Ask GN ??? GN s Hotline

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
    Hi i am GN s secretary if gn forgets your request plese Do not be angree he is just like That girls what is that in My program That ward recently was taken away Can not put this messege to GN it is wrong Word wrong Word use proper English plese even i am programed like svenglish i undestand English this messege Will not be sended in peper form thhhhannnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you)))))GN i have one unanswered post answer answer answer answer.......
    Let me sleep you made in WHO knows where machine but wait à minet WHO left messege ????? À g à n t l m e n . Tell me name .... I t h i n k h i s n à m e i s S n u s d o g ... Realy Snusdog hm it is à very Good Guy machine ))) what he said ? H e s p o k e m u c h m o r e s t r à n g e E n g l i s h t h e n y o u d o h e u s e d u n k n o w n w à r d ... Like what machin ??? Golf gilf galop ??? Thanks machine i Will look and fix That Thanks again now be on watch and be carefull to My brothers and sisters ))) o k g n


    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      • Mar 2011
      • 7035

      G n g n g n g n g n g n g n ... What machine ;( i j u s t p r o g r à m e d t o waik y o u Up à t 02.27 t o g o t o pee ... Thank you ))) now leave me alone machine ;( à s y o u s à y m à s t e r....


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
        Let me sleep you made in WHO knows where machine but wait à minet WHO left messege ????? À g à n t l m e n . Tell me name .... I t h i n k h i s n à m e i s S n u s d o g ... Realy Snusdog hm it is à very Good Guy machine ))) what he said ? H e s p o k e m u c h m o r e s t r à n g e E n g l i s h t h e n y o u d o h e u s e d u n k n o w n w à r d ... Like what machin ??? Golf gilf galop ??? Thanks machine i Will look and fix That Thanks again now be on watch and be carefull to My brothers and sisters ))) o k g n
        Damn electronics

        Carrier pigeon dispatched

        Sleep well my friend
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          I'm really excited to order from odensnus!!! Any idea when the new classic loose will be available? Seeing if I should wait or just order extreme for now. Thanks!


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752



            GN du har ett budskap..............

            Förbannar maskin

            lufttrafikföretag duva avsänds

            sover bra min vän
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • timholian
              • Apr 2010
              • 1448

              Oh, GN.... You and SnusDog are never to be left alone again!

              Hahahhahahahahahahaha you are on a roll...

              Have yer machine call my machine... Maybe they can do lunch.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                Dear Snusdog My Dear brother- GoVegan is our Freand and brother even he likes gelivare and Do not est meet )))) I Do not have problem With him even he thinks GN has done à LOT that ladys are treated in some parts of internet beeed))) What Do i have problem With is that i want only good for snuson but not that harm snuson and i truly belive My participation on tjat thread started to be some how harmfull for snus on it not tjat i want fine wards From GUYS i tell you what i know and what i feel,))) Snusdog i and GN has got so much sh"""" during our proces of Beeng à Company that no naked girl Can harm us the way as Larry Watters did when till to day thare are people WHO saying that " i Can not pass GN way of making snus" if you want name ?? Here is one beatl somthing Yesterday talked about it ))))) so what i want to say We know what is right what is wrong We know what We want there is only one little problem i di not know well yet what is good for snuson if you belive tjat i have good heart then belive me please i mean good thing so what is the botom line brother, and if i publicly speak about your mom or sister like an exapmle Do you think it is brotherly reletions or at list freandly or might be nebirhods treat each other That way when i was in skool My teacher talked That way But We where Young and dum )))) now if some think that We are freaks WHO serching after butts or suche Freand as was mantioned i take it close to My heart and That is why i dicided go out From tjat thread But i am at snus and Will be just explain what is Harm for snuson and belive me at list fromus you Will never get problems ))))
                GN even though I love Gellivare there is still room in my heart for you. Especially since Gellivare hasn't been in stock for a while now. All I suggested was that the pictures be toned down a bit not eliminated altogether. IMO, which is worth less than 2 cents, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little nudity. Some of the stuff being posted in there was over the line. The thread was going from funny to a bit vulgar. I absolutely LOVE your posts and you made me wear out the refresh button on my browser looking at them. I also love the fact that you are down here in the trenches with your customers listening to their every word. I just think snuson should be a comfortable place for at least 90% of the population. When people start getting banned for posting pic's the thread is no fun anymore and we have crossed the line. As far as the company image statement, I think GN tobacco is a terrific company and I would like everybody to buy your products. That was the only thing I meant by that. Please, please, please continue posting on here. Better yet, why not start a new thread where everything goes so long as they are within dog's very loose guidelines. I will paste them again -

                Per the top chihuahua

                As this fascinating debate on Ethics and Propriety continues…………. let me just add my two cents:

                This is an adult site………………it is not a vulgar site

                We can be one without becoming the other

                That said……….. In the spirit of open discussion and mutual respect…………… please know that I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts about this policy

                As you do so let me personally assure you that…….regardless of which side of the debate you are on……… long as you

                1) agree with me


                2) your post has
                nothing vulgar
                nothing explicit
                nothing illegal
                nothing naked
                and nothing everywhere on the site
                Your sick ass will not get banned

