I urgently need low salt or no salt snus :(

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  • DiRhea
    • Aug 2013
    • 27

    Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
    I'm sure there is an obvious answer to this. But wouldn't it be possible to just up your potassium intake, while still trying to avoid salt, to help balance things out?

    Also I'm not sure where you live but northerner still has the northerner brand dry portions. I've never tried them and the ones i looked at appear to be out of stock at the moment. I can't be 100% sure but i believe they are low/no salt compared to the other brands. Again where your from may depend on if you can get it or not. I know northerner is in this really odd shipping thing because of laws
    Its one of those strange and rare diseases Thunder - made even more complex by that I am part of the largest family in the world passing it down (they have a dad and daughter) then there is our family - im even more complex in that i am the only one with bilateral cons - the rest all have a different form - but no i cant take potassium - cant even eat food with potassium in it because thats the job of the kalural - it has to flush salt while sustaining potassium - if i took potassium supplements the kalural would grab every drop of the potassium and emphasize it and send me the opposite way and id have a heart attack anyway - it sucks where rare deceases are concerned lol

    I am in australia and snus is illegal here - i get mine from a supplier that quietly ships here very cheaply - i will see if they have northerner - can you please link me up and show me what you use.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      Originally posted by DiRhea
      Its one of those strange and rare diseases Thunder - made even more complex by that I am part of the largest family in the world passing it down (they have a dad and daughter) then there is our family - im even more complex in that i am the only one with bilateral cons - the rest all have a different form - but no i cant take potassium - cant even eat food with potassium in it because thats the job of the kalural - it has to flush salt while sustaining potassium - if i took potassium supplements the kalural would grab every drop of the potassium and emphasize it and send me the opposite way and id have a heart attack anyway - it sucks where rare deceases are concerned lol

      I am in australia and snus is illegal here - i get mine from a supplier that quietly ships here very cheaply - i will see if they have northerner - can you please link me up and show me what you use.
      I was referring to something like this. http://us.northerner.com/catalogsear.../?q=northerner again I'm not sure what the salt content it in these but I am just assuming it is lower. You would probably want to check with someone that has actually tried it.

      That certainly is a complex problem you've got there.
      I remember reading about a rare genetic disease that a family had in the mountains of kentucky i believe, had/has. I'm not sure if its still around, but their skin was blue.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        A person needs about 2g of salt per day as a minimum to stay alive. To reach that minimum, one would have to use at least 40 portions of a salty snus brand on a single day.

        BTW, all the propaganda that low salt is healthy (also for people without extremely rare salt intolerance diseases) is just that: propaganda, invented by some rich puritans to spread their "way of living". It has nothing to do with science based medical advise, though many medics have been tricked to believe it - the "salt science" is as full of junk studies as the "tobacco science".

        Here's an interesting article about the "salt hoax", like I would call it: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/03/op...smid=pl-share&

        It was in the Ney York Times, so it's certainly no "conspiracy theorists' drivel".

        Here are some other articles on the topic:

        It's more and more recognized today that the salt propaganda of the last 100 years was nothing but a total humbug, but just like the myth about the extreme healthiness of spinach (which has been debunked more than 100 years ago), the salt fraud is dying very slowly.

        I'm no medic and I don't have a salt intolerance, I just love salt and I already hated the anti salt propaganda before I knew that it is quackery.
        I also happen to live near a road that translates as "salt way" and probably was the most important trade route in ancient Europe. Here in the region one already learns in elementary school, how important salt is to survive. The "low salt health nonsense" has never been a topic around here.

        DiRhea, apart from the fact that I don't think that snus could be a problem for you (it simply isn't as salty as it tastes), you maybe should obtain a second opinion.



        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          Well, your beliefs are interesting. But if you are suffering from too much salt, as I am, and can link your blood pressure directly to consumption, with a calibrated instrument no less, I have to call your views dangerous to follow. And two grams of salt is actually 1 gram of sodium. That is what a healthy daily amount should be. Just be aware you could be dangerously wrong, and giving some one deadly advice.
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            I was also going to call out chainsnuser on similar grounds but have not got a wealth of evidence at hand so didn't wish to get in to an argument I couldn't back up.

            The normal western diet has far too much salt in it for very good reasons ... the salt that preserved our foods in the forms of pickling, meat curing and so on was a lifesaving thing when you rely on agriculture with no freezers and refrigeration. At that time it was either eat too much salt in the winter or die of starvation! As such we developed the habit of salting our foods on a regular basis and it does make things very tasty!

