soon to be snussing!

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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226

    soon to be snussing!

    Well I figured I'd stop by and say hello! I'm sure I will have plenty of questions for you guys as time goes on...

    but anyway onto the good stuff :

    Camel has just put out Snus in my area and I like the concept : discreet nicotine enjoyment, less respiratory damage (I'm 23 and have smoked since I was 14). I tried and rather enjoyed the 'original" flavor.

    but then I read about Swedish Snus and decided that this seemed much more trustworthy and less, oh I don't know, loaded with unnecessary chemicals...

    So I made 2 orders - one from, and one from (to get a feel for how each one does business), and this is what I am awaiting :

    1 can of each :
    General ONYX Portion
    Knox mini portion
    Knox portion
    Goteborgs Rape No2, Portion
    Diplomat White, Portion
    Skruf Cranberry, Mini Portion

    So... thanks for the great site, hopefully I can help contribute in the near future!
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Some nice starter picks! Diplomat and Onyx are both excellent and classy portions; the Skruf and No2 are a great option for flavours. I've never tried knox but have heard good things about it - also made by Skruf as their low-cost snus. Welcome to the board 8)


    • Subtilo
      • Dec 2006
      • 524

      Yes, welcome! I totally agree with Zero - you've chosen some mighty fine brands. I haven't tried Knox yet either but I'm planning on getting some on my next supply run to Sweden.

      Looking forward to read about your experiences!


      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        Cool, I had already ordered my snus selection when I found this site. I was releived to see that the brands I had chosen were well regarded around these parts!

        I will definitely post a comparo of the Knox vs. the other brands/flavors I ordered, I think a good deal is always something to keep an eye on :wink:

        Edit : And maybe here after I get acclimated to snus, I will give some loose a try! that sounds like the chilling at home / kicking back after a long day way to enjoy fine tobacco.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          Totally. The most common theme I seem to see here is "portions at work, loose at home". Loose is nicer, but it's a bit messy to be having in civil life. Portions are nice and neat, but lack the raw goodness of pure, loose snus.


          • theoldsearock
            • Jun 2007
            • 77


            There's a great group of folks here from around the globe. I've found their help/opinions to be invaluable.

            Funny that "work and home snus" has come up. I enjoy the loose but have ordered some portions for work; I'd never thought about it much.

            Enjoy and please, share your stories with the group.


            • Raymond
              • Jun 2007
              • 16

              Yes - Welcome Alex!

              I'm sort of a 'nubie' to the wonderful world of Swedish Snus, but have used Cope for a long time. Much different texture and lots of different tastes (just took a pris of Gotlandssus).

              Got to say this about the loose vs portion, though. I mentioned it in another post as well, but, being something of a purist, I like the taste, texture, and control of loose moreso than portions. Even outside of the home. With a little practice..... alright - a lot of practice, you can control loose just as well as portions. And experience the taste as well.


              • alex
                • Jul 2007
                • 226

                Well I fidure I should update this thread, I fell back into smoking for a week. I went out and had a few beers and the Nic content in the Diplomat I had with me just wasn't doing it.

                I felt horrible about smoking but fell back into the old habit and smoked all last week. I did get a can of Nick & Johnny ordered and it just arrived yesterday. I am going to quit smoking again tommorow and then I will have the N&J for the weekend to go along with drinks.

                If that doesn't work I'll just have to not drink for a while to get totally disgusted by smoking :lol:


                • theoldsearock
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 77

                  I got my first "portions" in the mail; Skruf Stark. The Skruf has a good tobacco flavor and definitely is not shy in the nicotine department. I can see drinking a carbonated malt beverage :wink: while using Skruf Stark portions. Of course, I'm not adverse to having a drink while using loose as long as I've got a good pris baked.


                  • phish
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 265

                    Originally posted by alex
                    Well I fidure I should update this thread, I fell back into smoking for a week. I went out and had a few beers and the Nic content in the Diplomat I had with me just wasn't doing it.

                    I felt horrible about smoking but fell back into the old habit and smoked all last week....
                    For a year or so after starting with snus I had a couple of smoking phases. I never buy cigs or smoke them when I'm sober but after a few drinks I can't help accepting the odd one if it is offered


                    • Subtilo
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 524

                      Phish, me neither. It's really hard to say no to a cig when I'm knee deep in good company and beer and such. I don't find it to be a problem though; I know for sure I won't return to the old pattern of everyday use anyway. I simply like snus too much.


                      • alex
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 226

                        I am definitely going to abstain from smoking (except for my pipe), for quite a while. I just don't have the willpower to not smoke the next day after I wake up. That instant nic kick is really satisfying.

                        I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, took a shower and immediately popped in an Onyx for the drive to work. So far so good, no need for a cig - and after a week of not snussing, I forgot how much better tasting this is than smoking

                        (right now I'm trying my first portion of Röda Lacket, and maybe it's the coffee, but I can't taste the licorice at all. In fact, it feels like it's too mild of a portion for my taste.)


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Yes, the Röda Lacket portions have more of a dried-fruits-candy-taste, in contrast to the great, pure-tobacco-tasting loose, which is a classy brand. The nic-kick is mediocre, too. And yes, it simply doesn't fit together with coffee.

                          I usually reject an offered cigarette with the true excuse, that I'm already using a portion of snus. I'm just totally off the cigarettes, so even alcohol doesn't help, to forget this fact. Besides, offering snus to others, nearly all the time doesn't work. People are just too far manipulated by the bogus-proganda about smokeless tobacco and I'm not the kind of guy, who want's to proselytise others. Let's see, how the smoking bans (now also in Germany) will change the situation.


                          • phish
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 265

                            Röda Lacket is one of my least favourite snus's. Although I know at lot of people like it.

                            I have found that the people who ask me for snus are people who don't normally smoke. I guess they are more open minded to different nicotine products. They don't do it normally but love it with a drink.


                            • alex
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 226

                              I had another portion of Röda Lacket last night after I got off work and it just wasn't doing the trick for me. It has a pretty good taste (when you subtract coffee from the mix), but really does lack a good nic kick.

                              Moving on, I tried Nick and Johnny portion last night for the first time and WOW, what a delicious snus! And a great nic fix comes with it, enough so that I enjoyed a beer and didn't even want a ciggarette I have definitely found my night out snus


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