Group tour/shopping spree of Getsnus Pennsylvania location

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  • tman570
    • Apr 2010
    • 30

    It's been awhile since this has been discussed and October will be here before we know it. I think the consensus has been for 10/15. I am really looking forward to this! Any comments, thoughts etc?


    • spirit72
      • Apr 2008
      • 1013

      Wow, can't believe I missed this thread.

      Hmmmmmm....I am actually gonna be driving through the Harrisburg area in late August on my way to Philadelphia for a wedding, so that would be way convenient.

      But I see we're talking about October, which is good too because it's my favorite time of year, even if Mechanicsburg is a 7 hour drive from Columbus. I may or may not be able to swing over, we'll have to see


      • ABW
        • May 2011
        • 793

        Originally posted by View Post
        Could you imagine us arranging a snus festival this coming Summer/Autumn in Mechanicsburg PA at our warehouse?
        Who would be interested to join?

        I just have to check the legal terms, as always...gosh...

        Have a great day!

        Hey Frank... Count me in.. I am always going to Bethlehem for work at a company called GMA so that would be a good time to visit..


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793

          Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
          Rick - the smell in a snus factory is pretty amazing, when I walked into the production area at Swedish Match smelled like heaven.

          Chad.. I can get you into Swedish Match USA... My father owns a corporation that manufactures a lot of there coding equipment.. I still go on some of the installs so I could lend you a shirt and get you on the production floor.. Wink..wink..

          Clarification-- my dad sold his company recently to Video-J** but he is still contracted with them because well he's the inkjet guru..

          Edit-- I took a little of the above comment out for selfish family reasons...


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            Hey all....regarding the get together at the warehouse, we still want to do it in October. However, we will be attending a tobacco show the first week of Oct. So anything we do will have to be later in the month. I'll keep everyone posted, and as the date nears we'll nail down a firm date to do this ;-)


            • snusedupsterkly
              New Member
              • Jul 2011
              • 4

              Anyone have any problems ordering from getsnus lately? Never used em but I see free shipping along with some other deals id like to take advantage of. Came to this site to get a review on the site and only found a string of negative ones from last year when northerner took over, some im jsut wondering if by now maybe they got their snus together...????


              • tman570
                • Apr 2010
                • 30

                eek BOLD. Yes they are my go to source for snus and I have been very happy with their service. Grade A!


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Getsnus is Northerner. I generally prefer to go to the source company when making orders, so in this case, I'd use Northerner.

                  Regarding the Northerner takeover... People were pissed because prices went up, and service went down. Getsnus was selling snus at an impossible price due to their affiliation with Swedish Match. It was unsustainable as a business, but helped spread the word of snus for a short while. Northerner's pockets aren't as deep as Swedish Match's, so they had to raise the prices to make it profitable.

                  In regards to the service, Northerner took on a bit too much at one time. They're a very small company in the grand scheme of things, and couldn't keep up with the demand. Customer service has always been their weak point, but they've been slowly getting it together.

                  Final word, if prices are the same, I'd go with Northerner, but Getsnus is fine if you prefer that name, or if prices are lower.


                  • ABW
                    • May 2011
                    • 793

                    Originally posted by snusedupsterkly
                    Anyone have any problems ordering from getsnus lately? Never used em but I see free shipping along with some other deals id like to take advantage of. Came to this site to get a review on the site and only found a string of negative ones from last year when northerner took over, some im jsut wondering if by now maybe they got their snus together...????

                    They are good for certain things but don't expect any real customer service... They do what they do well enough but that's it.. I hate to say it because I like Northener but even the shops overseas like give me a better range of products and faster delivery all for a lower price then getsnus and Northener..

                    That being said I do still use Northerner and will continue to do so especially if they get there customer service down...



                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Okay...who's up for a "get together" at the warehouse in PA? I've been talking to Frank about this and he wants to do this, but it will have to be mid October or a little later in the month. We'd like to do it earlier, but we have a tobacco show in Chicago the first week of October, so we've had to push the get together back a bit. I'm thinking we can all meet at the warehouse, take the tour, meet everyone, do some shopping with VERY special pricing for our friends here on SnusOn, and I do mean VEEEERY special pricing ;-) Then we can either have a cookout at the warehouse, or hit the town for food and/or drinks. We just want to do something for our customers and friends please plan to attend if you can!

                      Let's hear who's definitely in, and that way I can begin planning this thing ;-)


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606
                        Okay...who's up for a "get together" at the warehouse in PA? I've been talking to Frank about this and he wants to do this, but it will have to be mid October or a little later in the month. We'd like to do it earlier, but we have a tobacco show in Chicago the first week of October, so we've had to push the get together back a bit. I'm thinking we can all meet at the warehouse, take the tour, meet everyone, do some shopping with VERY special pricing for our friends here on SnusOn, and I do mean VEEEERY special pricing ;-) Then we can either have a cookout at the warehouse, or hit the town for food and/or drinks. We just want to do something for our customers and friends please plan to attend if you can!

                        Let's hear who's definitely in, and that way I can begin planning this thing ;-)
                        I'm going to San Francisco the 2nd week of October


                        • BrianC
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 463

                          I really want to attend, it is just a matter of if I can get off work or not. As soon as a date is made I will put in a request and just hope someone else hasn't requested off the same weekend.


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Originally posted by BrianC
                            I really want to attend, it is just a matter of if I can get off work or not. As soon as a date is made I will put in a request and just hope someone else hasn't requested off the same weekend.
                            When I get back to the office next week...we'll nail down a date, but to ballpark a date...middle of the month sound good for everyone? And do we want it to be on say a Friday, or would a Saturday be best?


                            • BrianC
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 463

                              For me personally a Fri would be better, but I would imagine that most would say Sat. Either way I will do my best to attend!!


                              • sirloot
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 2607

                                either day would be fine with me .. my pops lives up in PA and i have yet to go see him or his new house .. kills 2 birds with 1 stone


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