min bror har blitt fortalt at hvis en har samler mange nok snusbokser, kan en bytte inn snusboksene og få en sølvboks hos en eller annen fabrikk eller noe et eller annet sted i sverige... er dette tilfelle eller er det bare oppspinn? noen som vet??
Hello. I`m wondering if this is true or just nonsens:
My brother have been told (he`s been gathering houndreds of boxes),
that if he collects/buys a certain number of snus-boxes he can trade the empty ones in some place (a factory or a dealer) in sweden,
and he will get a real silver-snusbox in return. does someone know if this is true and an actual possibility? and in which case... where is it?
answers will be appreciated.
Hello. I`m wondering if this is true or just nonsens:
My brother have been told (he`s been gathering houndreds of boxes),
that if he collects/buys a certain number of snus-boxes he can trade the empty ones in some place (a factory or a dealer) in sweden,
and he will get a real silver-snusbox in return. does someone know if this is true and an actual possibility? and in which case... where is it?
answers will be appreciated.
