Exactly the same here Bill - Angry Birds, Stupid Zombies, irunner, Ant Smasher. He knows how to work the phone better than his mother. It's pretty funny.
There's a couple of teaching apps as well where he's learning his letters and numbers - but I never have a charged battery for me any more :-(
Bill. Did you get something from Payson saying that you had to accept of reject the merchandise.
That was a weird one for me as I didn't have it lol.
Yeah Frosted. Payson said i had eight days, from the day the Snus was shipped, 13 June, to accept or reject the merchandise??? The eight days ended today and i forgot about it, anyway i didn,t have the Snus. This is a first for me as well, apparently when you accept the goods, they then send the payment to Odenssnus.
Ok guys here is the thing Payson we don't know why made it that you have to confirm ... We took away it only 3 persons we did not reach and amagine what now i know that Two of them was My brothers Bill And Frosted i Will send it tomorow express sorry for that
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
Ok guys here is the thing Payson we don't know why made it that you have to confirm ... We took away it only 3 persons we did not reach and amagine what now i know that Two of them was My brothers Bill And Frosted i Will send it tomorow express sorry for that
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...