SnusCentral raised shipping rates???!!

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
    I still don't see what the point is and what the problem would be, It's not like they are shipping anything ilegal to me and have had faster delivery from Snuscentral than northerner even going through customs... My last order from cart placement to my door was 3 days

    The problem with Customs, especially at the US end, is that they can be very inconsistent at times in their implementation of the rules and duty fees.

    Not to sound chauvinistic, but kinda like a monthly cycle; you never know which one's gonna hit the hardest. Luckily, coming in from overseas, the post office clerks have no say in the matter; some of their cycles can be quite frequent!

    Remember, Customs is a bureaucracy unto itself. It has nothing to do with legal or illegal, but rather on the focus of the day, just like any other money-grubbing entity. And on whether the processing agent might have an axe to grind at any one time. That, my friend, is Human Nature!!

    btw, US Customs is tons better than Canada's at getting stuff through quickly. I know for a fact of packages languishing in Canadian Customs for up to 6 months before finally being processed.


    • mcoffman
      • Nov 2009
      • 34

      SnusCentral ship UPS Deleivery and Duty paid, so you won't have any problems and if you do SnusCentral handles said problem . All taxes and custom fees are taken care of and delivery is much faster.


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
        The problem with Customs, especially at the US end, is that they can be very inconsistent at times in their implementation of the rules and duty fees.

        Not to sound chauvinistic, but kinda like a monthly cycle; you never know which one's gonna hit the hardest. Luckily, coming in from overseas, the post office clerks have no say in the matter; some of their cycles can be quite frequent!

        Remember, Customs is a bureaucracy unto itself. It has nothing to do with legal or illegal, but rather on the focus of the day, just like any other money-grubbing entity. And on whether the processing agent might have an axe to grind at any one time. That, my friend, is Human Nature!!

        btw, US Customs is tons better than Canada's at getting stuff through quickly. I know for a fact of packages languishing in Canadian Customs for up to 6 months before finally being processed.
        Originally posted by mcoffman View Post
        SnusCentral ship UPS Deleivery and Duty paid, so you won't have any problems and if you do SnusCentral handles said problem . All taxes and custom fees are taken care of and delivery is much faster.
        If SnusCentral ships duty paid and all taxes and custom fees are taken care of for a rate of $30.31 and SnusCentral will handle any said custom problem, I don't see how a customs agent with an axe to grind or that time of month would really do anything as I'm sure they see these packages from them all the time and know they are taken care of...

        My new question would be has anyone on this forum ever had their SnusCentral UPS order and package held up by customs? Anyone with 1st hand experiance with SnusCentral order Have any problem that may be able to warrant any customs concern for shipping UPS and I'm not talking pre pact USPS...


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
          If SnusCentral ships duty paid and all taxes and custom fees are taken care of for a rate of $30.31 and SnusCentral will handle any said custom problem, I don't see how a customs agent with an axe to grind or that time of month would really do anything as I'm sure they see these packages from them all the time and know they are taken care of...

          My new question would be has anyone on this forum ever had their SnusCentral UPS order and package held up by customs? Anyone with 1st hand experiance with SnusCentral order Have any problem that may be able to warrant any customs concern for shipping UPS and I'm not talking pre pact USPS...

          jagmanss, I wasn't referring to SnusCentral specifically 'cause I don't know firsthand anything about their setup.

          My comments were towards Customs in general because I had dealt with some of their rulings for over ten years. PACTCRAP has definitely thrown a monkey wrench into the bureaucratic machinery.

          Whether USPS or UPS or FedEx, what might fly through Customs today may not be relevant tomorrow. Generally, there should be minimal problems but it's all still a crap shoot, albeit a small one. There should be no confiscation of product since the product itself is legal, but everything else depends on the day's (mis)interpretation of the rules.

          At least it looks like SnusCentral, as opposed to some of the others, has done their homework and worked out an acceptable solution. Let's just hope it stays that way.

          I'd say go for it and let SnusCentral hold up their end of the bargain.


          • jagmanss
            • Jul 2010
            • 12213

            Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
            jagmanss, I wasn't referring to SnusCentral specifically 'cause I don't know firsthand anything about their setup.

            My comments were towards Customs in general because I had dealt with some of their rulings for over ten years. PACTCRAP has definitely thrown a monkey wrench into the bureaucratic machinery.

            Whether USPS or UPS or FedEx, what might fly through Customs today may not be relevant tomorrow. Generally, there should be minimal problems but it's all still a crap shoot, albeit a small one. There should be no confiscation of product since the product itself is legal, but everything else depends on the day's (mis)interpretation of the rules.

