you know I have met many people in my life but I know one thing you know life better then many people on planet earth , do you know why I do know that ? Cause I lived in Armenia, Russia, Cuba, Ukrain, Uzbekistan, Netherlands met many many people I am chef for a couple of people ,but each time I say to my self of I will be his( Walens ) age will I be so wise or Will I ever have the sense of Sarcasm that Pp have and unfortunately I do know the answer, no I can not be cause it is Genetikly coming when somebody dose not finished school but knows life better then a professor
I LOVE YOU brother Whalen
And I hope people will not think that I am talking good thinks because of Snuff.
Thanks GN, I am working too hard, heart is tired, no vacation for 5 years now, I am old enough to know I am beat. 10 hour day, 4 hour commute, three year old snus. I expected more from a life! Things will get better.
That was nice! You bring a lot of joy to the world.
Thanks GN, I am working too hard, heart is tired, no vacation for 5 years now, I am old enough to know I am beat. 10 hour day, 4 hour commute, three year old snus. I expected more from a life! Things will get better.
That was nice! You bring a lot of joy to the world.
I enjoy every word here said by snusonians , but You and pp are Grand papas that I always want to listen
I told you a lot of things on the phone GN, not that, you where just so busy trying to tell me what you were wearing that i could not get a word in, Remember?
I am 56. You have to just imagine what i am wearing!
I told you a lot of things on the phone GN, not that, you where just so busy trying to tell me what you were wearing that i could not get a word in, Remember?
I am 56. You have to just imagine what i am wearing! [ATTACH=CONFIG]1999[/ATTACH]
I was kidding brother but you see you are only 56 but you have younger soul then many 18 years old people
I told you a lot of things on the phone GN, not that, you where just so busy trying to tell me what you were wearing that i could not get a word in, Remember?
I am 56. You have to just imagine what i am wearing! [ATTACH=CONFIG]1999[/ATTACH]
I think you wearing big black trousers like in 50' s grand papas did
Too Much disco and Pixie dust GN! Then Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Tag teaming at the Girls dorm. It;s the time I spent in the High desert that ages a man, and the horror's of the Congo, what was i thinking? Cold Simba beer is all I remember from Lubembashi! It wasn't Kinshasa - I know that much. I got this Colonel Kurtz thing going GN.
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...