We need more lower nicotine snuses!

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    We need more lower nicotine snuses!

    The only ones out there are General Silver and Skruf Mellan, and of course the minis, but I'm talking large portions. Why is there such a lack in lower nicotine alternatives?

    I wish someone grants mine, and hopefully others wishes, and hope some forum members show their interest by posting in this thread.

    Is it difficult making a 4 mg large portion? I'm thinking if the natural nicotine content in 1 grams of snus (a large portion) is equal to around 8 mg, or more if you alter the PH level, it can be difficult to reduce the nicotine levels using the same amount of tobacco as is in a regular portion... I'm not sure. If anyone can fill me in, that would be great. Otherwise, if there is a way in toning down the nic content (without affecting the flavor, which according to me was the problem with General Silver and Skruf Mellan), I don't see a reason why this should not be a option for new productions.

    I'm recently thinking of switching to mini portions. What I don't like about them is that they taste less, and are not very price worthy (almost the same cost as regular portions and half the weight).

    The reason I want to use less nicotine is because I can tend to feel a bit drowsy and weird by higher nicotine contents when chain snusing. I have a pretty high tolerance, but nicotine is a very powerful stimulant, especially felt in snus I've noticed, and it feels like higher nicotine brands tire you out in the long run (at least for me). I love the taste of tobacco, and have a portion in 90% of my awake time, but chaining sterks (even chaining 8 mg's can sometime be too much) is not a good thing to do for me. However, with lower nicotine, I could chain snus like crazy.

    Is there anyone else who is interested in lower nicotine large portions?
  • timoteo
    • Dec 2009
    • 583

    I dig your garden your growing here. nothings better than a regular size/shape large portion, but less nicotine is something some people desire or need.

    I would deff try General Silver if it came in white.


    • heders
      • Jan 2011
      • 2227

      Originally posted by timoteo
      I dig your garden your growing here. nothings better than a regular size/shape large portion, but less nicotine is something some people desire or need.

      I would deff try General Silver if it came in white.
      Yeah, for sure! PP and Whalen (I think his name is?) have heart conditions, and are also interested in this from what I've read.

      I just think that weaker alternatives would not hurt, you know. I think 8 mg is perfect, but I could settle with less nic if it had the same flavor profiles as the regular brands. General Silver is good, but it tastes a bit too mild, and doesn't drip as much as I would like too, so it's almost like a white. Somewhere in the middle.

      What I would like however is a General/Grov/Ettan (for example) feel and flavor, but just with less nicotine. Until now, manufacturers have thought "OK, so people who want less nicotine also wants a milder, and less flavor".


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I'm indifferent. I think 8mg/g is a good median, and I'm fine with the nicotine varying ~2mg one way or the other.

        Withholding vote due to the above.


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Originally posted by heders
          Yeah, for sure! PP and Whalen (I think his name is?) have heart conditions...
          You can add me to that list too. The occasional 22 Mg/g does not bother me; however, most 8 Mg/g are to low for me. I use a combo of 16 and 8's with the majority being 8's. When I take a 22, I can feel my blood vessels constrict!
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            I'm indifferent too...


            • timoteo
              • Dec 2009
              • 583

              Ill try some General silver next time I place an order, Sometimes 8mg, seems too strong like before bed or while doing hard work.


              • timoteo
                • Dec 2009
                • 583

                also a diet with less nicotine may be helthier.


                • Crow
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 4312

                  I think the producers should make a low strength snus for all of their brands (along with regular and extra sterk).

                  I'm all for it (just don't make it 'too weak'). Anything stronger than the Marlboro/Camel (US) crap would be a welcome addition.
                  Words of Wisdom

                  Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                  Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                  Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                  Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                  Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                  Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                  Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                  Frosted: lucky twat
                  Frosted: Aussie slags
                  Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    Its a pretty safe bet that snusgetter would prefer a lower nic full size snus also.

                    My ideal snus is full size 4 to 6 mg nic OR coffee/vanilla. The vogel boys will be getting an email very soon. I'm going to wait tho untill some more member weith in with the proper vote...hint hint. Then I can email themwith the link to this thread and the coffee/vanilla pole thread to show some proof that it will sell. Otherwise I'm buying a whole batch.

                    Thanks for posting this thread/pole. i had thought of modifying my thread with the lower nic option but it was too late. Too many people already voted.
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • Monkey
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 3290

                      I wouldn't mind cost effective minis. As of now they are too much money for too little snus.

                      Lower nic slim portions that taste great like a 6mg would be good but I am not sure I would purchase.

                      I like los but I really miss the taboca mini strongs. 6mg mini portions. They were fantastic.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        I'd dig it, I like to sleep with a snus in, I usually do a Mellan as it's normal size, lower nic.


                        • clint404
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 317

                          What I would give for a can of 8/mg coffee vanilla from V2 or even a pink grapefruit.

                          Please V2 I beg you!!


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by clint404
                            a pink grapefruit.

                            Please V2 I beg you!!
                            Now that's interesting. I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention a grapefruit flavor before. I think that would be pretty good :^)


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              The nic wars is a little stupid to he honest.. What do you think will be the cap before they make people real sick? 25 mgs?


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