            Before agriculture people ate hugely more varied diets and totally different depending on which season it was. They didn't suffer from the lack of salt in their diets as hunter gatherers - you get trace amounts of all minerals fixed in the leaves, roots and fruits of plants. Again - I cite my own lack of evidence - but in those days maybe if you lived past 30 years old you were lucky so it probably didn't matter as much if you got too little of a trace mineral!

            All that aside - you should not go around giving unqualified medical advice about what to eat in public if you think there's the remote chance that someone will listen to you and act on it ... because it could be dangerous to someone else's health. I don't know anything about DiRhea's medical condition and I would bet half a roll of Skruf Stark that they know far more about it than any of the rest of us!

            And I, like Chainsnuser also love salt in many things in my diet to a level that is probably unhealthy and may well catch up with me one of these days.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              snus has salt and if you have an affliction to salt then you should not use it. Good enough answer for you? It sucks to be in that 2% but it is what it is. Also you shouldn't be asking people about these things on the internet. Apparently your smarter or more educated on your 2% condition than any of us could be. So just do what you want. As far as the 98% of that don't have a peoblem iwh salt I'm with chainsnusser.....


              • DiRhea
                • Aug 2013
                • 27

                Originally posted by Bigblue1
                snus has salt and if you have an affliction to salt then you should not use it. Good enough answer for you? It sucks to be in that 2% but it is what it is. Also you shouldn't be asking people about these things on the internet. Apparently your smarter or more educated on your 2% condition than any of us could be. So just do what you want. As far as the 98% of that don't have a peoblem iwh salt I'm with chainsnusser.....
                Well bigblue i may be very tired but i think you were just really rude. I came here asking about salt in snus directly after finding out it was a main ingredient. Whalen and thunder were incredibly helpful with the maths for me and answered my original question.

                Next thing i am being told to seek a second opinion and now your supporting that by being a total smart arse at me.

                Whalen and Thunder again - thankyou - i will pose the salt maths to my professor and see if it can be allowed or cant be. Thankyou again for your help.

                I'm out.


                • DiRhea
                  • Aug 2013
                  • 27

                  I have had a sleep and feel so much better Now BigBlue - may i ask - what should i not be asking on the internet?

                  This is a snus forum and my thread was started in the 'Talk with the professionals' section. I requested if they produced a low salt or no salt snus.

                  Prey tell me Bigblue - where else should i have asked that question?

                  I was questioned as to why i can not have salt and i explained my cons. Pray tell me BigBlue - when asked - should i have replied 'sorry this is the internet and not a place to discuss things'.

                  A lovely person did some maths for me and helped me understand the salt contents. A few other questions were asked about my disease - and i answered. Pray tell BigBlue - should i have not done this?

                  Someone then came in giving their evidence of 'Salt Conspiracy' which by the way is likely true but also gave some bad medical advice - which 2 other people apart from me - suggested this was not a good idea. They then said i should get a second opinion and i showed the historical and medical professionals that work on our desease.

                  You deemed this to be an attack and stepped in to defend your friend by attacking me.

                  In My Opinion - totally unnecessary Bigblue and was very rude but i forgive you Have a nice night or day


                  • DiRhea
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 27

                    Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                    I make all my own bread by the way - and am in the process of learning how to make my own snus too ... the more you make yourself - the more you stay in control of what you are eating! I like my snus salty in the Swedish traditional style so I make it that way - but it is not an absolutely essential ingredient although snus made with potassium chloride will be somewhat bitter and snus with no salt at all may have a considerably shorter shelf life.
                    I don't think i would be able to make my own snus because we can't have tobacco or seeds here grrr But i sure would love to know how you make your bread.

                    I have been sitting here trying to do some comparison of things that i do allow myself and the levels of salt in them and work out what i could get rid of out of my diet to make way for snus lol i have been of smokes for 7 weeks and my pants are getting way too tight - dumping some food won't hurt me

                    I'd like to try and make a salt free bread and my understanding is it would have to be yeast free as well - any thoughts


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      To make it clear, I didn't give any medical advice. I only said that the salt content in snus IMHO shouldn't be of concern to anybody, not even to people with a salt intolerance (who also HAVE to eat 2g of salt per day as a vital mineral just like any human being - unlike other people they only have to avoid to eat much more than that).

