Snus is regulated as a food product, meaning the additives used to blend with the tobacco must be of same standard as those used in food. But tobacco is NOT a food product. People do NOT eat snus or any tobacco product for that matter. Besides Squeeze Bacon is a food product in Sweden, so even their standards are piss poor and low.
people do eat snus/dip/cigs.
essientaly it is consumed and enters your stomach and leaves thru your bladder.
major cause of stomach/bladder cancer is smoking cigs cause the producted is ingested, esp with cope/skoal.
definetly drips down your throat...i've heard of more than one person getting eshpogaus cancer that used dip.
it's primary uses is not to eat, but it does get eaten, wether or not the user really realizes this.
the fda should regulate it stateside and then maybe we'd see better quality dip being made
Never used dip so have no comments on that. One thing that I've never been clear on is why there is no spitting necessary with Swedish snus but is necessary with dip? There is also tobacco bites sold at Northerner which I believe is a UK chew that also non-spit.
Is it the fermentation, flu-cured tobacco, Chemicals used? What are those little nasties in american dip and chew that make swallowing the juice.... not a good idea?
I'd like to make an observation with regards to American snus versus Swedish snus.
I look at it like Starbucks versus local coffee shops. For all the talk about how a Starbucks on every corner would lead to local coffee shops going out of business, the data just doesn't bare that out. Oh sure, some local coffee shops certainly went out of business during the SB explosion of the 90's and 00's, but they were likely shitty places that were replaced by better local coffee shops. But the reason local places have actually thrived in the SB era is because people who had never had an inkling for fancy coffee tried SB and then decided to try the (often better) local places. But if it weren't for the omnipresence of SB that person would have likely kept living in ignorant bliss that gourmet coffee was available to them.
So sure, Camel may have shitty snus, though I do like it from time to time. And they may market it as a nic-fix for when you can't smoke, which I see as reasonable. but if I had never gotten a mailer for a free tin of Camel snus, I never would have searched the interwebs for other brands of this wonderful new (to me) nicotine delivery mechanism. And my guess is it's like that for a lot of 'mericans who first discovered snus.
And I feel as a n00b here I should say that if I come off as argumentative...err...that's because I am. But I mean no offense to anyone and enjoy a lively discussion Also, I hope this post isn't out of line in this forum. But I tend to live by the creed, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
If you'll excuse me, I must spit out my absolutely sublime Offroad Mango Creme and go ahead and pop in a rather interesting Taste of India Chaini Khaini Spices.
I am not a long term dipper at all, I actually prefer the loose leaf chew, but I have emptied a few cans of dip, one being Grizzly Snuff yesterday, and I have never had any of these dip issues I have heard others mention.
I got dip problems. Its what started my search to find Swedish snus. I never got white spots but I got bumps, lacerations, a pocket in my lip big enough to double for one of those African people that put plates in there, tooth/jaw pain, spittle stains all over shit. It was terrible but I kept going back for more.
To me Swedish snus just plain feels better in every sense of the word. I think it's more safely produced, standardized, and monitored. It taste better but that's subjective. I haven't had any, and I mean ANY mouth problems w/ snus in about three years of snusing.
I'm Swedish snus all the way now and I think if it were rendered unobtainable I'd have to quit tobacco all together. (I know, famous last words from an addict)
It's a shame that the US doesn't see the long-term benefit to this stuff. There has GOT to be a conspiracy on this...I'm all but convinced.
You say you dont understand why people say snus is stronger.
When you take a pinch of loose dip on average you take about 3 grams. A snus portion is 1 gram. So to make a fair assessment you should compare using 3 portions of snus to 1 pinch of dip.
1 sterk portion of snus satisfies me in the same way a big pinch of dip does or I use a fat prilla of lรถs.
Snus has more unprotanated nicotine than most brands of dip. So you absorb more nicotine.
But i can see this thread has turned into a snus vs dip battle.
Snus has many benefits over dip that is for sure, but that does not mean to say Dip is not enjoyable.
It is a myth that chemicals are added to dip. The basic ingredients of copenhagen long cut are virtually identical to snus. The only difference is the curing process.
Most of the trace amounts of toxins such as formaldehyde that are present in dip are found in most products grown in the ground such as the food you eat. It comes from the fertiliser in the soil.
New FDA rulings will mean all tobacco products in America will have to list their ingredients on the packet. So you will see that dip is just tobacco, salt, salmiak, water and flavourings ,preservatives.
some said,
Dip caused a sag in my lip, Snus does the same thing.
Dip gave me gum recession, Snus does the same thing but less so as you use smaller amounts.
If you keep snus off the gum line of your teeth it causes little or no gum recession. When dipping you have a huge clump of abrasive tobacco on the gum line so sure it causes more gum recession.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...