New SwedishSnus.com Website! - Sep 8, 2010
Dear customer, welcome to our new online shop! Many new features and products have been added, so you will have a more pleasant and more convenient shopping experience, as well as a much larger selection of Snus to choose from. We hope you’ll like it!
The first and most obvious change: You no longer need to select “Rest of World” or “USA”, when you enter our Shop. Instead, an IP-feed automatically detects your shipping country. If it should fail, you can still select the right one manually at the very top of the page.
All Changes in Detail:
Shipping to EU countries is now supported You live in a EU country and would like to order Snus? No longer a problem, we are now able to supply you, too.
Almost 100 new products now available We are pretty sure that you will find the one or the other new and interesting Snus for you!
Repeating orders is now possible You no longer need to go through the whole ordering process again. You may simply select one of your last orders under “My Account” and repeat it conveniently.
Save money on shipping costs In your shopping cart view, you will now get to see how much Snus you can add to your order before you reach the next shipping cost interval.
Use your own wishlist Manage your favorite items on your wishlist and make notes if you like. With a wishlist, you can order your favorite items much faster, without the need to navigate to each item one after another.
Review and Rate Products Let others know which Snus you like and which you don’t like. By rating products and writing reviews, you can add your very personal view and opinion.
Tag products Help other customers find what they are looking for by adding appropriate tags to the different Snus products.
Social Bookmarking Spread the word on SwedishSnus.com and on new products and campaigns by letting the people in your network know, too.
Compare products Undecided which Snus is the right one for you? Simply compare the products and their features!
More product information We added a whole bunch of information to all products, such as taste, nicotine content and strenght.
Manufacturer and brand information To tell you the whole story about the unique products we are offeirng, we also added some background information on the different brands and manufacturers.
Grid view, for a more convenient shopping experience With the new grid view, you can more easily grasp the large variety of different Snus products we offer.
Select your currency While the base currency we use is Swedish Kronor, you can have prices displayed in EUR or USD, too.
Our US-customers, please note: We made Swedish Kronor our base currency, so you will experience price fluctuations over time, depending on the exchange rate. We decided this is still the best way to go, as the only alternative would have been to adjust prices every now and then, whenever the exchange rate has changed noticeable. Also, to facilitate the process of your goods moving through customs, US customers will always have the prices displayed in USD.
Last but not least, we have to inform you that we had to raise prices. When we took over SwedishSnus.com in November 2009, we made no price changes, to assure a smooth transition for you. However, unlike Swedish Match who operated this shop basically on a pro bono base, to spread the word on their products in the world, we see ourselves unable to continue with prices partially below cost (!). And there have been price increases by manufacturers this year, too. That’s why we were eventually forced to raise prices to a reasonable level. Please be assured that we still looked left and right when we did this, to make sure that SwedishSnus.com still offers you the best price in terms of total cost. Therefore we e.g. have left the shipping prices unchanged. We thank you very much for your understanding!
Best Regards, Your SwedishSnus.com team
New SwedishSnus.com Website! - Sep 8, 2010
Dear customer, welcome to our new online shop! Many new features and products have been added, so you will have a more pleasant and more convenient shopping experience, as well as a much larger selection of Snus to choose from. We hope you’ll like it!
The first and most obvious change: You no longer need to select “Rest of World” or “USA”, when you enter our Shop. Instead, an IP-feed automatically detects your shipping country. If it should fail, you can still select the right one manually at the very top of the page.
All Changes in Detail:
Shipping to EU countries is now supported You live in a EU country and would like to order Snus? No longer a problem, we are now able to supply you, too.
Almost 100 new products now available We are pretty sure that you will find the one or the other new and interesting Snus for you!
Repeating orders is now possible You no longer need to go through the whole ordering process again. You may simply select one of your last orders under “My Account” and repeat it conveniently.
Save money on shipping costs In your shopping cart view, you will now get to see how much Snus you can add to your order before you reach the next shipping cost interval.
Use your own wishlist Manage your favorite items on your wishlist and make notes if you like. With a wishlist, you can order your favorite items much faster, without the need to navigate to each item one after another.
Review and Rate Products Let others know which Snus you like and which you don’t like. By rating products and writing reviews, you can add your very personal view and opinion.
Tag products Help other customers find what they are looking for by adding appropriate tags to the different Snus products.
Social Bookmarking Spread the word on SwedishSnus.com and on new products and campaigns by letting the people in your network know, too.
Compare products Undecided which Snus is the right one for you? Simply compare the products and their features!
More product information We added a whole bunch of information to all products, such as taste, nicotine content and strenght.
Manufacturer and brand information To tell you the whole story about the unique products we are offeirng, we also added some background information on the different brands and manufacturers.
Grid view, for a more convenient shopping experience With the new grid view, you can more easily grasp the large variety of different Snus products we offer.
Select your currency While the base currency we use is Swedish Kronor, you can have prices displayed in EUR or USD, too.
Our US-customers, please note: We made Swedish Kronor our base currency, so you will experience price fluctuations over time, depending on the exchange rate. We decided this is still the best way to go, as the only alternative would have been to adjust prices every now and then, whenever the exchange rate has changed noticeable. Also, to facilitate the process of your goods moving through customs, US customers will always have the prices displayed in USD.
Last but not least, we have to inform you that we had to raise prices. When we took over SwedishSnus.com in November 2009, we made no price changes, to assure a smooth transition for you. However, unlike Swedish Match who operated this shop basically on a pro bono base, to spread the word on their products in the world, we see ourselves unable to continue with prices partially below cost (!). And there have been price increases by manufacturers this year, too. That’s why we were eventually forced to raise prices to a reasonable level. Please be assured that we still looked left and right when we did this, to make sure that SwedishSnus.com still offers you the best price in terms of total cost. Therefore we e.g. have left the shipping prices unchanged. We thank you very much for your understanding!
Best Regards, Your SwedishSnus.com team