I recently placed my first order with GetSnus.com and ordered all portions snus. It came UPS. I left for work around 8:00 am and it had not arrived yet. I live in Georgia and it was very hot that day. When I came home during my lunch break around 1:00 pm the box was on the door step facing the sun. When I opened it, the cans were very warm from the heat (not sure how long it had been there). I noticed the first portion I had was a lot more juicy then usual (I usually spit the juice out except when I'm at work).
1. Can this affect TSNA levels? Is it still safe to use the snus (about $50 worth). I didn't notice a bad taste or get sick from what I've used so far but I was concerned about the health risks from snus that has been in hot conditions too long.
2. Does anyone know of a snus distributor that ships it cold (dry ice)? Thanks.
1. Can this affect TSNA levels? Is it still safe to use the snus (about $50 worth). I didn't notice a bad taste or get sick from what I've used so far but I was concerned about the health risks from snus that has been in hot conditions too long.
2. Does anyone know of a snus distributor that ships it cold (dry ice)? Thanks.