Jimmy! We want Green Los/Plain Los!

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  • stubby2
    • Jun 2009
    • 436

    Glad I found this thread as I hadn't checked my mail Saturday. But there is was. A little package waiting for me. The only one I've tried as of yet is the Flader. I admit I only had a few cans of the Flader portions and it's been awhile so my memory may be a bit off of this, but the los has a more forward and stronger taste. The green apple taste is just right up front and center. As usual with Gotlands there is nothing artificial about it. Just pure natural goodness. I've got a bit of gul I'm working on right now and I can taste the same type of tobacco background to it the Flader has. It's cut from the same cloth. Same goes for the Gotlands Jules.

    I was starting to get a bit desperate as I've used up my Jules and I'm on my last can of gul los. What's a poor guy gonna do. I need some Gotlands. I doubt the Flader would be an everyday snus for me but I could very much do a can on occasion. I'll update when I get to the plain. If it's as good as I expect that could be my everyday type snus. The Gotlands kind of makes anything by SM or V2 taste like it's a bit to heavy on the artificial flavors. It's always good to come back to that nice clean Gotlands flavor.


    • sebasmun
      • Mar 2011
      • 157

      I received some Flader and Plain Los today in the mail thanks to Jimmy, I will review plain later. I had to reach for Flader first.

      I went to my mailbox, grabbed the package, and within 5 minutes I put it in my mouth.

      My review of Flader Los

      Probably because this snus was produced literally less than 2 weeks ago, I found it to be nice and moist, very fresh Indeed. Upon opening the envelope, All you can smell is "fresh greenery".
      The smell is absolutely fantastic, it doesn't have that heavy ammonia smell at all, in fact, it smells like fresh apples and herbs with a hint of tobacco. Baking a prilla out of this was extremely easy, then again, it could be just because its just so fresh and moist.
      It has medium grind, a bit coarser and not so clay-like. Cut reminded of grov or skruff. Which I like, im not a big fan of the super fine clay cut.

      This is where this snus surpasses other herbey-fruity flavours, Upon inserting my prilla, there was little flavour, but as you let it sit for 10 mins and drip a little bit, man, does it ever taste good. The flavour flourishes and becomes more pronounced than its portioned counterpart. IMO, The green "sour apple" flavor is not as pronounced after 30-45 minutes, then it evolves to a more subtle herbal snus.
      Dont get me wrong, this snus has plenty of flavour, it is bold. But it a Fresh, herby, fruity Boldness.

      Simply put, there is no other snus available that has this flavour. Its not easy to describe, it would be like describing the color "green" to a blind person. You must try it (at least the portions) to understand this flavour. It has flowery undertones, as well as "sour" fruity (green apple i think) flavour.

      The nic hit is decent, not strong, but certainly not weak either. The drip from this snus is DELICIOUS.

      In conclusion,
      I would certainly buy this snus if it were available full time. If i were two describe this snus in 3 words, It would be "Fresh Green Boldness"

      As usual, Gotlandssnus made snus history with their quality products.

      Thanks Gotlandssnus, and thank you jimmy for giving us the opportunity to test these snusses


      • Snus Boost
        • Jan 2011
        • 640

        I noticed this thread a while ago but chose not to vote since I had not had any of the options. Well thanks to the box pass I have now had the privilege of trying Gotlands Plain Los and I love it. As I have not yet tried the Green I voted for Plain Los and I would certainly buy it if it is produced.


        • sharesnusinfo!
          • May 2008
          • 477

          Originally posted by sebasmun View Post
          I received some Flader and Plain Los today in the mail thanks to Jimmy, I will review plain later. I had to reach for Flader first.

          I went to my mailbox, grabbed the package, and within 5 minutes I put it in my mouth.

          My review of Flader Los

          Probably because this snus was produced literally less than 2 weeks ago, I found it to be nice and moist, very fresh Indeed. Upon opening the envelope, All you can smell is "fresh greenery".
          The smell is absolutely fantastic, it doesn't have that heavy ammonia smell at all, in fact, it smells like fresh apples and herbs with a hint of tobacco. Baking a prilla out of this was extremely easy, then again, it could be just because its just so fresh and moist.
          It has medium grind, a bit coarser and not so clay-like. Cut reminded of grov or skruff. Which I like, im not a big fan of the super fine clay cut.

          This is where this snus surpasses other herbey-fruity flavours, Upon inserting my prilla, there was little flavour, but as you let it sit for 10 mins and drip a little bit, man, does it ever taste good. The flavour flourishes and becomes more pronounced than its portioned counterpart. IMO, The green "sour apple" flavor is not as pronounced after 30-45 minutes, then it evolves to a more subtle herbal snus.
          Dont get me wrong, this snus has plenty of flavour, it is bold. But it a Fresh, herby, fruity Boldness.

          Simply put, there is no other snus available that has this flavour. Its not easy to describe, it would be like describing the color "green" to a blind person. You must try it (at least the portions) to understand this flavour. It has flowery undertones, as well as "sour" fruity (green apple i think) flavour.