            At least it looks like SnusCentral, as opposed to some of the others, has done their homework and worked out an acceptable solution. Let's just hope it stays that way.

            I'd say go for it and let SnusCentral hold up their end of the bargain.
            Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
            GetSnus still comes up for me 2-3 bucks cheaper than SnusCentral, and no customs to deal with....
            I understand what you are saying about customs in general, But the above comment about ordering through Getsnus and no customs to deal with seems to have no basis to warrant any concern over ordering from SnusCentral, unless someone can post having to deal with customs because of a Snuscentral order.... sorry.... But this statement is misleading others then. I just wanted this, If it is misinformation cleared up for other forum members so they are not afraid to order from SnusCentral and know they have other options without concern....


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
              I understand what you are saying about customs in general, But the above comment about ordering through Getsnus and no customs to deal with seems to have no basis to warrant any concern over ordering from SnusCentral, unless someone can post having to deal with customs because of a Snuscentral order.... sorry.... But this statement is misleading others then. I just wanted this, If it is misinformation cleared up for other forum members so they are not afraid to order from SnusCentral and know they have other options without concern....
              I have actually had some orders in the past go through much faster using Swedish Post and going through customs than by having shipped UPS in the states. I really miss Swedish Post!


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                I understand what you are saying about customs in general, But the above comment about ordering through Getsnus and no customs to deal with seems to have no basis to warrant any concern over ordering from SnusCentral, unless someone can post having to deal with customs because of a Snuscentral order.... sorry.... But this statement is misleading others then. I just wanted this, If it is misinformation cleared up for other forum members so they are not afraid to order from SnusCentral and know they have other options without concern....

                Personally, when I first saw his comment, I understood it to mean
                that with Getsnus you never have to worry about Customs; for me,
                that alone is worth paying a few bucks more for an order. It's just
                the principle of stripping away a layer of bureaucracy, regardless
                of who has to deal with any potential BS.

                On the other hand, if SnusCentral can do the same order and save
                me a significant amount, I would seriously consider it and let them
                handle any problems that might ensue.

                I think that is all he was trying to suggest.
                Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
                3 Rolls in the cart at GetSnus still comes up for me 2-3 bucks cheaper than SnusCentral, and no customs to deal with.... Maybe you just have a higher state tax than I do.
                Like me, he sounds like he has a disdain for bureaucracy; in this
                particular instance, for him, it actually came out cheaper this time around.

                Anyhoo, we'll just have to wait and see if Owens addresses your concerns.

                I think it might be time for me to hit the Bailey's or Kahlua and contemplate my navel.


                • mcoffman
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 34

                  The only problem that I have had with customs was with orders through the Northerner, which cost me fifty dollars in brokerage fees per order. Never a problem with SnusCentral or BuySnus.


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Originally posted by mcoffman View Post
                    The only problem that I have had with customs was with orders through the Northerner, which cost me fifty dollars in brokerage fees per order. Never a problem with SnusCentral or BuySnus.

                    That's why I like GetSnus ... shipped only from the US Warehouse.
                    Anything only available from Sweden must be ordered thru Northerner.
                    At least that's my understanding of the situation.


                    • mcoffman
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 34

                      That's why I won't order anything else from the Northerner!


                      • SmokedEuro
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 280

                        Doesn't SnusCentral and BuySnus leave the state taxes up to you? or are the taxes worked into the higher shipping rates?


                        • raptor
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 753

                          There's a lot of senseless fearmongering in this thread.

                          Has anyone had their order held up when ordering from snuscentral or buysnus? And pre- or post-PACT?


                          • jagmanss
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 12213

                            Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                            Personally, when I first saw his comment, I understood it to mean
                            that with Getsnus you never have to worry about Customs; for me,
                            that alone is worth paying a few bucks more for an order. It's just
                            the principle of stripping away a layer of bureaucracy, regardless
                            of who has to deal with any potential BS.

                            Then My question would still be why would you ever even have to worry about even a potential problem with customs if it has not affected anyones SnusCetral order. Your order could potentially be held up by Getsnus because part of your order is out of stock. I could potentially choke and die on my snus, But that has not been posted and documented here either...

                            On the other hand, if SnusCentral can do the same order and save
                            me a significant amount, I would seriously consider it and let them
                            handle any problems that might ensue.

