Placed a nice but expensive order

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Placed a nice but expensive order

    I just placed A nice but a bit expensive order from SnusCentral, I would have gone with Northerner or GetSnus, But even with free shipping and the General buy 5 get 2 free the pricing came out about the same and I didn't need 7 cans of General Onyx, It would seem unless you are buying 3 rolls from Northerner it isn't much cheaper, Besides they didn't have the catch pure mint in stock ...WTF... They just got it in a few days ago, How can they be out of stock already and they did have it in stock on sat. So i went with SnusCentral their catch pure mint is cheaper anyway and i don't have to wait for seperate orders, or Peel of the skull & cross bone labels...

    I bought an Icetool for my 1st experiance with Los along with some Los and the Icetool was cheaper, I figured if I'm going to do Los, i'm going head first and doing it the right way the first time weather I can afford it or not, Better now than later... Besides I'm sure alot of you would buy it on the exchange if I find I don't like Los... Here is what I ordered... Scheduled to be delivered on Wed 9/8/10

    2 x Ettan Loose Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x Roda Lacket Loose Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    4 x Catch Pure Mint Mini White Portion
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    5 x General Ekstra Sterk Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x General Loose Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x Probe Whiskey Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    4 x Ettan Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    2 x General Ekstra Sterk Loose
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    2 x General ONYX Strong Black Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x Goteborgs Rape' No2 White Portion
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    5 x Nick and Johnny Strong Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x Icetool 3 ml Stainless steel
    - Quantity: 1 Pcs
    1 x Thunder Berry Extra Strong Portion Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    1 x Phantom Classic Blue Loose Snus
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    3 x Thunder Frosted Strong MINI Portion
    - Quantity: 1 Can
    2 x Thunder Frosted Long + Strong Portion
    - Quantity: 1 Can
  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    I was always a Getsnus customer pre-pact. I haven't ordered anything post-pact yet. I went back to dip for the most part, but I still have a few cans of Skruf and GES los in my freezer. I pull one out about every two weeks because I really still do love snus.

    I'll have to do a dry run through Snuscentral to see how the price works out. I would always like to try to have a snus stash on the side.

    I see you ordered some Probe Whiskey. I really liked the American whiskey dips and would like to try the Probe, how is it?

    I also want to try some Thunder Original los. Since it's so cheap, I would like to see if it's comparable to my 2.75 a can dip. If it works out to about the same cost per year, I may commit back to snus via Thunder. Only problem is, my wife handles all the bills and I really don't want her knowing how much snus I go through or how much it costs us. It was a little easier pre-pact.

    Hey, I wear the pants damn't.....she just tells me what pair to put on. lol


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      Very nice..looking forward to hearing about the Catch Pure Mint. I just went to Snuscentral site, just to see what all they have and I love their govt mandated warning and the bottom part which says something to the effect, 'if you are not american, the above warning does not apply to you.' I am holding out until 3/4 of my frozen stash is gone or when Thunder Berry Mini is released, whichever comes first. Until then, I'll have to 'experience' new snus through you guys!


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
        I see you ordered some Probe Whiskey. I really liked the American whiskey dips and would like to try the Probe, how is it?
        I don't know yet on the probe, this will be my 1st time with that one along with, the Catch Pure mint, Los, and Thunder Frosted Long + all others are now in my rotation


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
          I see you ordered some Probe Whiskey. I really liked the American whiskey dips and would like to try the Probe, how is it?

          Hey, I wear the pants damn't.....she just tells me what pair to put on. lol
          dude, just tally up the manicures, pedicures, hair styles, colorings, stuff she buys on sale that she doesn't need, the clothes that she has the same thing, the shoes to replace the ones that aren't worn out yet, the makeup, the hair products, mud masks, and anything else girly (can't include pads 'cos if she didn't take care of that you wouldn't be happy)...I swear it will be twice what your snus costs. Don't do it to be a dick, just to put it in perspective.

          Anywhoo...the Probe Whiskey is not really like the whiskey dips IMO. It's a fuller flavor like dip would give you but I think it's a darker whiskey taste. Once a year or so I get a can and it takes effort to finish it. I find that after about 40 minutes or so I want to get rid of the portion. Now, I haven't tried the los and I suspect I might have better luck with that.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Oh yeah, and if she's ever bought an outfit to wear for a specific occasion and doesn't wear it again in a year...That one works like a hydrogen bomb.


