Strong Mini Portion

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  • desirexe
    • Feb 2008
    • 1170

    Hey Latina! I have not seen you around these here parts in a while! Good to 'see' you! Oh and I second, or third? a strong mini mint...even though I think a strong mini SPEARmint would be even better. (not a huge peppermint/mint fan, but admit to liking General mint). How about a strong mini in a sleek, stylish, airtight Ooompfh looking tin...I know, wishful thinking there...

    PS - I didn't vote for anything because mint isn't listed. I see Catch is listed, but besides the mint, I haven't found a Catch product that I like.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      I have been monitoring this thread for a while now, I really would like a mini strong product, for work and social situations. I originally voted for a mini Ettan, but realize the strong tobacco would probably ruin the flavor. I would think that for it to succeed it would have to be a General product, and I think that to make it perfect, it would use the Onyx style bag. So after much thought I would think that a mini onyx would have the most appeal, knowing that a new product would need as much going for it as possible. I would buy a ten roll, and a Grov Svart mini, oh my!
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        I voted for General for the simple reason that I think it has the best chance of succeeding. The Swedish market will determine the long term viability and extending the General family makes a lot of sense.

        I would have to caveat this and say that I would like to see a General Strong Original mini portion. NOT a white portion. Unless of course it was an Onyx style bag, which I think is an excellent idea Whalen.

        However I don't want to see an Onyx mini. Onyx is too much of a love it / don't care for it type of snus and I've found that a can takes me forever to finish.

        Also, please nothing mint/spearmint/wintergreen or anything remotely minty. Unfortunately I just don't share a large proportion of the forum members' preference for mint flavoured snus. Ditto for anything "sweet" like RL.

        Ps: If I had to pick my own favourite I would have said N&J or Ettan strong mini, but I can't see how a strong mini would fit in with either the Ettan or N&J brand....


        • Ainkor
          • Sep 2008
          • 1144

          Too bad there is no option for GB #2 as a strong mini. Hell, I'd give you my wife and 2 of my 3 kids for that. I still need the 3rd to mow the lawn and such :P

          We would need to have a discussion about who gets the tax credits too.

          Come to think of it, it would be a messy affair all together. Why not just make the GB #2 mini strong


          • 9 Jack 9
            • Apr 2009
            • 84

            It was a toss-up between General and Roda Lacket, and General was first alphabetically, so there we go.

            Though I wholeheartedly second, third and fourth the motion that if a strong mini came out with GB #2 flavor, I would be all over that. Mmm, yeah.


            • ODurren
              • May 2009
              • 66

              I voted for General because its the most popular, however I also think (as a consumer) that brands such as Göteborgs Rapé, Ettan, Catch/etc. Should first attempt to produce a Strong version of itself in regular "large" portion sizes. For example the only Strong thats produced that tastes much like my beloved Copenhagen (Pure Tobacco) isn't made by SM.... I personally think Ettan would easily fit that role, and as a "strong" version, would be freakin' awwwesome!


              • Markus and Joakim
                • May 2009
                • 129

                The poll is still open for another few days!


                • Jesnus
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 28

                  I'd agree that N&J would likely be the most appealing. A strong mini would appeal to those who are less settled in their snus anyway. And I can't speak for the rest of the world, but the branding is set to succeed in America as well. It's classic and homey with a sharp modern flair. I understand that General is well established as a premium brand overseas, but in the US even the name "General" reminds people of hundreds of budget brands of the same name.

                  That, and N&J strong is very flavorful. I think the exact same formula would make a great mini.

                  And if there's some way to make a strong mini white, all the better.


                  • captncaveman
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 924

                    i voted for grov. Just my opinion but sm really sh!t the bed with the grov black strong snus. Now its time to make up for it, s trong grov that tastes like grov!!


                    • frizodanizzo
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 53

                      Id love to see a general mini strong original portion not a white onyx and sterk taste like lemon to soon before the tobacco. And white is the same way, maybe its just me but id say go original portion with that. But id say general hands down its the most sold because its taste I wish the mini mint could get an extra kick it taste better than thunder frosted but there's no kick to the mini what soever.


                      • Markus and Joakim
                        • May 2009
                        • 129

                        The poll is open for five more days so voice your opinion because then it is settled


                        • Maximus
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 222

                          I think it has been said before but I would love to see the mini peppermint in a strong mini and maybe a little less sweet.


                          • rscott222
                            • May 2009
                            • 346

                            Can I change my vote to Ettan's mini strong? How about an Ettan's ES?


                            • barnfish
                              New Member
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8

                              N&J is my 1st choice, but I'd buy a roll of any strong mini on this list. I've been waiting for a good strong mini to come out.


                              • zmanzero
                                • May 2009
                                • 766

                                *oh god, i wish i could vote in this, but i can't. i've only have had a couple of the snus listed. now i'm gonna look at the results*

                                edit - thanks for keeping in touch with snus users, Markus and Joakim, that is way cool. 8)


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