                            If Northerner/getsnus can do the same order and save
                            me a significant amount, I would seriously consider them, But that doesn't seem to be happening and maybe some sort of price war should happen or incentives like throwing in an icetool with an order above a certain amount or doing things like throwing in a few mystery cans. Sorry but for me at this time a significant amount has nothing to do with it. The same amount with better per can pricing, Better Best before dates, everything always in stock, faster shipping, no waiting for UPS for 2 seperate orders to arrive, better customer support to me that alone is worth paying a few bucks more for an order....

                            I think that is all he was trying to suggest.

                            Like me, he sounds like he has a disdain for bureaucracy; in this
                            particular instance, for him, it actually came out cheaper this time around.

                            Anyhoo, we'll just have to wait and see if Owens addresses your concerns.

                            Oh!!! I'm sure he will, But I'm not trying to debate anything I am just looking for facts, If Owens is not ordering from Snuscentral just because of bureaucracy alone, that is his choice of course and respect it.... It just almost sounds like alot people on this forum have some sort of loyalty to northerner maybe that is because you all had it great with them pre-pact and have alot of points with them, I don't and was not around during the pre-pact days so i look at it as a doggy dog type of world now with online shops to get your snus and the above reasons get my order as I don't really care about bureaucracy

                            I think it might be time for me to hit the Bailey's or Kahlua and contemplate my navel.
                            Again I'm not trying to debate, or argue.... if someone has an axe to grind about the pact act talk to the government. I would prefer to support Northerner/GetSnus as they are U.S based, i am all for spending my $$$ in the U.S But they still need to get their shit together and make it desireable and entice me to shop with them.... My 1st order with Northerner came in 2 different shipments, no big deal really, 1 can had a best before date of the week i got it another had a date of the following week and some the next month.... Not a good first impression for a new customer.... I will however still shop with them depending on pricing.... I won't rule anyone out to shop at


                            • mcoffman
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 34

                              Originally posted by raptor View Post
                              There's a lot of senseless fearmongering in this thread.

                              Has anyone had their order held up when ordering from snuscentral or buysnus? And pre- or post-PACT?


                              • snusgetter
                                • May 2010
                                • 10903

                                Originally posted by raptor View Post
                                There's a lot of senseless fearmongering in this thread.
                                Has anyone had their order held up when ordering from snuscentral or buysnus? And pre- or post-PACT?

                                I wouldn't call it fearmongering. Some people have legitimate concerns
                                they'd like addressed. There's so much being said concerning little snippets
                                of information that it's confusing to piece all that information together.

                                I've already stated my disdain for Customs and why I avoid it at most costs;
                                that's just me. Otherwise I'd just choose SnusCentral or BuySnus or whatever
                                and be done with it.

                                As long as the company I'm dealing with isn't blatantly trying to rip me off, and I'm
                                willing to pay their going prices, then they're okay with me. Plus I'd like to see at
                                least one viable US snus distribution in the US.

                                The pricing could certainly be better but the base price per can alone still doesn't
                                mean a lower end cost, what with state tobacco taxes, state sales taxes, and the
                                astronomical shipping rates tacked on.

                                Others, though, don't seem to mind all the nickel-and-dimeing that the
                                PACTCRAP has brought about. I, for one, would not deny them their
                                concerns; I'm not the one in their shoes!!

                                btw, I've never dealt with Northerner; I prefer the KISS philosophy even if it
                                means going without a particular snus or two. There's too much variety
                                available to let that bother me. And then there's vacuum-marinating!!

                                Plus, I can't help but wonder if all those individuals who've ballyhooed the great
                                SnusCentral and BuySnus deals now have misgivings about placing a post-PACT
                                order since I have yet to find anyone coming back with high praises post-order.
                                Just saying!!

                                AND I've never considered any of the postings here as a debate; just the
                                exchange of information amongst friends.

                                Damn, every time I go to hit the submit button I double check the previous
                                postings so I adjust my posting accordingly. And now I find:
                                Again I'm not trying to debate, or argue.... if someone has an axe to grind about the pact act talk to the government. I would prefer to support Northerner/GetSnus as they are U.S based, i am all for spending my $$$ in the U.S But they still need to get their shit together and make it desireable and entice me to shop with them.... My 1st order with Northerner came in 2 different shipments, no big deal really, 1 can had a best before date of the week i got it another had a date of the following week and some the next month.... Not a good first impression for a new customer.... I will however still shop with them depending on pricing.... I won't rule anyone out to shop at
                                I hear ya, bro, and I don't deny your concerns as they are legitimate.

                                Now, I think I'll just sit back with a shot of something before dinner.


                                Strictly as a wise-ass aside: if anyone did choke and die on snus, who would/could post that info?


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