GN even though I love Gellivare there is still room in my heart for you. Especially since Gellivare hasn't been in stock for a while now. All I suggested was that the pictures be toned down a bit not eliminated altogether. IMO, which is worth less than 2 cents, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little nudity. Some of the stuff being posted in there was over the line. The thread was going from funny to a bit vulgar. I absolutely LOVE your posts and you made me wear out the refresh button on my browser looking at them. I also love the fact that you are down here in the trenches with your customers listening to their every word. I just think snuson should be a comfortable place for at least 90% of the population. When people start getting banned for posting pic's the thread is no fun anymore and we have crossed the line. As far as the company image statement, I think GN tobacco is a terrific company and I would like everybody to buy your products. That was the only thing I meant by that. Please, please, please continue posting on here. Better yet, why not start a new thread where everything goes so long as they are within dog's very loose guidelines. I will paste them again -
Per the top chihuahua
As this fascinating debate on Ethics and Propriety continues…………. let me just add my two cents:
This is an adult site………………it is not a vulgar site
We can be one without becoming the other
That said……….. In the spirit of open discussion and mutual respect…………… please know that I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts about this policy
As you do so let me personally assure you that…….regardless of which side of the debate you are on……… long as you
1) agree with me
2) your post has
nothing vulgar
nothing explicit
nothing illegal
nothing naked
and nothing everywhere on the site
Your sick ass will not get banned
Carry on
GoVegan i feel little uncomfortable that you think that i left that thread Becouse of your oppinon ( Absolutly not i like your humor and never Can forget how funny you did say when i asked you how are you you sed " yeh ? Why?"))) Every body at GN even Gajane hehe herd your name From me ))) why i left is becose That issue was going on à while even things you Do not know and has nothing to Do With)) What i want to say i Will produce somthing loose That you Will serch it all over internet deal????
I'll see what the final product looks like.
The guays will laugh until they pee.
there I fixed that for you
I can't wait to see it!!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...