SnusCentral raised shipping rates???!!

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    SnusCentral raised shipping rates???!!

    Holy frik on a stick! Just did a mock order for ONE roll of Thunder Frosted. The snus was only $20.45, great price!

    But the shipping for ONE roll is now $30.31. HA!
    $50.76total for that ONE roll. And thats for UPS "supersaver" shipping.

    Guess my Snuscentral ordering days are over...... I aint paying that shit.
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Holy smokes. I won't be paying that much for shipping... ever... I hope.


    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      Don't they claim to cover any customs fees etc.?

      Perhaps it's a better deal for 3-5 rolls.

      From SnusCentral

      For Americans purchasing from, the following additional steps have already been implemented:

      ·We have installed the top industry-standard age verification system available to ensure only those of legal age can purchase from our Snus Store. Should you have any issues in age-verifying your account, please contact us and we’ll help you.
      ·We no longer ship to the US via the Postal Service. Presently we are using UPS.
      ·We pay the appropriate duties and government fees up front for you. We use the UPS DDP (Delivery and Duty Paid) service. If you as a customer should be contacted by a local authority to pay taxes or brokerage fees please contact us. We promise you that we’ll sort this out without any problems for you.
      All orders shipped require an adult signature for delivery. UPS will execute this function upon delivery.
      ·All orders are packed in sealed plastic bags which include the mandatory US FDA mandated health warnings. This is the method used by Duty Free stores and does not require any labeling on the product to be changed.
      ·Since we are located in and ship exclusively from Sweden, we are able to sell ALL brands of snus available in Sweden (such as skruf, Knox, LD and Gustavus) which do not violate trademark rights or the US Cuban Trade Embargo.


      • bipolarbear1968
        • Mar 2010
        • 1074

        I will not pay getsnus' shipping costs, so I wouldn't give this one a second thought.


        • c.nash
          Banned Users
          • May 2010
          • 3511

          I placed an order with them a couple weeks ago and I got like 19 ot 20 cans and the shipping was like $13 or so...


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
            Holy frik on a stick! Just did a mock order for ONE roll of Thunder Frosted. The snus was only $20.45, great price!

            But the shipping for ONE roll is now $30.31. HA!
            $50.76total for that ONE roll. And thats for UPS "supersaver" shipping.

            Guess my Snuscentral ordering days are over...... I aint paying that shit.
            'Tis exactly how much we pay in Europe for a roll of snus - including taxes and shipping 49 - 50 dollars.


            • NonServiam
              • May 2010
              • 736

              Glad you posted this thread. I tried doing a dry run through SnusCentral yesterday to see if the shipping was any cheaper than GetSnus, but it wouldn't let me because (like others have experienced) it could not verify my age.

              I don't place bulk orders like others. I just don't have enough storage space. Even when I was a full-time snuser, my standard order was 20 cans.

              I'm actually doing a little controlled experiment this week on snus vs. dip consumption so I can determine the cost difference. Dip costs me 431.00 a year. But with PACT and GetSnus's 25.00 shipping rates, I haven't been able to get it anywhere near 431.00 or lower. That's even doing a mock order of 20 cans of Thunder. I don't even know if I would like Thunder! While my taste in beer and American snuff are cheap, it seems that when it comes to snus I only like the premium brands, Ettan, GES, Skruf, Grov. SnusCentral doesn't appear to be an option now either.

              What are the shipping rates of BuySnus?


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                I placed an order with them a couple weeks ago and I got like 19 ot 20 cans and the shipping was like $13 or so...
                This is weired because I placed an order A couple weeks ago as a matter of fact 1 month ago today and shipping for 20 assorted cans was the same as I just paid $30.31 and if i'm not mistaken it was that 2 months ago.... So no.... Shipping at Snuscentral has not changed recently..

                What has changed is pact. Not sure what you were all paying before pact But Northerner/ Getsnus may have cheaper shipping at around $15 But your local State tobacco tax will equal that and then some like $17 for the 33 can order I have in my cart for the State of Florida your State may be higher or lower as you can see i would be paying $32 for 33 assorted cans while SnusCentral has A flat rate of $30.31 with the freshest snus, everything in stock and more variety and super fast shipping along with cheaper prices per can on some if not most.... I'm not saying I'm loyal or exclusive to them... I really would rather get my snus from Northerner, But I go where I can get my snus for the best price and is in stock and don't have to have 2 seperate shipments to wait around for.... The order I have in my cart at northerner now has 3 items out of stock and when I put it in 2 days ago had none out of stock....

                Some of you are saying that you will never pay $30 for shipping..... wanna bet? I did and it is still cheaper than smoking.... Check out your state tobacco tax along with Northerner shipping and get back to me on that one... you will only benefit on the shipping anywhere if you buy in bulk like 3 rolls or more... The days of getting 1 roll or 5 cans via usps are sadly done.... you need to shop around your milage may vary depending on your State....


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
                  Holy frik on a stick! Just did a mock order for ONE roll of Thunder Frosted. The snus was only $20.45, great price!

                  But the shipping for ONE roll is now $30.31. HA!
                  $50.76total for that ONE roll. And thats for UPS "supersaver" shipping.

                  Guess my Snuscentral ordering days are over...... I aint paying that shit.
                  Don't forget to register with the franchise tax board and pay your tobacco and sales tax!


                  • Owens187
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 1547

                    Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                    This is weired because I placed an order A couple weeks ago as a matter of fact 1 month ago today and shipping for 20 assorted cans was the same as I just paid $30.31 and if i'm not mistaken it was that 2 months ago.... So no.... Shipping at Snuscentral has not changed recently..

