Where's Getsnus's Customer Service?

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  • Tristik
    • Jan 2009
    • 654

    Where's Getsnus's Customer Service?

    I made my first post-PACT order and forgot to change my address from a PO Box. UPS contacted me saying they needed an apartment number to ship. I don't live in an apartment. I checked the tracking and the shipment had been bouncing around for 3 days. I called them back to correct my address, and they said to notify the sender and they would have to call UPS to change the shipping address. They would not let the recipient change it.

    Well, I sent an email over a week ago asking for the address to be changed on the particular order number. Since I got no reply, I sent another one 3 days ago. I still haven't gotten a reply and my order is still sitting in a UPS hub warehouse.

    Anyone know another way of getting a hold of them? There's no phone number on the "Contact Us" tab on the website and I'm starting to get pissed. My snus has been in a hot ass warehouse since July 1st and I can't do anything about it. So the 70+ bucks i spent on this order I don't have is just sitting in limbo and probably getting crappier by the hour.
  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Found a number..

    Originally posted by Tristik View Post
    Anyone know another way of getting a hold of them? There's no phone number on the "Contact Us" tab on the website and I'm starting to get pissed. My snus has been in a hot ass warehouse since July 1st and I can't do anything about it. So the 70+ bucks i spent on this order I don't have is just sitting in limbo and probably getting crappier by the hour.
    A quick search at AnyWho came up with this info:
    Northerner Scandinavia, Inc.
    2944 Betz Ct
    Orefield, PA 18069

    ** (number lookup) >

    Let us know how you make out!!

    btw, Getsnus = Northerner!!!


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      * (610) 366-1011

      Getsnus = Northerner!!!


      • Harlequin
        New Member
        • Jul 2010
        • 9

        It really is incredulous that they can hope to stay in business with such terrible customer relations. Half the time I get no reply to my emails, the rest of the time I get a stock response that doesn't answer my original question and does me no good. How hard is it to just reply saying, "Sorry, I don't have an answer for you at the moment due to shipping problems out of our control, but I'll get back to you by 'insert date here' with an update"?


        • Harlequin
          New Member
          • Jul 2010
          • 9

          I don't know who's running the American ops, but it would appear they're asleep at the wheel. Time for a change in management.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            The only way I could imagine making their responses any slower is if they had to work their way through congress.


            • snusgetter
              • May 2010
              • 10903

              Originally posted by Harlequin View Post
              I don't know who's running the American ops, but it would appear they're asleep at the wheel. Time for a change in management.
              Speakin' of which: anybody see Fredrik around lately?



              • dxh
                • Jun 2010
                • 340

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                The only way I could imagine making their responses any slower is if they had to work their way through congress.


                • dxh
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 340

                  Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                  Evidently buysnus bought it. Northerner bought everything else.
                  I think northerner owns it? I see little things in the site that say northerner.

                  Sorry to hear about your issues. I have had plenty with getsnus. I still don't have items I ordered a month before PACT. Good times


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903


                    Originally posted by dxh View Post
                    i think northerner owns it? I see little things in the site that say northerner.
                    From the snuson vault:
                    Originally posted by fredrik_northerner View Post
                    we've obvisouly did some major number crunching since our acquisition of getsnus and as i stated in another thread, it's simply not possible for us to run a business the way the getsnus pricing-, shipping- and freebie policy was set up before. However, it's important to us to try and satisfy all of you best we can so i figured we'd go straight to the source and ask you guys what you feel are important (if you have to choose).

                    We just can't do the free shipping at $50 usd so that's been increased in the poll options.

                    Appreciate any and all input!


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511

                      Damn, that sucks man.

                      Have you tried PMing Frederik on here? Or talk to RickCharles and he can relay the message.

                      Good luck, hope you get everything sorted out.


                      • Harlequin
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 9

                        Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                        Damn, that sucks man.

                        Have you tried PMing Frederik on here? Or talk to RickCharles and he can relay the message.

                        Good luck, hope you get everything sorted out.
                        Kind of pathetic that one would need to resort to hunting down the management on a separate forum because they don't answer emails through their site or offer any alternative means of communication.


                        • casechopper
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 15

                          I made an order the 30th of June (I know, kind of stupid to not order until right after the start of PACT) for 40 cans of Thunder frosted los and 10 cans of Thunder berry portions.

                          I emailed them three times through their contact page but never received any response. Yesterday the frosted los came in but I'm still waiting on the berry portions. So, it took 12 days to get part of my order. Not terrible but not great either and the lack of response really didn't sit well with me.

                          In the emails I sent I did mention that I'd checked the main Northerner site and seen that the only part of my order that was out of stock in the US warehouse was the berry portions and if it would help to get the order out quicker they could substitute regular thunder los (same price and taxes). They could have saved a bit on shipping this way rather than sending me my order in two parts...

                          Of course it's not a good sign that I had to look and see what substitutes were available in the first place. I should have been contacted and informed of the situation and offered substitutes or a partial refund instead of just sitting in limbo waiting for some info on my order. I work at a mail order company and not replying to emails is a fast way to lose customers.


                          • zmanzero
                            • May 2009
                            • 766

                            here's what getsnus customer service sent me, i've been waiting about 2 months now for the last of my order to ship. got this 2 days ago about 5 days after i emailed 'em -
                            Thank you for your e-mail.
                            We are sorry but we have bean swamped with over 1000 e-mails due to the up date and the PACT act and we in the customer support will do our best to answer all your questions asap.

                            We are sorry for this and will ship missing snus asap.

                            Kind regards,


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              I dunno but I got ANOTHER:


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