What the hell?? 1 can of Thunder Frost portion just had uhmm... the expiration date sticker on the plate(where you store used ones or w/e) and the whole can was just backwards.(Had to remove thunder logo sticker to open it) and it just felt like something was wrong with it, felt like throwing up after 5 mins.
V2 Portion Count....Hello Patrik!!!
Hi guys and gals!! I just talked to Patrik over at V2. It wasn't about this issue but he did bring this up. Apparently the older portion making machine is still being used for just a few flavors now. That machine measures by weight not by count. So either way we are getting the proper amount of tobacco that we are expecting in each tin. The new portion making machine they recently purchased is much more accurate in weight and count. So this shouldn't be an issue. I thought I better clear this up as I do have the correct info now.
Keep up the good work V2
Thanks again
ify, my original post was solely asking why is this? Not really complaining, just wondering why the count varies so much.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Not that it was a big deal, but I recently had a Thunder Frosted Long + that was labeled completely upside down. Even the warning label was stock on the catch lid. At first I was confused and like WTF I don't remember the last can being this hard to open... Then I got out my pocket knife and cut the label around the real lid and enjoyed the Thunder goodness...