Hi GN. Hope your keeping well. I noticed you don't have any Odens Extreme original Los in stock in your online store. When will it be available again? Thanks brother : )
Hi GN. Hope your keeping well. I noticed you don't have any Odens Extreme original Los in stock in your online store. When will it be available again? Thanks brother : )
Ever get the feeling your talking to yourself? GN brother,....are you there?.....can you hear me?
It,s ok GN. No worries, i,ll just go cry in a corner.....and wait : (
come to this corner. we can all cry together..........
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Hi GN. Hope your keeping well. I noticed you don't have any Odens Extreme original Los in stock in your online store. When will it be available again? Thanks brother : )
extremely well with Pp sended kit , and I wish to say Whalen as well but zzzzzzzzzzz
I don't know what PP and Whalen sent you, but i can guess lol. By the sound of it, it looks like you should give your THALALA a well deserved break brother.
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...