                    What has changed is pact. Not sure what you were all paying before pact But Northerner/ Getsnus may have cheaper shipping at around $15 But your local State tobacco tax will equal that and then some like $17 for the 33 can order I have in my cart for the State of Florida your State may be higher or lower as you can see i would be paying $32 for 33 assorted cans while SnusCentral has A flat rate of $30.31 with the freshest snus, everything in stock and more variety and super fast shipping along with cheaper prices per can on some if not most.... I'm not saying I'm loyal or exclusive to them... I really would rather get my snus from Northerner, But I go where I can get my snus for the best price and is in stock and don't have to have 2 seperate shipments to wait around for.... The order I have in my cart at northerner now has 3 items out of stock and when I put it in 2 days ago had none out of stock....

                    Some of you are saying that you will never pay $30 for shipping..... wanna bet? I did and it is still cheaper than smoking.... Check out your state tobacco tax along with Northerner shipping and get back to me on that one... you will only benefit on the shipping anywhere if you buy in bulk like 3 rolls or more... The days of getting 1 roll or 5 cans via usps are sadly done.... you need to shop around your milage may vary depending on your State....

                    SnusCentral: = $30.31


                    Deliver = $14.77

                    Tax = $3.10

                    You're wrong.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
                      SnusCentral: = $30.31


                      Deliver = $14.77

                      Tax = $3.10

                      You're wrong.
                      Not sure what you are basing this order on as you didn't give an example and can only assume 1 can or 1 roll. I never mentioned the cost of shipping for 1 roll ups in my post, What I stated was that getting 1 roll or 5 cans via usps are sadly done As I stated you will benefit by placing an order for 3 or more rolls for SnusCentral. For GetSnus the more you place in your cart the more the tax. If you can get 1 roll for that on getsnus then problem solved If 1 roll last you a month or is all you need, But if you order more in that month from GetSnus you just paid what you would have at SnusCentral in the first place and then some is all I'm sayin... My example is for 33,34 assorted cans and here is the one for GetSnus... Not wrong the same order on SnusCentral shipping rate is $30.31 and if I added another 10 or so it would have stayed at $30.31 up to what I don't know..

                      Catch Pure Mint, Medium Portion 4 No** $ 2.40 $ 15.96 $ 15.96 (0%)
                      Ettan, Portion 4 Yes $ 2.08 $ 14.76 $ 14.76 (0%)
                      Ettan, Loose 2 Yes $ 1.00 $ 7.22 $ 7.22 (0%)
                      General Ekstra Sterk, Loose 2 Yes $ 1.08 $ 7.50 $ 7.50 (0%)
                      General Extra Sterk, Strong Portion 5 Yes $ 2.80 $ 19.10 $ 19.10 (0%)
                      General Onyx, Black Strong Portion 2 Yes $ 1.34 $ 8.52 $ 8.52 (0%)
                      General, Loose 1 Yes $ 0.56 $ 3.75 $ 3.75 (0%)
                      Göteborgs Rape No2, White Portion 1 Yes $ 0.56 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 (0%)
                      Icetool Steel, 3ml 1 Yes $ 0.00 $ 37.09 $ 37.09 (0%)
                      Nick & Johnny, Strong Portion 5 Yes $ 2.80 $ 19.10 $ 19.10 (0%)
                      Probe Whisky, Portion 1 Yes $ 0.70 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 (0%)
                      Roda Lacket, Loose 1 Yes $ 0.54 $ 3.75 $ 3.75 (0%)
                      Thunder Berry Blend, Extra Strong Portion 1 Yes $ 0.24 $ 2.77 $ 2.77 (0%)
                      Thunder Frosted Extra Stark, Mini Portion 3 No** $ 0.72 $ 8.31 $ 8.31 (0%)
                      Thunder Frosted Long +, Strong Portion 2 Yes $ 0.48 $ 5.54 $ 5.54 (0%)
                      UPS Ground 1 $ 0.00 $ 15.83 $ 15.83 (0%)
                      Total weight: 3.8632 lbs
                      Items: $ 161.01
                      Tobacco tax: $ 17.30
                      Discount (2%): $ 3.26
                      Delivery from US-PA: $ 15.83
                      Total: ~$ 190.88
                      Charged in USD: $ 190.88


                      • Owens187
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 1547

                        3 Rolls in the cart at GetSnus still comes up for me 2-3 bucks cheaper than SnusCentral, and no customs to deal with.... Maybe you just have a higher state tax than I do.


                        • jagmanss
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 12213

                          Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
                          3 Rolls in the cart at GetSnus still comes up for me 2-3 bucks cheaper than SnusCentral, and no customs to deal with.... Maybe you just have a higher state tax than I do.
                          Yeah, Florida has been raising the crap out of their tobacco tax as of late, but still cheaper than some I said everyone will be different you need to shop around your milage may vary depending on your State....

                          Not sure what you mean about having not to deal with customs with SnusCentral, I have had no problem with anything with customs in getting my snus.... Can I expect problems?


                          • snusgetter
                            • May 2010
                            • 10903

                            Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                            Not sure what you mean about having not to deal with customs with SnusCentral, I have had no problem with anything with customs in getting my snus.... Can I expect problems?
                            SnusCentral ships from Sweden, thus their packages go through Customs.

                            Getsnus/Northerner from the US Warehouse: NO CUSTOMS.


                            • jagmanss
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 12213

                              Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                              SnusCentral ships from Sweden, thus their packages go through Customs.

                              Getsnus/Northerner from the US Warehouse: NO CUSTOMS.
                              I still don't see what the point is and what the problem would be, It's not like they are shipping anything ilegal to me and have had faster delivery from Snuscentral than northerner even going through customs... My last order from cart placement to my door was 3 days


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