The quit smoking pills are bad stuff.
I am not the most positive and joyful soul in the world and Chantix took me to a very dark place.
I stopped taking it after less than a week.
Extra sterks and maybe add in some snuff. I would rather be addicted to nicotine than ever have to take that stuff again.
If you do take it...monitor yourself very closely.....and make sure those close to you who notice a change in your attitude or demeanor let you know quick.
I am not the most positive and joyful soul in the world and Chantix took me to a very dark place.
I stopped taking it after less than a week.
Extra sterks and maybe add in some snuff. I would rather be addicted to nicotine than ever have to take that stuff again.
If you do take it...monitor yourself very closely.....and make sure those close to you who notice a change in your attitude or demeanor let you know quick.