          The nic hit is decent, not strong, but certainly not weak either. The drip from this snus is DELICIOUS.

          In conclusion,
          I would certainly buy this snus if it were available full time. If i were two describe this snus in 3 words, It would be "Fresh Green Boldness"

          As usual, Gotlandssnus made snus history with their quality products.

          Thanks Gotlandssnus, and thank you jimmy for giving us the opportunity to test these snusses
          Great review man! the superlatives overfloading... It´s great to hear your opinion, and guy´s /girl´s (yes it was a few girl´s too!" don´t hesitate to give the truth, all critics is good too know, then i can do some mods in the future.


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
            don´t hesitate to give the truth
            Your snus is great but i wanna Swedish style stark!... the Jakobbson's Classic Strong yuck but the Gotlands surpasses all expectations.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Great reviews folks!!!...........keep em coming

              I know Jimmy appreciates them
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • resnor
                • Mar 2011
                • 619

                Gotland Snus Flader Los

                Just got my sample of this today...it's pretty darn good! Thanks, Jimmy!!!


                • BrianC
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 463

                  Originally posted by sebasmun View Post
                  I received some Flader and Plain Los today in the mail thanks to Jimmy, I will review plain later. I had to reach for Flader first.

                  I went to my mailbox, grabbed the package, and within 5 minutes I put it in my mouth.

                  My review of Flader Los

                  Probably because this snus was produced literally less than 2 weeks ago, I found it to be nice and moist, very fresh Indeed. Upon opening the envelope, All you can smell is "fresh greenery".
                  The smell is absolutely fantastic, it doesn't have that heavy ammonia smell at all, in fact, it smells like fresh apples and herbs with a hint of tobacco. Baking a prilla out of this was extremely easy, then again, it could be just because its just so fresh and moist.
                  It has medium grind, a bit coarser and not so clay-like. Cut reminded of grov or skruff. Which I like, im not a big fan of the super fine clay cut.

                  This is where this snus surpasses other herbey-fruity flavours, Upon inserting my prilla, there was little flavour, but as you let it sit for 10 mins and drip a little bit, man, does it ever taste good. The flavour flourishes and becomes more pronounced than its portioned counterpart. IMO, The green "sour apple" flavor is not as pronounced after 30-45 minutes, then it evolves to a more subtle herbal snus.
                  Dont get me wrong, this snus has plenty of flavour, it is bold. But it a Fresh, herby, fruity Boldness.

                  Simply put, there is no other snus available that has this flavour. Its not easy to describe, it would be like describing the color "green" to a blind person. You must try it (at least the portions) to understand this flavour. It has flowery undertones, as well as "sour" fruity (green apple i think) flavour.

                  The nic hit is decent, not strong, but certainly not weak either. The drip from this snus is DELICIOUS.

                  In conclusion,
                  I would certainly buy this snus if it were available full time. If i were two describe this snus in 3 words, It would be "Fresh Green Boldness"

                  As usual, Gotlandssnus made snus history with their quality products.

                  Thanks Gotlandssnus, and thank you jimmy for giving us the opportunity to test these snusses
                  This is just a great review and I cannot add a thing to it. I just wanted to agree, this product is fantastic. I would certainly buy it if it was available. Later tonight I will try the plain.


                  • StuKlu
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 1192

                    Actually since I first said I probably wouldn't order Flader los just because I am not into flavored snuses, I have grown to like it more than I expected. So I revise my previous statement and would definitely order it if it becomes available. My sample is almost gone and I am going to miss it.


                    • Christi
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 2104

                      Just got my samples and have in the flader now.

                      Once I opened the envelope the smell was amazing. I even shoved my husbands nose in the envelope and told him to smell. He smiled and said, 'what is that?' I think he thought he was gonna eat my snus!!!

                      The flavor once in my mouth was subtle at first but after about 10 min it really came alive. I get fresh green apples, flowers, even some hints of sweet basil(that may just be me). Sweet and sour both. It is very wonderful.

                      I have yet to try the plain because the flader is still in my mouth after 45 min. I will edit after trying the plain.

                      The flader los is amazing. I think I would keep this in my rotation full time if available.


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Well my samples cxame in today and at first I was a little overwhelmed with the Flader aroma, but since it is a record heat day that would be expected. I have had two prillas now and the apple taste is much smoother and somewhat muted, at first, and I very much love the taste, and more important the level flavor. The grind is superb and stays put. Perfect grind and consistency. I was an infreqeunt user of Flader portions, and often found the flavor overwhelming. This ones great! I also get a floral herb secondary effect as it fades, but I attributed this to the tobacco. This one is a keeper and I would definatly love to have this one around. I hesitate to say it could have the flavor bumped just a bit, but my past experiance with the portions makes me wonder.

                        I will try the plain tomorrow during my drive and comment. Also, I thought Gul was the best los ever! Just a tad bitter.
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          I got my samples today.

                          I opened my mailbox and HOLY CRAP I SMELLED FLADER THROUGH THE ENVELOPE!!!!