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
              I also want to try some Thunder Original los. Since it's so cheap, I would like to see if it's comparable to my 2.75 a can dip. If it works out to about the same cost per year, I may commit back to snus via Thunder. Only problem is, my wife handles all the bills and I really don't want her knowing how much snus I go through or how much it costs us. It was a little easier pre-pact.

              Hey, I wear the pants damn't.....she just tells me what pair to put on. lol
              Trust me I know what your saying, My wife doesn't know about this order yet and will have to do some esplaining as she handles the bills and goes over the visa with a magnifying glass... My argument... I could stay a smoker and spend $53 per week on ciggs if you like.... Thought I would have some time, But my shipment is expected to be delivered on Wednesday... To boot our anniversary is at the end of the Month... Uh OH!!! What pisses her off the most though is having to wait around all day for delivery.... But this order and what I already have should last me until at least until December if not longer or I run out of one of them I really like...


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                ... I could stay a smoker and spend $53 per week on ciggs if you like ....

                Around these parts it's closer to $80-90 ....
                you guys can get your death sticks a hell of a lot cheaper!!

                Same with your snus.


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Nice order! In WA that would have cost about 120 bucks.


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                    Nice order! In WA that would have cost about 120 bucks.
                    The snus or A carton of ciggs


                    • CoderGuy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2679

                      Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                      The snus or A carton of ciggs
                      Actually just priced the snus, 210 bucks, so A carton of cigs LOL Comes out to 79 bucks tax.


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                        Around these parts it's closer to $80-90 ....
                        you guys can get your death sticks a hell of a lot cheaper!!

                        Same with your snus.
                        Trust me Florida is catching up... The price of smokes seem to go up daily these days


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                          Trust me Florida is catching up... The price of smokes seem to go up daily these days
                          At least we aren't in NY where it's 11 bucks per pack, here it's only 8


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                            dude, just tally up the manicures, pedicures, hair styles, colorings, stuff she buys on sale that she doesn't need, the clothes that she has the same thing, the shoes to replace the ones that aren't worn out yet, the makeup, the hair products, mud masks, and anything else girly (can't include pads 'cos if she didn't take care of that you wouldn't be happy)...I swear it will be twice what your snus costs. Don't do it to be a dick, just to put it in perspective.

                            Anywhoo...the Probe Whiskey is not really like the whiskey dips IMO. It's a fuller flavor like dip would give you but I think it's a darker whiskey taste. Once a year or so I get a can and it takes effort to finish it. I find that after about 40 minutes or so I want to get rid of the portion. Now, I haven't tried the los and I suspect I might have better luck with that.
                            HAHAHA! Yes..we do require a lot to keep us happy guys and your fishing poles & tackle, guns, boots, knives, boats, ATVs, snowmachines, beer, electronics, cars, athletic shoes, home gyms, golf, etc..etc...Whoo, I am just glad my husband doesn't use snus as well! We'd definitely be hurtin! *I'm just messing with you Wicked, everything you said about women is true and then some! BTW - I hate having to buy a frickin' expensive dress just to wear once but we have to because our bitch friends will notice if we wear the same dress twice and will talk behind our backs!


                            • NonServiam
                              • May 2010
                              • 736

                              Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                              dude, just tally up the manicures, pedicures, hair styles, colorings, stuff she buys on sale that she doesn't need, the clothes that she has the same thing, the shoes to replace the ones that aren't worn out yet, the makeup, the hair products, mud masks, and anything else girly (can't include pads 'cos if she didn't take care of that you wouldn't be happy)...I swear it will be twice what your snus costs. Don't do it to be a dick, just to put it in perspective.

                              Anywhoo...the Probe Whiskey is not really like the whiskey dips IMO. It's a fuller flavor like dip would give you but I think it's a darker whiskey taste. Once a year or so I get a can and it takes effort to finish it. I find that after about 40 minutes or so I want to get rid of the portion. Now, I haven't tried the los and I suspect I might have better luck with that.
                              Trust me, not only have I been keeping track, but I've also been encouraging it! I'm just waiting to cash in big...I just haven't decided on what.


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