northerner, your slipping

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  • pcguy
    • Sep 2008
    • 139

    SAP or other big name apps are hardly required. I also happen to run my own web store (different line of product)

    I utilize open source software that tracks inventory, ships, charges credit cards etc... and maintain it all by myself just fine. Those lines of reasoning just don't hold water if your going to do business in 2010 on the internet.

    Lazy and sloppy to hide behind such excuses.


    • Experimental Monkey
      • Mar 2010
      • 795

      Something just struck me on this V2 shortage problem. Aren't they moving to their new factory right now? You know, the one the winner of the Thunder taste test contest is supposed to get a tour of? This is probably the cause of all this mess.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Truthfully i understand this mess but saying you should have ordered earlier pisses me off. I am not rich and i ordered when i could, three weeks before pact. Northerner knew demand was coming but didnt plan ahead, that makes this northerners bad.

        And why thr **** did they cancel my order, without so much as an email explaining why? Bad business if you ask me. I was willing to wait.


        • Joe234
          • Apr 2010
          • 1948

          The Northerner is obviously overloaded with PACT.

          I thought that's why we planned ahead.

          I'll continue to support The Northerner as my main snus source.
          I posted some competitor's web sites as a little competition is good.



          • bleubeard
            New Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 7

            Ok. I just tried Northerner for the first time. I am usually a buysnus customer. But I figured that ordering from Northerner's USA warehouse that the shipping would be faster and cheaper. Wrong. Shipping was still $15 for 4 rolls (which seems alot to me to ship within the states). I placed the order on June 24th and it has still not shipped, and I emailed asking the status of my order and I still did not receive an answer.

            Unconfident that I would receive my order before my stash ran out, I went ahead and placed an order from BuySnus, on July 1st. It's already shipped and should be here in the next couple days. Shipping costs more, but they had a deal on the N&J Whites and I had my 6th roll discount.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              I have no trouble getting Thunder Frosted so I don't understand what problems Northerner have in getting it.


              • bipolarbear1968
                • Mar 2010
                • 1074

                I could be wrong but I'd suspect it's because you're across the pond?


                • Experimental Monkey
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 795

                  Originally posted by bleubeard View Post
                  Ok. I just tried Northerner for the first time. I am usually a buysnus customer. But I figured that ordering from Northerner's USA warehouse that the shipping would be faster and cheaper. Wrong. Shipping was still $15 for 4 rolls (which seems alot to me to ship within the states). I placed the order on June 24th and it has still not shipped, and I emailed asking the status of my order and I still did not receive an answer.

                  Unconfident that I would receive my order before my stash ran out, I went ahead and placed an order from BuySnus, on July 1st. It's already shipped and should be here in the next couple days. Shipping costs more, but they had a deal on the N&J Whites and I had my 6th roll discount.
                  Yeah, I saw that on the N&J Whites and I'm damn intrigued. Me thinks it's time to go back to using SnusCentral (BuySnus mirror) considering they've let it known they will cover any UPS brokerage fees if you encounter them.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
                    Yeah, I saw that on the N&J Whites and I'm damn intrigued. Me thinks it's time to go back to using SnusCentral (BuySnus mirror) considering they've let it known they will cover any UPS brokerage fees if you encounter them.
                    Thanks for the tidbit about brokerage fees... That's why I've been scares to order from buysnus.. If they cover it that's awesome


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      Scares = scared


                      • pcguy
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 139

                        My order that inspired this thread was POST pact , July 1st. And it was a specific situation. I have plenty of snus to last a while, so this is not a panic order. But I do expect a company that takes an order, supposedly has in stock, should be able to at least pack and ship said order within a few days. Which they have not. This was a order, and having been a long time getsnus customer, I figured I would give them a shot at my first post pact order.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
                          I could be wrong but I'd suspect it's because you're across the pond?
                          But I can't get it from Northerner.


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