                          So I put that one in the fridge to chill and tore open the plain los. I know what's up.

                          Backstory........I love the Gul los with every fiber of my being.......I used it all day.........I cried the day it was brutally stabbed to death in the alleyway by the financial team........no words can describe.......loyal to the end..........have many cans in the freezer..........love.

                          Nothing will ever take it's pla.....plain!

                          Jimmy. Plain is fantastic. I have tried a lot of "plain" snus and OMG I am in love. I don't know what OMG means but it states how I feel pretty well.

                          The grind is the slightly coarse Gotlandssnus los cut I fell in love with when I first found the Gotlands brand. It is moist and...if you will...fluffy most likely due to the packaging and extreme freshness. (Plus those little snus bags are soooooo cute I could just eat them up!) The quality of the tobacco, which is expected to be high, is at the usual incredibly rediculously high standard that Gotlandsnus brands hold themselves to. All is as I expected.....

                          Upon opening the snusbag (which is now hanging on my corkboard.....the plain sits in a cleaned Gotlands can) the smell is decadent. Anyone who tried the Ettan Kardus will find a similar smell here. It is of a fresh, clean earthy smell like the scent of a meadow from across a freshly tilled field after a cool spring rain standing in the doorway of a barn where tobacco is being cured. That is where the smell of this snus takes me....rustic and rural and lovely.

                          So.....I needed to put it in my mouth. Im not gonna lie......I have my third pinch in right now. I got home an hour and a half ago. I am practically eating it. The taste is soooo good. It is the fantastic Gotlands tobacco flavor profile and nothing else. It is a light sweet earthy flavor that is rich and dark with a nice barely noticable salty note that finishes with a light bitterness. Think of the taste when you put an expensive Maduro cigar in your mouth before you light it. That is what it tastes like without the astringent "tobacco burn" and for all of its richness it still manages to not overpower your palate and it has a lightness of charachter to it. There is extreme balance in this snus and a serious complexity going on.

                          This is snus.

                          This is what I want my snus to taste like.

                          No bullshit, no smoke, no added flavors.

                          Just fantastic tobacco that stands on its own leaps ahead of any snus I have ever tried.

                          The foundation a flavor is built upon needs to be solid for the flavor to be fantastic. This base foundation is what makes Gotlands my favorite brand. The flavors added to it compliment and enhance it. I will never be the same after trying this snus.

                          Thank you Jimmy for the oppurtunity to sample this snus and give my opinion. I would love to make this my "all day every day" snus. I really am smitten with it and will gladly buy this snus.....five tins a month is my usage on los.....you have my adress already. Just tell me who to make the check out to..

                          PS Sorry about all of the crap I gave you for gul being discontinued. I know it wasnt your fault. You know what they say about the last love is forgotten on the lips of the next pretty girl. That being said, be prepared for all of the shit I am going to give you to get this to market.


                          • resnor
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 619

                            The Flader los is FANTASTIC!!! I can't add anything to what has already been posted...but, if I could purchase this Flader los, it would be a regular for me. How do the Flader portions compare to the los?

                            Haven't tried the plain, yet, but will soon. I have to really ration this stuff...unless Jimmy is sending out a second round of samples...


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Dear Snuson

                              I owe you all my deepest apology. If Ice wants my resignation as a moderator I will give it to him with deep sorrow and shame.

                              You see I have done you all a grave and grievous wrong

                              It all started when I tried Plain and Green Los.

                              I too discovered what Mike and others have so eloquently described and I needed more.............I needed Green and Plain in my everyday rotation.

                              In my defense Chad, Lx, and I tried to get Gotlands to FDA Plain and Green and make them available for sale..............either as regular products or as seasonal specials.

                              We gave it our best shot.........we came close...............but alas we failed.

                              In that failure...............I confess...............I turned to darker and more desperate measures

                              I knew my only hope was for Jimmy and Henrik to see first hand your love for this snus, the wide appeal it has, and the market potential that exists for it...............

                              but this meant each of you would have to try it first.................It meant you too would have to share my torment.................it meant condemning each of you (my own friends and brothers in snus) to the same...............long................dark............ ...night ........of the soul..........that Chad, Lx, and I have had to endure these months since we tried Green and Plain

                              It was cruel and completely selfish

                              But you say, "Awe come on Dog...........we got free snus.............you have been a friend to us"

                              No brothers and sisters I have not..................you see I know one thing that you do not yet know.................that sample..............the one you have come to love (as I too came to love it)..........will run out

                              and then you will have to go back to that mush you call General...........with eyes wide open...........knowing...........having seen..............having tasted first hand.............what real snus is....................only to never to have it again.............it will haunt your memories and torment your dreams

                              I have not helped you.................I have cursed you

                              For that I beg your forgiveness

                              Only Jimmy and Henrik can save you now...............
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                              • EricHill78
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 4253

                                Thanks Jimmy for the samples! The flader is fantastic.. im at the 1 1/2 hour mark and that great green apple flavor is there.. amazing! Im going to make a pris of the plain los next


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