Loonic in the USA / Northener

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    Loonic in the USA / Northener

    Hey Frank or Rick...

    This loonic stuff seems interesting. When are you guys going to have it for the US? I know they have the 4 step stuff but they also have a 100% one that is still 8mg nic but is half green tea.. That's the one I want to try.. Any ideas?

  • rictorblackbus
    • May 2011
    • 47

    +1, I totally want to try them!!!!


    • ABW
      • May 2011
      • 793

      I know.. I love green tea.. Seems kinda like a cool product.. They have the 4 step ones but since I don't want to quit so I am not interested in those..(I would try the 75% one) I want the loonic 100% which is 50/50 tobacco and green tea but it has 8mg of nicotine..

      Want it!!!


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Im going to try these as well..the nicotine free one... and a few others from Northerner... its kinda hard to stay away from snus especially since I quit ... and I hope these would help a bit with the cravings


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793


          Good for you man.. If you are really having trouble then it might be a good idea to try their program... Start with the #1 and work your way down.. I find that helps with certain types of addictions.. It kinda puts your mind at ease and allows you wean yourself off without setting and then breaking your goals which just makes you feel like crap.. Plus, there is a physical advantage as well.

          I heard someone on here tell you that it still is the same 36-72 hours of hell once you are down to the low nic and then stop but that's not really correct. It does still take the same time to leave your body but the physical effects would be almost nothing. They sure would not be like quiting a 16 mg Sterk cold turkey..

          If you can swing the cold turkey thing than more power to you but there is a reason that things like the patch and other NRT's wean you off. It's been studied and for nicotine it's one of the most successful methods..(not NRT's but the weaning I mean)



          • risurfer
            • Mar 2011
            • 21

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            Im going to try these as well..the nicotine free one... and a few others from Northerner... its kinda hard to stay away from snus especially since I quit ... and I hope these would help a bit with the cravings
            Try this:
            Take some decent/ freshly roasted coffee beans. I use an espresso blend, since I also have an espresso machine. Grind to espresso size (much finer than drip coffee), put some in a baggie, add a bit of salt & a few pinches of baking soda. Put some of this into a cut up coffee filter & you have a portion that has a small caffeine kick & feels pretty similar to having a snus in. It takes care of the oral physical thing, just not the nic thing.