                Carry on


                • Experimental Monkey
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 795

                  Originally posted by GoVegan
                  GN even though I love Gellivare there is still room in my heart for you. Especially since Gellivare hasn't been in stock for a while now. All I suggested was that the pictures be toned down a bit not eliminated altogether. IMO, which is worth less than 2 cents, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little nudity. Some of the stuff being posted in there was over the line. The thread was going from funny to a bit vulgar. I absolutely LOVE your posts and you made me wear out the refresh button on my browser looking at them. I also love the fact that you are down here in the trenches with your customers listening to their every word. I just think snuson should be a comfortable place for at least 90% of the population. When people start getting banned for posting pic's the thread is no fun anymore and we have crossed the line. As far as the company image statement, I think GN tobacco is a terrific company and I would like everybody to buy your products. That was the only thing I meant by that. Please, please, please continue posting on here. Better yet, why not start a new thread where everything goes so long as they are within dog's very loose guidelines. I will paste them again -

                  Per the top chihuahua

                  As this fascinating debate on Ethics and Propriety continues…………. let me just add my two cents:

                  This is an adult site………………it is not a vulgar site

                  We can be one without becoming the other

                  That said……….. In the spirit of open discussion and mutual respect…………… please know that I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts about this policy

                  As you do so let me personally assure you that…….regardless of which side of the debate you are on……… long as you

                  1) agree with me


                  2) your post has
                  nothing vulgar
                  nothing explicit
                  nothing illegal
                  nothing naked
                  and nothing everywhere on the site
                  Your sick ass will not get banned

                  Carry on
                  ... DRAMA! This place has went down the poop hole.


                  • Experimental Monkey
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 795

                    Put in an order for around 30 cans on but can't get past delivery. Says theres no carriers that deliver to my address??? Come on GN, I want to give you my monies but refuse to do business with Northerner.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
                      ... DRAMA!
                      OK that’s not an insight………it’s an observation

                      But since we are on the topic of drama………………..let me give you the script to almost every snuson thread

                      Post #1………….somebody asks a legitimate question about snus

                      Does anyone know the TSNA count in snus A

                      Post #2-3 people try to give a well informed response

                      Post #4-315 around post 4 people have gotten tired of all this research and technical talk. Thus the thread reverts to an open discussion about UFOs, bouncing boobie, Hanna Montana videos, and the likes

                      Post #316 Somebody goes too far and gets their ass banned

                      Posts #317-372 Everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                      Post #373 Tom502 responds to the original post

                      Post #374-399 Everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                      Post #400 ~Whalen self-deletes his own post~

                      Post #401-427 The banned member is reinstated, there is resolve, drunk posting, group hugs, and a general moving on

                      Post #428 someone pops in to offer their observation about the thespian nature of the forum

                      So by my calculations………we are pretty much right on schedule
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        OK I admit it. I had to look up thespian.


                        • StuKlu
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 1192

                          Originally posted by snusdog View Post
                          ok that’s not an insight………it’s an observation

                          but since we are on the topic of drama………………..let me give you the script to almost every snuson thread

                          post #1………….somebody asks a legitimate question about snus

                          post #2-3 people try to give a well informed response

                          post #4-315 around post 4 people have gotten tired of all this research and technical talk. Thus the thread reverts to an open discussion about ufos, bouncing boobie, hanna montana videos, and the likes

                          post #316 somebody goes too far and gets their ass banned

                          posts #317-372 everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                          post #373 tom502 responds to the original post

                          post #374-399 everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                          post #400 ~whalen self-deletes his own post~

                          post #401-427 the banned member is reinstated, there is resolve, drunk posting, group hugs, and a general moving on

                          post #428 someone pops in to offer their observation about the thespian nature of the forum

                          so by my calculations………we are pretty much right on schedule


                          • timholian
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1448

                            Nerf the walls and pad the floor and ceiling!

                            Make sure those car seats are strapped in tight!

                            If you get colicky make sure to suck on a rounded mint in a mesh bag.

                            I just want you to be safe.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                              OK that’s not an insight………it’s an observation

                              But since we are on the topic of drama………………..let me give you the script to almost every snuson thread

                              Post #1………….somebody asks a legitimate question about snus

                              Post #2-3 people try to give a well informed response

                              Post #4-315 around post 4 people have gotten tired of all this research and technical talk. Thus the thread reverts to an open discussion about UFOs, bouncing boobie, Hanna Montana videos, and the likes

                              Post #316 Somebody goes too far and gets their ass banned

                              Posts #317-372 Everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                              Post #373 Tom502 responds to the original post

                              Post #374-399 Everybody tries to figure out why that somebody got banned

                              Post #400 ~Whalen self-deletes his own post~

                              Post #401-427 The banned member is reinstated, there is resolve, drunk posting, group hugs, and a general moving on

                              Post #428 someone pops in to offer their observation about the thespian nature of the forum

                              So by my calculations………we are pretty much right on schedule


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                so whos gona cut my toenails?
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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