Northerner: Praise and Thanks.

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  • xhepera
    • Nov 2009
    • 25

    Originally posted by Veganpunk View Post
    That's why I posted it. I can understand some peoples frustration, but I'm seeing posts like people are gonna stop using them. We need a U.S. based snus store now more then ever. Funny thing about the package. 1 roll in two unmarked packages. Very slick. They are trying guys to get us our Pre PACT orders.
    I am going to stop using them. In my neck of the woods, folks who take your money, don't deliver what you paid for, and don't respond to emails and phone calls are NOT the folks one should choose to do business with.


    • dxh
      • Jun 2010
      • 340

      Originally posted by xhepera View Post
      I am going to stop using them. In my neck of the woods, folks who take your money, don't deliver what you paid for, and don't respond to emails and phone calls are NOT the folks one should choose to do business with.
      I am 100% with you


      • CultLeaderLettuce
        • Nov 2009
        • 97

        Northerner finally got their old orders back up on their site, and I was happy to see that my pending cans had been shipped. And then a few days ago, I got 'em in the mail. I like how they shipped it too... very very nice.

        But anyways, Northerner has done their best to reply to our messages here, and Rick's been responding to private messages here as well, so I do believe that their communication has been good. Thanks Northerner!

        (also, I have discovered that the new thunder frosted longs are absolutely amazing... now if V2 could do this for the berry as well, I think that they'd be my favorite snus manufacturer)


        • dxh
          • Jun 2010
          • 340

          Originally posted by CultLeaderLettuce View Post
          Northerner finally got their old orders back up on their site, and I was happy to see that my pending cans had been shipped. And then a few days ago, I got 'em in the mail. I like how they shipped it too... very very nice.

          But anyways, Northerner has done their best to reply to our messages here, and Rick's been responding to private messages here as well, so I do believe that their communication has been good. Thanks Northerner!

          (also, I have discovered that the new thunder frosted longs are absolutely amazing... now if V2 could do this for the berry as well, I think that they'd be my favorite snus manufacturer)
          Yeah, well I had to join this forum to find out what the deal was. They don't respond to me, and the only response I got here was from fellow forum members. I would call their communication poor at best. They can talk on forums till the cows come home, but not answering emails submitted through the contact us form is unacceptable.
          Glad you got your snus! I am jealous.


          • xhepera
            • Nov 2009
            • 25

            Originally posted by CultLeaderLettuce View Post
            Northerner finally got their old orders back up on their site, and I was happy to see that my pending cans had been shipped. And then a few days ago, I got 'em in the mail. I like how they shipped it too... very very nice.
            May I ask what it was you liked about the way it was shipped? My recent, shorted order from them had 12 cans just thrown, willy-nilly into a big envelope that looks like it went through the ringer and several of the snus-catcher lids had actually come off the cans.


            • CultLeaderLettuce
              • Nov 2009
              • 97

              Originally posted by xhepera View Post
              May I ask what it was you liked about the way it was shipped? My recent, shorted order from them had 12 cans just thrown, willy-nilly into a big envelope that looks like it went through the ringer and several of the snus-catcher lids had actually come off the cans.
              Plain white envelope, no return address, no customs declaration, just my address and a prioritaire stamp on the top-right. I had asked for USPS when I made my order, and I'll be damned if they didn't do their best to make sure that it was shipped USPS. Pretty much a middle finger given to PACT in the name of the customers. (I don't know if I should have posted this or not, if a moderator feels that giving out this information may hurt The Northerner in any way, feel free to delete this post)

              Also, I just had five cans pending, and they all were packed nicely in a bubble envelope, and they arrived to me happy and in one piece. Sounds like your issue is more of an issue of the USPS in your area and less of an issue with The Northerner.


              • bosbears02
                New Member
                • Jun 2009
                • 14

                Just saw this thread and checked the Northerner/Getsnus site. My order from 6/24 has been partially shipped. I wonder what sort of pot luck the snus gods will send me?


                • xhepera
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 25

                  Originally posted by CultLeaderLettuce View Post
                  Plain white envelope, no return address, no customs declaration, just my address and a prioritaire stamp on the top-right. I had asked for USPS when I made my order, and I'll be damned if they didn't do their best to make sure that it was shipped USPS. Pretty much a middle finger given to PACT in the name of the customers. (I don't know if I should have posted this or not, if a moderator feels that giving out this information may hurt The Northerner in any way, feel free to delete this post)

                  Also, I just had five cans pending, and they all were packed nicely in a bubble envelope, and they arrived to me happy and in one piece. Sounds like your issue is more of an issue of the USPS in your area and less of an issue with The Northerner.
                  Nope. Not USPS. Came UPS. Wrong address. Fortunately they didn't ask for a signature. And my issue is most certainly with Northerner. Wrong address/sloppy packing/shorted order/zero response (for about a week now) to polite and civil emails and voice mails.


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Whoops ..

                    Originally posted by xhepera View Post
                    Nope. Not USPS. Came UPS. Wrong address. Fortunately they didn't ask for a signature. And my issue is most certainly with Northerner. Wrong address/sloppy packing/shorted order/zero response (for about a week now) to polite and civil emails and voice mails.
                    Let me get this straight!!
                    You actually got polite and civil emails and voice mails from Northerner (and/or Getsnus)?
                    Am I missing something here?

                    Finally realized I misread your post: polite and civil emails and voice mails
                    were from you to them!! Now, that makes sense!
                    From a good number of
                    snuson posts, a major complaint is getting little/no timely responses. My

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	customer-service&#4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	595444


                    • xhepera
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 25

                      Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                      Let me get this straight!!
                      You actually got polite and civil emails and voice mails from Northerner (and/or Getsnus)?
                      Am I missing something here?

                      Finally realized I misread your post: polite and civil emails and voice mails
                      were from you to them!! Now, that makes sense!
                      From a good number of
                      snuson posts, a major complaint is getting little/no timely responses. My

                      lol! No problem. Yes the polite and civil were from my end. There has been absolutely nothing from their end. Which is why they've lost a customer. I don't care how many defend them, make excuses for them, or are having great experiences with them. . .all I have to go on is *my* experience with them, and it's been abominable.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Northerner should partner with fedex to fix their shipping problems.


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Why don't you tell us exactly how you feel...

                          Originally posted by xhepera View Post
                          lol! No problem. Yes the polite and civil were from my end. There has been absolutely nothing from their end. Which is why they've lost a customer. I don't care how many defend them, make excuses for them, or are having great experiences with them. . .all I have to go on is *my* experience with them, and it's been abominable.
                          Your feedback is appreciated!
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	poorcustomerserv&.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	49.5 KB
ID:	595445
                          ........Have a Nice Day!


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