Snus availability over the counter in Sweden

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  • Mariner
    • Feb 2008
    • 21

    Snus availability over the counter in Sweden

    I will be visiting the Stockholm area (briefly) next weekend. Needless to say, I will be taking my quota of snus back to Norway. As I am still in 'try everything once' mode, I am mainly interested in certain varieties that are not easily available back home, specifically gotlandssnus yellow, göteborgs rapé #2 and landströms.

    Can I count on finding all of these in any Pressbyrån/grocery store/gas station, or will I need to visit a tobacconist?

    Hell, for all I know they have a special store for surströmming (the ultimate pris?), wasa husman and snus (maybe even in boxed sets of adorable little 10g souvenir tins) at the airport.
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    From my experience you won't be able to get rarer snus in places like Pressbyrån. Maybe you should look up some specialist shops online before you go. I don't think I once saw landstrom or gotland it was mainly SM/Skruf.

    It seem like pepsi/cola over here, SM provides snus fridges for the shops on the condition they only stock mainly SM products.


    • Mariner
      • Feb 2008
      • 21

      Ah, ok. Oh well.

      Are there any resident Stockholmers or other Swedes here who can recommend a centrally located and well-stocked store?


      • Sedriak
        • Sep 2008
        • 17

        Hej Mariner,

        Göteborgs rapé #2 can be found pretty much everywhere, Gotlandssnus and Landströms u will have get from a tobacconists or order online, i dont think i have ever seen landströms anywhere. Hope that helps.


        • Svarthvitt
          • Jun 2008
          • 97

          From what I've seen when travelling over the border to Sweden, there are tobacco-stores everywhere, especially in the Charlottenberg area close to Norway. I think it's around here they sell the snus cheapest, because of all the norwegians driving over the border to buy snus at aproximately half the price of norways.


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