack 1 34.27 34.27
      Bonus 50 % discount on: General Sterk Portion -15.52 (happened to have two points, something you dont see with northerner, they limit you to what they have for the club 100. And 5 rolls, get one half off? Awesome.)
      Freight: 23.74
      Handling fee: 0.00

      Order total: 142.07

      Here is a quote from if you are concerned with taxes "We pay the appropriate duties and government fees since we use UPS DDP (Delivery & Duty Paid). If you as a customer should be contacted by a local authority to pay taxes or fees please contact us. We promise you that we’ll sort this out without any problems for you."

      Even if you have low taxes, Buysnus will be cheaper in the long run, especially for bigger purchaces! Get some referalls too! I get half off almost every time I order. Cause anyone you refer, gets 10% off their first, PLUS, every time THEY buy a roll, YOU get a point. Free money.

      Also, buysnus offers EVERY snus they did before! That includes your beloved Skruf.


      • skyline142
        • Apr 2010
        • 193

        Took 5 days to get my shipment from Buysnus from Sweden as well, even OVER A HOLIDAY WEEKEND!


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          Can't they get you for back sales tax after a while?


          • skyline142
            • Apr 2010
            • 193

            What about for all the snus you bought from Northerner, or any snus website before pact act? They could get you for that too. Back taxes are something personally I wouldnt ever worry about. If the government actually got off their asses and got me, Id high five them for actually doing something. Then cry when I looked at my wallet.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Good point.. I've only done orders from two companies both buysnus and northerner and both worked out pretty good.. So I'll do business with both.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                This is blasphemy I'm sure... But...

                PACT tax collection provisions (vendors have to collect) may be a good thing if you are trying to stay legal (which is a VERY good idea, IMO).

                Neither states nor the federal tax people are uniformly set up to deal with consumers for tobacco taxes. By PACT making the vendors collect the tobacco tax, all I have to do to stay legal now is pay sales/use tax which is 1 form once a year.

                All of the "savings" (well except for USPS versus UPS - that part I don't agree with at all - businesses should be able to ship tobacco to consumers under the same rules as the person to person exclusion) before was more or less tax evasion. i.e., you owed all of these taxes (Tobacco + sales/use) and were supposed to be paying them yourselves before PACT.

                By actually paying our taxes, we put a cost to the government banning snus.

                The part of PACT we should be fighting is the USPS prohibition. UPS only scares me. A private company can now update their policy tomorrow and shut down all snus delivery in the US. And, IMO, they will be pressured to do so shortly.


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  I really hope not.. UPS is the only hope we have for now. I have a few cigar shops around here but i need more variety than general.


                  • Jimbob_Rebel
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 169

                    Originally posted by danielan View Post

                    Neither states nor the federal tax people are uniformly set up to deal with consumers for tobacco taxes. By PACT making the vendors collect the tobacco tax, all I have to do to stay legal now is pay sales/use tax which is 1 form once a year.
                    Dude, you actually rat yourself out on the state income tax form? Wow..............


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514

                      I prefer to rat myself out then get cross-wise to "the man". I am admittedly more then a bit paranoid and don't have a high trust in "fairness" or "justice" right now.

                      PACT requires disclosure of all tobacco purchases to state tax agents:
                      "‘(c) Records-

                      ‘(1) IN GENERAL- Each delivery seller shall keep a record of any delivery sale, including all of the information described in section 2(a)(2), organized by the State, and within the State, by the city or town and by zip code, into which the delivery sale is so made.

                      ‘(2) RECORD RETENTION- Records of a delivery sale shall be kept as described in paragraph (1) until the end of the 4th full calendar year that begins after the date of the delivery sale.

                      ‘(3) ACCESS FOR OFFICIALS- Records kept under paragraph (1) shall be made available to tobacco tax administrators of the States, to local governments and Indian tribes that apply local or tribal taxes on cigarettes or smokeless tobacco, to the attorneys general of the States, to the chief law enforcement officers of the local governments and Indian tribes, and to the Attorney General of the United States in order to ensure the compliance of persons making delivery sales with the requirements of this Act."
                      Now, when they go get these disclosures, they will have a record of unpaid sales/use taxes. Customs also shares valuations with state tax agencies - so you're not hiding by using foreign vendors...

