So what ever happened to the new snus varieties from Conny Anderson, like Islay in white and Los format?
Islay Whiskey...
Los was never released for sale (it was only given out as a test sample prior to the potion release)
As far as the entire Oden's line I am not sure what is going on. Northerner, has limited its stock so it is not available there. They are planning to increase their offerings but have not been specific on when or I am not sure if their increase will include any of the Oden's line. Also I am not sure how much of this reduction of stock has to do with their operation moving to the USA again (and thus having to comply with all the FDA regulations)......maybe Northerner can pop in and give us a bit of the details.
Snus Central also has a limited Odens offering (at least in Los)........again I am not sure the reason and I am not sure where to go to get things like Odens Original ES and No.3 ES in los
Maybe GN could swing by and give us an understanding of what is going on.
Sooo.........Northerner and GN.........give a shout and let us know the situationWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by codyg140 View PostGN would indeed be the man to ask, but it seems he's been absent from the site lately. I've personally been wondering when Siberia is going to get released in cans and to other stores, and have posted on gn threads asking and still no answer which is making me sed
Originally posted by codyg140 View PostThat's correct, I even won some of Whalens snuff and autographed snus on the same thread.
Seems GN did mention that Oden's was tired of the FDA bs and apologized for the upcoming product scarcity....some time back........for the record, I did receive a prize of some 40-50 cans from GN for a contest was a beautiful assortment of cans, visually striking, but mostly too strong for me....can't remember who I passed them to???
I am still lovin the Islay, always have a can open in the rotation. I'm sure anything Conny comes up with will be xlnt.
Originally posted by codyg140 View PostNope never saw it, whalen promised me he was good for it and I take him on his word one day it'll show up. Don't worry when it shows up I'll be sure to post a picture and give a review mean after all Whalen's raising hell at GN.................Whalen didn't send you the prize he promised
UnbelievableWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by Snusdog View mean after all Whalen's raising hell at GN.................Whalen didn't send you the prize he promised
speaking of GN and conny didn't GN say they were working on some type of rum snus next?
I'm positive they posted about that on the site somewhere
Originally posted by codyg140 View Postgotta have faith dog.
speaking of GN and conny didn't GN say they were working on some type of rum snus next?
I'm positive they posted about that on the site somewhere
I seem to remember the same thing.......question is where can you go to buy any of it
Especially if it is losWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Somebody Tweet him or Instagram him and see if he will pop in.......I don't have an account for either and would rather keep it that way.....however, those might be the best means of reaching himWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I just Facebook stalked gns page, that sunovabich took a screen cap from the forum of me asking a question and some dude replying then posted it on Facebook!
He saw my post and didn't even I don't know if I should order more odens OP in case it hurts my feelings like gn did
If anyone needs me I'll be in my basement cleaning my guns while loaded with the safety off
i caved, more odens op on the way for me
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