                      Remember that we don't "eat" snus by the pound. It's not the same as a salty meal which probably can kill sensible people. 10 portions of snus will give a maximum of 0.5g, that's cartainly far from being dangerous to anybody.

                      As far as the "conspiracy thing" goes, I don't think that we must call it a conspiracy (though I personally believe that many scientific views of today are propagated by people with an agenda that doesn't involve a commitment to truth, their reasons may be economic, political, religious or whatever).
                      Over all, it's just that scientific views are constantly changing. The general "low salt is healthy for everybody" theory is not without some plausibilty (not only religious nuts/puritans believe it), but I think it has been debunked.

                      I think the medical advice to eat as little salt as possible has killed far more people than it has saved. Eating too little salt will kill anybody.

                      BTW, I remember my chemistry teacher in school, who once told us, that whatever he teaches us - 50 years later people will laugh about much of it as if it was some medieval superstition and not 20th century scientific truth. That way maybe be an exaggeration, but overall I think he was right.

                      Whalen, if salt makes you feel bad, then by all means avoid it where you can. Your feeling is certainly a better advisor than any medical theory anyway. I personally rather get a hunger for salt, when I had too little of it for some days (which does not happen too often). On the other hand, even an accidentally oversalted meal has never made me feel sick. I think most people can eat as much salt as they want without any negative side effects. People are different. Trusting your own feelings is better than to listen to some quacks (that's probably my view of the world in a nutshell). You don't have to be an "expert" to find out what's good or bad for you, personally.

                      Squeezy, I don't think that the salt-conservation methods of ancient times played a vital role in the fact that 200 years ago most people died "38 years old" on average. Infectious dieseases (not curable at that time) certainly played a much bigger role.

                      DiRhea, I don't think that anybody was trying to be rude to you, neither me nor any other of us. Snus tastes very salty (even for me it's sometimes too salty, so salty that I have to drink some water to get rid of the taste). 5% salt content just give a very salty taste, but - as I said - we don't eat snus by the pound, like food. 5% salt is only 50mg per portion. I don't think that this salt amount in snus is dangerous to anybody. But by all means ask your professor about it, also ask him, if he is knows about the newer findings , saying that the anti salt propaganda largely is/was unscientific. I think everybody here would like to hear back from you.



                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by DiRhea
                        I'd like to try and make a salt free bread and my understanding is it would have to be yeast free as well - any thoughts
                        A yeast raised bread shouldn't depend on salt going from memory. It's there exclusively for flavor. Quick breads can use sodium containing chemicals as a leavening agent.


                        • Thunder_Snus
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1316

                          Originally posted by Bigblue1
                          snus has salt and if you have an affliction to salt then you should not use it. Good enough answer for you? It sucks to be in that 2% but it is what it is. Also you shouldn't be asking people about these things on the internet. Apparently your smarter or more educated on your 2% condition than any of us could be. So just do what you want. As far as the 98% of that don't have a peoblem iwh salt I'm with chainsnusser.....
                          First you want to ban GN now we can't have people ask about snus. The hell is you problem


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            Man it took me weeks to get answers about just how much salt was in snus, and I am still unclear about total absorption amounts. But I always cross check my assumptions, some may not and it could be a disaster. The internet requires some heavy filtering to get the right info. Chech with a doctor and give them accurate amounts of salt info is the best option. And y3s I am aware of how clueless doctors are about snus. But it is worth the trouble to try to reach an understanding when it comes to a problem such as this.

                            BTW, I believe the salt is there for both taste and to keep the snus tsna levels in check. It is a shame that we have members who make snus and have all this knowledge at their fingertips, but we never have any input about this. Not talking about Squeesy... I mean the experts on staff with GN and Jimmy.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • squeezyjohn
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2497

                              Well congratulations snuson ... if you let that kind of unwelcoming behaviour coupled with really bad manners go unchecked then we're going to end up talking to our boring old selves with no fresh blood until the last one of us dies of oral cancer!!

                              BigBlue - very bad show indeed.

                              Slow hand claps all round.

                              PS - I would like to apologise for the general lack of manners from some members to DiRhea if you're still reading.

                              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                              • GoVegan
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 5603

                                I am thinking Blue has used up his entire snus stash and is down to General Wintergreen. Either that, or he has dihrea.