                      Given the economic climate - do you think they (states) will go after you for your unpaid taxes? Do you think they will also want interest and/or fines?

                      Adding a few cents to each can of snus is worth it to me to not worry about it.


                      • Jimbob_Rebel
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 169

                        Danielan, my neighbor didn't pay the feds or file returs for something like 18 years, it took that long for federal ninjas to show up on his doorstep. He wasn't home at the time but his wife must've really wet her knickers since he decided immediately afterwards to work out a payment schedule with the eternal revenue service.

                        Like yourself, I have no faith in the goodwill of our rulers but I believe,hypothetically, it to be a good idea to resist when and where one may without bringing ruination upon oneself. What if the feds had to send ninjas to everyone's homes to collect taxes? Étienne de la Boétie pointed out some time ago that despotism only functions with the consent of those opressed.

                        "The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude is lucidly and coherently structured around a single axiom, a single percipient insight into the nature not only of tyranny, but implicitly of the State apparatus itself. Many medieval writers had attacked tyranny, but La Boétie delves especially deeply into its nature, and into the nature of State rule itself. This fundamental insight was that every tyranny must necessarily be grounded upon general popular acceptance. In short, the bulk of the people themselves, for whatever reason, acquiesce in their own subjection. If this were not the case, no tyranny, indeed no governmental rule, could long endure. Hence, a government does not have to be popularly elected to enjoy general public support; for general public support is in the very nature of all governments that endure, including the most oppressive of tyrannies. The tyrant is but one person, and could scarcely command the obedience of another person, much less of an entire country, if most of the subjects did not grant their obedience by their own consent.[9]"


                        here's a fair and sensible rendering of those principles put to practical use;

                        Refusing to Be Counted
                        by Vijay Boyapati


                        • danielan
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1514

                          I don't disagree - hypothetically.

                          But at this particular time and place it seems prudent to pay the taxes my "fellow citizens" have decreed that I owe and avoid the fees, fines and hassles.

                          My position is not a moral statement. I'm not suggesting that you are "wrong" or "evil" for not paying them. If that compass was out, I might be found on the wrong side of this. i.e., funding evil.

                          My position is merely personal convenience and risk avoidance. i.e., I don't want to end up like Wesley Snipes or Willie Nelson.


                          • Jimbob_Rebel
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 169

                            Originally posted by danielan View Post
                            I don't disagree - hypothetically.

                            But at this particular time and place it seems prudent to pay the taxes my "fellow citizens" have decreed that I owe and avoid the fees, fines and hassles.

                            My position is not a moral statement. I'm not suggesting that you are "wrong" or "evil" for not paying them. If that compass was out, I might be found on the wrong side of this. i.e., funding evil.

                            My position is merely personal convenience and risk avoidance. i.e., I don't want to end up like Wesley Snipes or Willie Nelson.
                            Wesley, Willie, and then there's Irwin Schiff(father of Peter Schiff,president of Euro Pacific Capital and current candidate for U.S. senate) who got 13 years in a federal pen because he didn't want to file tax returns. I don't think I'd care for a trip to club fed myself which is why I specified; " without bringing ruination upon oneself". An additional consideration would be that we're aproaching what may be an historical watershed moment with the collapse of the economy and it would be difficult to predict what may come of it.


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Originally posted by danielan View Post
                              I don't disagree - hypothetically.

                              But at this particular time and place it seems prudent to pay the taxes my "fellow citizens" have decreed that I owe and avoid the fees, fines and hassles.

                              My position is not a moral statement. I'm not suggesting that you are "wrong" or "evil" for not paying them. If that compass was out, I might be found on the wrong side of this. i.e., funding evil.

                              My position is merely personal convenience and risk avoidance. i.e., I don't want to end up like Wesley Snipes or Willie Nelson.
                              You do know you have just eliminated all possibilities of ever getting employed by the Obama Administration with that statement?


                              • Veganpunk
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 5381

                                Wait. Will Buysnus ship LD? I did a dummy order and ran all the way until you pay no problems. I don't need any right now, and it is more expensive then Northerner used to sell it, but like GoVegan said, I will pay more for some brands. Especially LD.

                                EDIT: Damn. Never mind. Says not for sale in U.S. on LD.


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