Odd experiance

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  • databat
    • Dec 2007
    • 66

    Odd experiance

    The more I try other brands of snus, the less nicotine kick I get from Gotborgs Rape No. 2. I still taste the flavor, and I really enjoy it for the flavor alone. I'll keep using it, but as I try other brands and flavors, I just don't get the same wow factor from it as I used to.

    Does this happen when you use one brand/flavor too much? Does this happen to everyone, or am I just weird? :?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I think you're probably just getting used to snus in general. I smoked handrolled cigarettes pretty heavily for 20 years, and Camel snus would still give me a bit of a buzz when I first used it. I don't really notice the nicotine in snus so much anymore which is a good thing. I'm not a fan of a nicotine high, and other than withdrawl, I'd be completely happy if snus didn't have any nicotine whatsoever.


    • databat
      • Dec 2007
      • 66

      I like a bit of a buzz as long as it isn't too strong and I'm driving down the road. :P It's just that Rape No. 2 only gives me a small buzz when I first wake up, or I go almost a full day without snus. It's almost as if it either has very little nicotine, or it just isn't releasing it fast enough. Could it have anything to do with the fact that the tin hasn't been refrigerated very much? (It's the one I've carried around the most, and it does seem like it's going a bit stale (not as fresh))?

      I can usually tell when I'm developing too much of a tolerance to nicotine. When that happens, I cut way back, or use mini portions for a week. Sometimes I'll go so far as to go a day or two without snus. (preferably when I'm not working so I won't get stressed out hehe)


      • Stargazer
        • Aug 2007
        • 225

        it's probably becouse göteborgs rape is not very strong.
        I have allways felt that it is weak on the nicotine.


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          I do think dried out snus has less nicotine hit - it needs moisture for the salt and soda to release the nicotine from the tobacco, doesn't it?


          • RealmofOpeth
            • May 2007
            • 407

            I know what you're going through. I had the same sort of confusion when I first started using snus.
            I used to be a smoker for a couple years, before that it was cigars, before that it was dip.
            I never really noticed much nicotine in all that usage, it was mainly subconscious...only every now and then did I really feel it, and if i had large breaks of not using anything.
            I went to snus and noticed little nicotine as well till I formed massive pris's of loose...then it was like I was high as a kite.
            I then picked cigarettes up while i was running low on snus...BAM the cigarette usage was incredibly high in nicotine sensation. My whole body felt numb, especially my face...it was nice. never had that before, and i didn't take a break between the snus and cigs, and i even used the cigs while i had snus. (maybe it was the brand...I was smoking kool regulars...but i was also smoking those before i had stopped smoking before)
            I ran out of snus for a couple months, pick snus back up and don't notice a hell of a lot of nicotine...the same as before, until i make larger pris's. But my tolerance for larger pris's hasn't built up. It's just built up if I use portions or a small pris.

            as far as odd experiences are concerned.... use powerful snus before you go to bed....or use a small amount (like a portion) while sleeping.
            You will experience absolutely out-in-left-field dreams, even if your dreams are already weird. Works every time for me. They are very vivid.
            This is not recommended however often, as it might not be good for your dental health. The immediate (albeit worth it) tradeoff of these entertaining, out-there dreams (i think it's nice, regardless of how absolutely ****ed up they are..)...is you'll usually wake up with a rather sour mouth, rushing to the bathroom to hack out all the residue and brush your teeth. That's just me though, so it might differ person to person. There has been a couple threads on here though about dreams from nicotine while sleeping.


            • databat
              • Dec 2007
              • 66

              I've fallen asleep before on the couch with a portion of skruf stark in, after taking a prescription muscle relaxer for my back problems, and cough syrup with vicodin in it for a cold. I had some really crazy dreams then let me tell ya! I dreamed I was on some space ship, and I was the engineer. Things kept breaking, and when I went to investigate, someone had rewired the circuits. Except, instead of wire, this ship used spaghetti noodles!

              I have noticed if I drink plenty of water before I snus, I tend to get a better/faster nicotine hit. I suspect it is because I'm making it easier for my body to absorb the nicotine to balance out the excess water. Of course I try to drink plenty of water and less soda anyways. Healthier and all that.

              I didn't have a sour taste in my mouth when I woke up. But my mouth was incredibly dry and I was very thirst.

