Do it yourself tin project.

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  • databat
    • Dec 2007
    • 66

    Do it yourself tin project.

    I like to carry several different brands/flavors of snus with me when I'm out as what I pick depends on my mood, stress level, and time of day. I don't really like carrying several tins around with me unrefrigerated. Especially if I'm only gonna use one or two portions from that tin the entire day.

    I've been kicking around the idea of making my own snus tin. So far I've chosen an empty Altoids mint tin for this. For those that don't know what Altoids is, it is a very strong mint candy. It comes in a rectangle tin about 3" long, 2" wide, and 1 1/4" thick. It is a metal tin with a hinged lid. I washed and dried it so it no longer has that strong mint smell.

    Now I just need to figure out what to use for dividers, a non-harmful glue to secure the dividers that won't alter the smell or taste of the snus. I also want to line it with some type of insulation material to help keep in moisture and keep it cool. That isn't a gota have though, more of an extra feature if I can find a good material that won't absorb the moisture from the snus.

    I really want to use one of those freezer pack in it for cooling but I've never seen one that small anywhere so I don't think that will be possible.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Check out this thread Jqlynch and Sacrilicious have some nice takes on a multi portion tin.


    • databat
      • Dec 2007
      • 66

      Yes I saw those, very informative. I have chosen an insulation material for the Altoids box. Has anyone ever eaten out at a restaurant only to find you can't eat it all, so you ask for a to-go box and they give you one of those Styrofoam ones? I've cut 2 pieces to fit into the inside of the lid and the bottom. I dunno if I should do the sides on the insides, as I'm not sure if it will interfere with closing the lid. I'm also not sure if it will even be that much more beneficial as insulation.

      Granted this type of thin Styrofoam isn't the best insulator, but it is better than not using any at all. I just wish I could think of something that would work a bit better. I thought about using a thin layer of cotton balls under the Styrofoam, but then it gets a bit more difficult to attach it to the tin. I suppose if I did insulate the sides, it would be easier to use the Styrofoam to attach dividers on the inside. It could also possibly draw the moisture from the snus. I also have to decide what to use to secure the Styrofoam to the metal case. My first thought was double sided tape. I'm a bit apprehensive about using glue as I don't want the chemicals in the glue to get into the snus and possibly me ingesting it, eating through the Styrofoam, or changing the smell of the snus.. That would kinda screw up the health benefits. I'm not too keen on the idea of growing an extra arm or having a third eyeball pop out of my head. :P

      Ideas anyone? I saw the one made from clay but the clay at the craft shop I saw contained toxic ingredients...


      • jqlynch
        • Sep 2007
        • 132

        Originally posted by databat
        Ideas anyone? I saw the one made from clay but the clay at the craft shop I saw contained toxic ingredients...
        Hey there. Long live the spirit of snuscan innovation!

        Polymer clay, esp. the non-colored variety such as Sculpey Light, is basically PVC (I think). I wouldn't use the actual earth-type clay variety, or any of the wacky colors that are available for actual clay-craft enthusiasts. I picked Sculpey Light precisely because of the fact that it's lightweight and there weren't any weird colors.

        I'm going to try something with cutting strips of plastic (clear plastic, maybe some kind of acrylic) along the lines of what Lauritzen did with the Icetool Snusbox. You know, when I magically find some time. :roll:


        • databat
          • Dec 2007
          • 66

          I decided on a thin Styrofoam to use for the insulation. It is also food-safe. In fact, I used one of those takeout boxes from a restaurant. It won't provide much, but it will help some. I still have to decide on what to use for the dividers.

          Check the link below to check on my progress.


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