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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    The quit smoking pills are bad stuff.

    I am not the most positive and joyful soul in the world and Chantix took me to a very dark place.

    I stopped taking it after less than a week.

    Extra sterks and maybe add in some snuff. I would rather be addicted to nicotine than ever have to take that stuff again.

    If you do take it...monitor yourself very closely.....and make sure those close to you who notice a change in your attitude or demeanor let you know quick.


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      Id rather smoke than be depressed and suicidal.. Even if its only 1 in a hundred shot that id be affected that way. Thats rediculous. If its side effects were euphoria, or a high, sign my ass up lol.


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253



        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Yeah dude don't do it! I've not tried chantix, but I have some close friends that did with results of horible nightmares and becomining "crazy". They still smoke...but won't touch that shit again.


          • xrt
            • Jun 2010
            • 374

            My Physician who are a specialist in/with mental disorders told me to wait untill wedensday (My appointment is that day the 18th).
            He would investigate Champix/Chantix, because I am already on Effexzor for depression, Rivotril for anxiety, and Lamictal for depression/Bi-Polar/Schizophrenia. Don't think I am Schizo though, but that are something we are working out on during our sessions.

            But thanks for all the help guys, if he tells me that I CAN go a head and use Champix then... sorry for the disrespectful comment but I will use them.
            I have been down that suicidal road before, and happy thoughts and exercise works wonders.
            As for sleeping disorders I have a few days off from work atm.
            The way I see it, Champix/Tix can't just KILL you spot on right? And everyone are in control of our own thoughts and actions.

            Cheers everyone :-)


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              My wife tried it for a few weeks. She wasn't the same. You should stick with snus and nasal snuff. It was the snuff (combined with snus) that finally made me get off cigs. completely. ANd now I hardly ever use nasal snuff.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                Only use big Pharmas when absolutely needed. They have made it acceptable these days to be popping something for everything and they dont know the longterm outcomes. That is why you hear lawyers on commercials asking "if you have ever been prescribed this medication and were affected with brain bleeding or liver ulcers please call now because you might be entitled to


                • simplesmoke
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 75

                  I tried Wellbutrin several years ago among all the other quit smoking aids.

                  I know they say that kind of stuff can effect everyone differently.

                  I felt like I had dropped acid and was having a bad trip after like 2 doses of it.

                  That crap has made me hesitant when taking anything new that is ever prescribed now.

                  I also tried that Chantix, made it like 7 days on that before having to stop. That was not as bad, just made me feel like crap. I do recall wanting to smoke less, but really did not feel like doing anything from what I recall.

                  Snus seems to do the best job of feeding my nicotine desires without making me feel like I am missing anything.


                  • xrt
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 374

                    You guys STILL don't get it do you?? I WANT TO GET OFF OF NICOTINE, god damnit how many times do I have to explain myself??
                    If all you hippies can do is rave about how "BAD" these big companies are, well let me tell you. THEY HELP MILLIONS WHO SUFFER FROM everything to mental illnesses to multi sclerosis and everything in between, sure there ARE side effects. All they want is to make millions?
                    Well how the hell do you think they can produce products and hire staff with high compatanses and college degrees.
                    They try to help people, our brain chemistry can in some cases need MEDICINE, not that healing, urbs, new-age crap other people try to show down our throats-


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by xrt View Post
                      You guys STILL don't get it do you?? I WANT TO GET OFF OF NICOTINE, god damnit how many times do I have to explain myself??
                      If all you hippies can do is rave about how "BAD" these big companies are, well let me tell you. THEY HELP MILLIONS WHO SUFFER FROM everything to mental illnesses to multi sclerosis and everything in between, sure there ARE side effects. All they want is to make millions?
                      Well how the hell do you think they can produce products and hire staff with high compatanses and college degrees.
                      They try to help people, our brain chemistry can in some cases need MEDICINE, not that healing, urbs, new-age crap other people try to show down our throats-
                      LOL...I'm a hippie? Hey bro, I know you're frustrated. Also, you're correct about some of these drugs helping many many people. However, you asked us for our opinions, and I offered my experience with the drug in question. You're a free person, and can choose to use whatever drug you want, if you feel it will help you. I'd be willing to bet that everyone in this thread only wanted to help you reach a reasonable conclusion. However, ultimately it's your decision. Good luck and let us know how it works out for you ;-)


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        ok then xrt - there really is only one way to do it, if you're man enough and yep - it's cold turkey.

                        For me it was 60 hours exactly of sheer unadulterated nauseous mental hell - and then suddenly nothing. No craving, no more withdrawal etc etc............................until 5 months later.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by xrt View Post
                          You guys STILL don't get it do you?? I WANT TO GET OFF OF NICOTINE, god damnit how many times do I have to explain myself??
                          If all you hippies can do is rave about how "BAD" these big companies are, well let me tell you. THEY HELP MILLIONS WHO SUFFER FROM everything to mental illnesses to multi sclerosis and everything in between, sure there ARE side effects. All they want is to make millions?
                          Well how the hell do you think they can produce products and hire staff with high compatanses and college degrees.
                          They try to help people, our brain chemistry can in some cases need MEDICINE, not that healing, urbs, new-age crap other people try to show down our throats-
                          If you know everything, why are you asking here? Since you're so big on the self control thing, just quit smoking. That'll save the money, and it has 0 side effects.


                          • Ainkor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1144

                            Originally posted by xrt View Post
                            You guys STILL don't get it do you?? I WANT TO GET OFF OF NICOTINE, god damnit how many times do I have to explain myself??
                            If all you hippies can do is rave about how "BAD" these big companies are, well let me tell you. THEY HELP MILLIONS WHO SUFFER FROM everything to mental illnesses to multi sclerosis and everything in between, sure there ARE side effects. All they want is to make millions?
                            Well how the hell do you think they can produce products and hire staff with high compatanses and college degrees.
                            They try to help people, our brain chemistry can in some cases need MEDICINE, not that healing, urbs, new-age crap other people try to show down our throats-
                            Hey man, relax! Your posting on a nicotine enthusiast message board! Some people believe in aliens, some in the government, some believe that paste tastes great and other think that unethical companies that bend the rules in order to patent and have the exclusive rights to medicines that aren't very well proven to do what they say.

                            If you want to quit, then please do! I know I wish you the best of luck.

                            Just to remind you of your original question in your first post :

                            Originally posted by xrt View Post
                            Any one else have any experience with these pills? What have you heard or do you have a own personal experience with these?
                            You asked for our opinion, we gladly shared. Take it for what its worth, and mine, as well as the others are meant in good faith. None of us are doctors (that I know of) so anything posted on these boards relating to any sort of medical advice should probably be thrown out the window anyways!


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              [QUOTE=Ainkor;408767You asked for our opinion, we gladly shared. Take it for what its worth, and mine, as well as the others are meant in good faith. None of us are doctors (that I know of) so anything posted on these boards relating to any sort of medical advice should probably be thrown out the window anyways![/QUOTE]

                              I'm not a doctor, but I play one in the bedroom ;-)


                              • Ainkor
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1144

                                Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                                I'm not a doctor, but I play one in the bedroom ;-)


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