New snuser navigating online snushops

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  • mdiesel
    New Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 5

    New snuser navigating online snushops

    I'm on my 3rd day of kicking smokes Hooray! Been a pack a day smoker for 7 years, sometimes 2 to 2 and a half packs (was down to 2 sticks a day, but I stopped exercising which nudged me back into a half a pack habit) . I tried Camel Robust and thought it was good, almost too good. Tried chewing tobacco, liked it but it stains pretty bad. Tried dip and I got that mud mouth thing going on. Didn't care for it too much. And now here I am trying to get my hands on that Swedish snyooz see. Only problem is the online shop northerner is kinda hard to navigate. I'm trying to buy the stuff by brand name, but it doesn't seem like the site has it categorized by brands. Must be me getting itchy for a smoke or something, but its kinda annoying.

    I've put together a list of things I want to try out. Throw together a mixed bag, see what I like.

    general white
    general onyx
    general mint
    thunder berry
    thunder's other products..
    jakobsson wintergreen
    jakobsson ice fruit *
    goteborg's rape #2 *
    skruf tranbar
    offroad licorice
    offroad coola
    catch flavors....

    As you can see I have a lot of fruity flavors in here, because I heard the Camel stuff was pretty sweet, so I might like more sweet in my snus. Anyone have any suggestions for more standard tasting snus? Not saying plain, but 'less fruity'.

    True or False? Can't go wrong with General's flavors?

    Thanks all
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    Welcome to the Board! Well yes you can go wrong with general, or not. It depends on what you develop in the way of snus tastes. There are about Two snus on that list that I really use often, I will not say which since you just got to figure it out yourself, there is an overwhelming amount of choices, but you will be amazed at how fast your tastes may change and what you will prefer in the long run. Give it a whirl squirrel! Don't forget to try Ettan and General Original portions too, since they are the gold standard of plain tobacco tasting snus, which is not such a bad thing. The rest will chime in here with more I am sure. Since I am obligated to pimp GN's fine creations, try some Odens extreme snus, It has a great flavor and newbie bragging rights all rolled into one. You have a long journey here with snus discovery, and if you make it, you will be able to look back at this list and laugh! Nothing wrong with your list really, just all over the map with newbie excitement. Enjoy that phase! I am just a crusty old straight tobacco man now- Boring yet satisfied. Remember you still get to get exited about LOS, then it gets real serious. Learn to love Pioneer Los and cut out all the rest of the lost time and money, that would be my advice, and good advice, and you would be crazy to follow it as a newbie snuser. Enjoy the ride! Hang on, stay away from the "minty" ones too. And to truly answer your question, get a can of General wintergreen and you tell me if you can go wrong.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • mdiesel
      New Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 5

      Ha ya, I was thinking along those lines too. So much fruity appeal. I'll probably get one can of jakobssen's wintergreen, because of snusifier.

      Anyhow, I would like to try the 'best' of each flavor profile. Maybe you could help me out with some flavors I have heard about so far.

      Citrus* need to try a nice one of these

      As far as berries go, I'll definately get 2 cans of Goteborg's #2, and 1 can of Thunder berryblast.
      1 can of ettan OP
      1 General OP
      1 of each General white, onyx
      1 jakobssen's wintergreen
      1 offroad coola
      and of course 1 Pioneer Los, even though I find mudmouth with dip to be a hassle.

      I'm wanting to pull the trigger on an order tonite !
      Need to make it to 2 weeks of no smoking, and then I figure my first 2 orders of snus will last me for a year.

      Do you happen to know that movie Che? I found it to be quite good.


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        I can't remember ever seeing a snus shop that allowed you to sort by brands, to be honest. Röda Lacket is good for a berry taste. I'd recommend the lös over portions for that and Ettans by a long shot, but you're tastes could be different. Just remember that if you don't like the portions, the lös tastes completely different. Also, my personal favourite is Odens ES Lakrits. You might want to try a different one (salted black liquorice is something of an acquired taste), but I'd recommend putting at least one tin of some Odens in your cart.


        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          Everyone has different preferences, You just have to find your own. General OP has citrus/bergamot classic taste. The whites just are drier and somewhat wimpier at first. Get something berry, just explore! Ettan is kind of chocolate in nature, quality, where the hell is chad when we need him, he is better at this than me. See, heres the deal, I just know that whatever cj likes, I will hate! It takes time to get a feel. Look up some of the samplers. Roda is a good berry, the goat rape#2 is a good flavor. I really dig the Jacobssens Flader. This is the fun part of snus, although when I was in this phase, it was a hell of a lot cheaper.

          The really good ones are the ones you cannot get! I miss my lucky's! Gottlands Gul.

          I only mention the Pioneer and Ettan and General OP because these are some good and tasty standards of snus flavors. And if you learn to like them, you are set for maintenance snus and can try a can now and then. Your tastes will change too! So never throw them away, keep them cold and revisit. A very wise and pissy man who is no longer here helped me, this is my turn I guess.
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290


            Just buy one of everything and then only buy more of the ones you liked.....but buy one or two at a time. I can't tell you how many times I bought a roll when I first started only to get burned by it half way through and have it sit in my freezer for a few months slowly suffering through it until it is gone.

            1. Try everything.

            2. No rolls for a few me.

            Originally posted by whalen
            A very wise and pissy man who is no longer here helped me, this is my turn I guess.
            I just loled. And I really don't lol much.


            • Mykislt
              • Sep 2010
              • 677

              If you are interested in trying snus, you definitely can't go wrong with general. Even if you don't like it, you get a feeling for what the more traditional snus is like, which is valuable info if you are going to navigate in the snus world.


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