Any updates on when your store will be taking orders from the U.S.? Love your snus but Northern always seems to be out of what I am trying to order.
???? When Mercury will cross the Jupiter and earth will be on the same line that day we will oppen USA deliverys ... And ofcorse if UPS will be kind to us
???? When Mercury will cross the Jupiter and earth will be on the same line that day we will oppen USA deliverys ... And ofcorse if UPS will be kind to us
Hang on..............that is exactly the same time the Mayans say the earth will it will be free shipping day too
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Hey GN. When can some of us prize winners expect to see our prizes? Only reason I ask is that those of us in the US have to sign for it unfortunately. Really appreciate it one way or the other......
Hey GN. When can some of us prize winners expect to see our prizes? Only reason I ask is that those of us in the US have to sign for it unfortunately. Really appreciate it one way or the other......
That is a good question....which package service do you use GN (or anybody who has received one in the past)....USPS or UPS or Other? I may want to change the address I provided to insure that there is someone to sign for it since no one is home typically when the mail is delivered
That is a good question....which package service do you use GN (or anybody who has received one in the past)....USPS or UPS or Other? I may want to change the address I provided to insure that there is someone to sign for it since no one is home typically when the mail is delivered
I want to buy a few cans of Odens Xtreme Loose soon, is there any possibility to buy and get it shipped with normal mail? (I asked before sorry but how can I do it?)
GN, do you have a snus for a broken heart? My poor broken heart cannot stand up to the loss of my beloved Auggie doggy! Froggy is worried that I may not survive such a loss. Auggie was my best buddy in the whole world GN!! Like you!
Sad to put away his favorite toys GN! Breaks my poor broken heart, again.
GN, do you have a snus for a broken heart? My poor broken heart cannot stand up to the loss of my beloved Auggie doggy! Froggy is worried that I may not survive such a loss. Auggie was my best buddy in the whole world GN!! Like you!
Sad to put away his favorite toys GN! Breaks my poor broken heart, again.
What is Auggie doggy
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Auggie was my constant companion, 88 pound Austrailian cattle dog. Always happy and loved every minute of life, he had 5 acres of forest and always romped wild and free. I took him into the vet for a checkupl They found advanced cancer, I had to let him go. The shock and pain is unbearable.
Whalen I am so sorry to hear that. My ol English Springer is starting to show his will be a rough day for our family when that time comes
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Auggie was my constant companion, 88 pound Austrailian cattle dog. Always happy and loved every minute of life, he had 5 acres of forest and always romped wild and free. I took him into the vet for a checkupl They found advanced cancer, I had to let him go. The shock and pain is unbearable.
We had to have Oskar our English cocker put down last year due to liver cancer, its heartbreaking and I still miss him tremendously
Alfie our English Springer is doing fine though, despite a strict diet he has somehow put on weight!!
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...