Just a minor question. When I dipped i would just buy dip when I landed. I'm looking all over TSA websites and i see nothign about transporting tobacco. I'm flying from a US to US destination. Can i throw a few cans of snus in my checked luggage?
Ahhhhh snus on a plan!!!?
I was thinking about this recently as I'm flying from London to New York in a couple of weeks time. Never flown with snus before, so I'm expecting potential questions about the stuff when I go through security. Probably just going to take portions with me, as it's a work trip with a new job, and I don't really want my new colleagues to see me baking loose - might give the wrong impression!
I don't think would cut in the EU. They talk about the crazy US security check(And something are a bit extreme), but I've experienced quite weird stuff when I bring something on a plane - I had a measuring device for lung capacity(A simple plastic thingy to blow in) and I went through a bit of questioning about it, and after that they found my nasal spray(classic type) and they asked about this aswell... I can't imagine what would happen if I took some snus on a plane. Especially if it was loose - they'd probably thing it was some sort of new moist plastic explosive!
It's considered poor etiquette not to snus on your flight. I find it exceptionally pleasurable...'specially during takeoff. I've flown dozens of times and have gotten nary a question about it. I take two cans on board and the rest in the luggage, that way if it gets taken from my luggage 'cos I'm not there to explain it to an uninformed agent I've got at least two cans to figure it out or stretch it for the duration of the trip. It's never come to that but hey, it's good to be prepared.