I'm confused.. I keep hearing about new snus coming from GN but I have no idea what they are. I saw the new Kanel but what are the other ones? Any new portion designs like long/slim protions?
Just wondering...
Vanila , Creamy Wintergreen is on the way i Do belive till end Of the August i am sorry i am not so aktiv this days New portion design ....... No
GN! You son of an old sea dog! ^^^^^^^^^ your up late! I was just thinking of you as I dribbled more Spanish Brandy on to a slug of Extreme tobacco snuff!
GN! You son of an old sea dog! ^^^^^^^^^ your up late! I was just thinking of you as I dribbled more Spanish Brandy on to a slug of Extreme tobacco snuff!
Hello Brothers out there here is four news for you - One is GOOD and the other is GOOD and the therd is GOOD and the Fourth is GOOD from which should...