Where's Getsnus's Customer Service?

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  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    So now you got two laz?

    I want one! lol.


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Originally posted by c.nash View Post
      So now you got two laz?

      I want one! lol.
      I dunno. I'm gonna see if my girlfriend will wear hers whilst I wear mine as we have sexual intercourse. After I try that out a few times, I'll be in touch.


      • Northerner.com
        • Sep 2008
        • 98

        Since the new law was passed in USA we have received an extreme amout of e-mails, this has unfortunately made the respons time very long. We will have more people answearing e-mails in 48 hours. We will answear your question as soon as we can, we apologize about the long respons time. In August or September we will also open up a 800-number for customers to call. We will employ one person in the US who will work with customer support.

        We also experience supply problems from manufacturers:
        Knox, White Portion
        Skruf Stark, White Portion
        Odens Classic Kanel, Portion
        Odens Extra Stark Kanel, Loose
        Offroad Original, Portion
        Offroad Wintergreen, Long Cut
        Thunder Frosted Long+, Strong Portion
        XQ's Licorice, Portion

        We will ship these brands as soon as we receive them from our supplier. We apologize for the delay!

        Of course we will compensate for every delay, you can expect that.



        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          Frank, you gotta be a brave soul for sauntering in here these days...

          My hat's off to you
          (as soon as I find it!)


          • Tristik
            • Jan 2009
            • 654

            Just an update:

            I just checked my tracking on the Thunder WG shipment. It's being sent back to the northerner US warehouse in Pennsylvania. >.<

            Not sure what's up now. I guess I have to wait for a refund then re-order it? I made an order of Frosted+ maybe a week after my order of WG and that's coming through fine since I changed my address on their website (due at my door today actually).


            • snusgetter
              • May 2010
              • 10903


              Be optimistic, even in the face of reality!!

              (When online, there's not really much more of a choice without a steady supply of meds!!!)


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                Originally posted by Northerner.com View Post
                Since the new law was passed in USA we have received an extreme amout of e-mails, this has unfortunately made the respons time very long. We will have more people answearing e-mails in 48 hours. We will answear your question as soon as we can, we apologize about the long respons time. In August or September we will also open up a 800-number for customers to call. We will employ one person in the US who will work with customer support.

                We also experience supply problems from manufacturers:
                Knox, White Portion
                Skruf Stark, White Portion
                Odens Classic Kanel, Portion
                Odens Extra Stark Kanel, Loose
                Offroad Original, Portion
                Offroad Wintergreen, Long Cut
                Thunder Frosted Long+, Strong Portion
                XQ's Licorice, Portion

                We will ship these brands as soon as we receive them from our supplier. We apologize for the delay!

                Of course we will compensate for every delay, you can expect that.

                Glad to see you post here Frank.

                However you said Oden's Kanel Portion is out... I received 3 cans of that about a week ago but my Kanel Los has not came in yet.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                  Frank, you gotta be a brave soul for sauntering in here these days...

                  My hat's off to you
                  (as soon as I find it!)
                  +1. In reality he doesn't have to defend anything. Just keep us updated is all we ask.

                  Thanks Frank!


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