Can you guys give me some experiences with BuySnus?

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
    So, who collects the state taxes? or is that something you need to do voluntarily combined with your income tax at the end of the year.

    The obligation is on you, just as it always has been.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
      The obligation is on you, just as it always has been.

      However Getsnus is DDP so you don't have to worry about seizure.


      • thatguyjeff
        • Jun 2008
        • 103

        Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
        So, who collects the state taxes? or is that something you need to do voluntarily combined with your income tax at the end of the year.
        I'm not a lawyer or anything.

        Seeing as you're in MN - I am too... When I first started ordering snus and found out that I am responsible for paying MN state tobacco tax, I looked into it.

        Can't remember where I found it, but I found something about tobacco users are allowed to import up to $700 worth of tobacco for personal use per year without paying any state taxes. After $700 (I think that's the number, from what I remember), then you have to start paying state tobacco tax.

        Anyway, once I found that, I have done nothing by way of paying any state tobacco taxes as I'm only importing about $300 worth per year.

        The above applies to Minnesota only... other states probably differ.


        • thatguyjeff
          • Jun 2008
          • 103

          I went and double checked...

          MN statute 297F.06 subd. 4 states:

          "The tobacco products use tax does not apply to the possession, use, or storage of tobacco products if (1) the tobacco products have an aggregate cost in any calendar month to the consumer of $50 or less, and (2) the tobacco products were carried into this state by that consumer."

          I'm pretty sure that $50 doesn't include shipping costs - shipping isn't a "tobacco product."

          I came up with $700 per because $50 x 12 months = $700. So a person could bring in a total of $700 in one year, so long as it doesn't exceed $50 per month, in any one month.

          The part about carrying the tobacco into the state is a bit of a bugger. I don't remember that part. I don't know how that figures into the whole mail order bit.


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Originally posted by thatguyjeff View Post
            ... The part about carrying the tobacco into the state is a bit of a bugger. I don't remember that part. I don't know how that figures into the whole mail order bit.

            A case could be made that you had to carry it in from the mailbox!




            • FINALBOSS
              • Jun 2010
              • 37

              Order is supposed to be here tomorrow. Shall let you know how fresh it is. Skruf Extra Stark from Northerner didn't taste very fresh to me--so hopefully this is an upgrade.


              • MGX
                • Jun 2010
                • 127

                In the past two years buysnus has been a reliable source. Shipments have always arrived 6 days on the dot from ordering like clockwork. Perhaps their prices are not the lowest however their service has always been good to me and I will continue to use and recommend them.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  I've just noticed, only because people have brought it up, that since I've ordered from Buysnus my Thunder Frosted has been quite moist unliike orders from another company where it's been as dry as a bone.

                  I'll happily pay the pound or two extra for reliable service and good snus.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                    So, who collects the state taxes? or is that something you need to do voluntarily combined with your income tax at the end of the year.
                    No - in California there are a couple of forms you have to fill out. You then return those before certain dates with your receipts and tax payment. Nothing terrible really but it just seems like one more thing to do. Now if I could just go online and just check how many cans of snus I bought and stick in my CC# I would be fine with that.


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511

                      Originally posted by MGX View Post
                      In the past two years buysnus has been a reliable source. Shipments have always arrived 6 days on the dot from ordering like clockwork. Perhaps their prices are not the lowest however their service has always been good to me and I will continue to use and recommend them.
                      Only took 3 days with the cheapest UPS option selected for me. :P


                      • CorpsmanUP
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 32

                        My last order shipped on a monday and I recieved it on Wensday here in SC, My last order they forgot my prismaster so I contacted them and recieved an email the next day saying to inform them on my next order. I informed them and when my next order showed up to the door it lookes like they threw a few extra prismasters in there for my trouble!! I also orderd a random roll and they included nothing but 10 cans high quality snus! Onyx, Nick&Jhonnys, oden's etc.

                        I highly recommend


                        • FINALBOSS
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 37

                          KK! Just came in! Nicely packed, everything looks great. Cracked open my first Skruf and quick question for you guys--is it supposed to look literally BLACK in some places? I've always ordered it from Northerner and it was always a brown. But this is for sure black in some spots.


                          • FINALBOSS
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 37

                            And of course I popped in my usual morning snus before the PACT---2 skruf extra starks <3


                            • Harlequin
                              New Member
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 9

                              they run a tight ship at buysnus. My orders have turned out to be cheaper overall when including all costs than buying at Northerner or getsnus, and *gasp* they actually seem to only offer items they have in stock! I'm in upstate NY and my orders have been arriving in 3-4 days. These are my new snus suppliers. Highly recommended.


                              • c.nash
                                Banned Users
                                • May 2010
                                • 3511

                                Originally posted by FINALBOSS View Post
                                KK! Just came in! Nicely packed, everything looks great. Cracked open my first Skruf and quick question for you guys--is it supposed to look literally BLACK in some places? I've always ordered it from Northerner and it was always a brown. But this is for sure black in some spots.
                                That means it's moist.


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