              Right now I have just taken my cough syrup, muscle relaxer, an Off Road Strong Cranberry portion in my lower lip, and 2 pris of Roda Lacket loose in. Walking is quite difficult, but I'm feelin goooood! Gonna see if I can re-create those weird vivid dreams again. I'll let you know how it turns out. Though I will definitely remove the snus before going to bed. Esp. the loose. I'm having a hard enough time reminding myself not to fidget with it to keep it from running. I don't dare sleep with loose in yet. :P Even though I'm used to gutting Copenhagen juices (which btw is probably the most unhealthy thing you can do with all the mystery additives they put in that crap), I don't really care to wake up with loose drool all over my pillow and my wife. The couch would end up becoming my permanent bed, as well as an angry wife hehe. I gota keep her happy, which reminds me... I should get back to work on her birthday present. I have to get it finished by the 18th.

              I'm painting a long nature scene. One scene divided into 4 sections showing each of the 4 seasons. I just can't decide if I should gradually change the scene, or use white fog to separate them... (Painting in Acrylic btw)


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                Originally posted by databat

                I'm painting a long nature scene. One scene divided into 4 sections showing each of the 4 seasons. I just can't decide if I should gradually change the scene, or use white fog to separate them... (Painting in Acrylic btw)
                make it in a one-day progression. like have spring the morning, summer the noon, fall the afternoon, winter the evening.

                or perhaps do them both in each section. like have half of winter in one gradually changing into spring the other half..moving onto springs other half and half of summer in the next one, half of summer and half of fall in the next, half of fall and half of winter...arrange them all in a circle so first half of winter (in the last section) meets the last half of winter (in the first section).


                • databat
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 66

                  I'm using an 11.8"x31.5" canvas, so doing a circular arrangement is out. I like the idea of gradually having the season change though, but I want to avoid multiple suns as it will complicate doing the highlights a bit.

                  (One light source is easiest, I've had no formal art training aside from a few art classes in grade school, and drafting in high school. I've been drawing for 11 years, painting in water colors (seriously) for 9 years, pastels for 2 years, and acrylic for 1 year. Most of what I've learned is from trial and error, watching painting shows on tv and reading books, then trying out those techniques)

                  I will most likely not have the sun in the picture, and have the light source coming from the viewer's point of view, coming in from the left at an angle. It will add some nice highlights to the cliffs, mountains, trees, and creek I have planned.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I'm not really artistically inclined, so take my ideas for what they're worth, but... How about a straight panel from left to right with the 4 seasons, all using the same image(eg 1 sun, 1 tree...), but with the seasons progression going across the page, and wrapping back around. Start with a bit of snow on the very left edge, and little color
                    go into bright color with moderate foliage
                    then dark color with heavy foliage
                    then bright fall colors with gray sky
                    then keep the gray sky, drop the leaves, and add snow

                    The way I'm seeing it is 1 tree could show all of the seasons, and maybe even have a touch of overlap to avoid hard lines. There's no reason some brown leaves can't overhang the snow, and a couple of flowers encroach on summer...


                    • databat
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 66

                      I'm still in the outlining stage. So far on the left I have 2 terraced cliffs with a stream going from left to right, first small water fall, further right, second small water fall, then a creek that empties into a pond on the far right. The left will be spring, and the terraces will be a great place to put flowers and bushes. Left-center will be summer that will take up half of the creek. A few houses off in the distance, with a dirt path leading to the creek, and some small trees and grass. Right-center will be fall, the second half of the creek and the mouth of the creek that empties into a pond, with a rock in the middle of the mouth that will show running water into the pond. Some colorful fall trees and shrubbery. The far right will be winter, with the pond and some cabins in the background. The farthest right portion of the pond will be frozen over, snow on the ground, etc.

                      I just finished adding the resin sand texturing gel in different thicknesses for the cliff facings, stones lining the river (leaving room for a wooden bridge), and sand along the pond shoreline. I may go back with it later and add a few rocks in winter as those would look great with snow on them.

                      In the background of the entire painting there will be distant mountains that change color slightly with the changing seasons, with the one on the far right being snow capped. I have a lota work ahead of me... But it will be worth it to see my wife smile. *melts into a gooey puddle just thinking about it*

                      I also may use the texturing gel to create raised snow drifts. I didn't have enough money to get all of the different texturing gels I really wanted to use, so I picked one that I could adapt with a bit of work, and use it all throughout the painting. That stuff gets everywhere, and ends up in the oddest places though... :shock:

                      Edit: Roda Lacket Loose and classical music seems to get my creative juices flowing really well.


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