Originally posted by justintempler
New flavor.
Originally posted by snusjusIf you want a unique flavor, try 01 or 02 snus. It has a plethora of natural, earthy notes that balance the flavor out perfectly.or just the crap i don't use will be left. One by one they will disappear.
You needen't fear that we will stop producing loose. While portions are growing to become more important than loose it is still an important business to us and also a strong part of our heritage and traditions.
It is likely that there will be more new portion than loose products but still we did introduce General ES this spring. On a personal note both of us enyoy a good "pris".
When coming home for work on a Friday like this Markus likes to put in some General and Joakim enjoys Ettan.
Have a nice weekend,
Joakim & Markus