General snus for the Military

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    General snus for the Military

    I just read how the US Navy has now banned smoking on subs.

    I was thinking maybe SM could get General Fridges at military PX's?

    It seems to me, US military people would take well to Swedish snus.
    The US crap snus is sold on the PX's.
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Omg I WISH I knew about snus when I was in. Since they are starting to get gay about smoking in the army, dip is real popular but it has a lot of major setbacks. It's just difficult to spit in many situations like a ruck march, or while your on the plane waiting to get dropped. Also you can't dip in formation because of the spitting, and half the damn day is usually standing in some type of formation listening to somebody talk or waiting for something, snus would allow a discrete way of getting nic during formation.

    Imagine your strolling through Baghdad, a fat dip in your lip, then suddenly *tat tat tat* your under fire. At this point youve probably swallowed half your dip, and the juices when coupled with rapid quick breathing causes you to choke or otherwise become distracted by the giant lump of shit in your lip. With snus, there is no loss of reaction time and no need to get rid of it when the shit hits the fan. Snus could directly aid in the fight against terrorism 8) .

    If I were a snus company I would launch a major push at PX/BX's because snus would be an instant hit in the military if they were able to get a strong snus (like thunder) out there.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      I agree. that's all. Dip is extemely widespread in the US military, There's no one I've met whos been in and hasn't dipped. It's a ready to be tapped market, and it's for the good of U.S. Security. Imagine if the praises of Snus were being sung my service men and women. Real Snus in the U.S. would be a done deal


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by deebocools
        I agree. that's all. Dip is extemely widespread in the US military, There's no one I've met whos been in and hasn't dipped. It's a ready to be tapped market, and it's for the good of U.S. Security. Imagine if the praises of Snus were being sung my service men and women. Real Snus in the U.S. would be a done deal
        You are so correct. Tapping this massive and influential group could be the key to making it mainstream. Plus, once they reach their ETS date and go back home to counties all over the nation in every state, they will bring the snus message with them. By tapping this market they could easily get free advertising in every state, even the backwater places where normally it would not be fiscally beneficial to spend money advertising in.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          You're allowed to smoke in the British Army - in fact the day is split up into smoke breaks - however, smoking is strictly banned on operations so I wish I knew about snus then. It would have made being on exercise much more comfortable.

          I wouldn't fancy having a snus in on a parade though cause when you've had enough snus - you've had enough snus.


          • deebocools
            • Nov 2008
            • 661

            I didn't even think about members of the military taking their snus habit home with them, back to literally everywhere in the united states. It's genius.


            • NJdrew
              • Apr 2010
              • 123

              I know if it had been in the PX when I was in, I would have tried it then and could have quit smoking after 2 or 3 years instead of discovering this after a 15 year habit. Since tobacco use is so common in the military, the health advantages of snus over smoking/dipping would make this a great product for our troops.


              • PipenSnus
                • Apr 2010
                • 1038

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                Tapping this massive and influential group could be the key to making it mainstream. Plus, once they reach their ETS date and go back home to counties all over the nation in every state, they will bring the snus message with them. By tapping this market they could easily get free advertising in every state, even the backwater places where normally it would not be fiscally beneficial to spend money advertising in.
                That's one of the reasons cigarettes became so popular. In WWII, the tobacco companies gave massive quantities of free cigarettes to the troops. They built a huge customer base that way.


                • AllanH
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 213

                  I used snus when I was in the military, others snuffed or chewed when we couldn't smoke. Smoking was the big thing though.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Were you in the Irish Army Allan?


                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
                      That's one of the reasons cigarettes became so popular. In WWII, the tobacco companies gave massive quantities of free cigarettes to the troops. They built a huge customer base that way.
                      Damn, I have to say, I always learn something new from PipenSnus's posts. I read alot, I remember everything I learn, but he seems ahead of the game.


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