DE/straight shavers?

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  • f. bandersnatch
    • Mar 2010
    • 725

    Im sure people stopped using them for the same reason why they stop doing everything else: convenience and availability.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      OK my first shave with a DE razor wasn't so bad. A little blood from some tiny bumps I had on my skin but nothing terrible and I am sure it will get better with time. I didn't want to make a huge initial investment so I bought an old Gillette brass razor that I found at an antique store for $10.00. They had a ton of razors at this store in great condition so I got lucky there. They even had this little travel razor in a box that looked clean but it used these small long thin blades that I have never seen before and I am not sure how hard those would be to buy. Not a bad shave at all! The only question I have is how many times can you use a DE blade? It looks like you can flip it over when it gets dull on both sides for a total of 4 fresh blade edges per blade but I am not sure about this.


      • APX
        • Dec 2009
        • 46

        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
        OK my first shave with a DE razor wasn't so bad. A little blood from some tiny bumps I had on my skin but nothing terrible and I am sure it will get better with time. I didn't want to make a huge initial investment so I bought an old Gillette brass razor that I found at an antique store for $10.00. They had a ton of razors at this store in great condition so I got lucky there. They even had this little travel razor in a box that looked clean but it used these small long thin blades that I have never seen before and I am not sure how hard those would be to buy. Not a bad shave at all! The only question I have is how many times can you use a DE blade? It looks like you can flip it over when it gets dull on both sides for a total of 4 fresh blade edges per blade but I am not sure about this.
        Flipping the blade does not do any good. When you shave it uses both side (top and bottom). A good rule of thumb is to change blades at least once per week or every 4 to 5 shaves.

        I typically change my blade on Sundays. By the end of the week I can feel it getting dull. Also, probably best to not shave at least one day of the week and let your face rest.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Since this thread started, I have been looking for my Grandfather's razor. It was given to me when he died, so it has sentimental value to me. It was a Rolls Razor, case and all. I've shaved with it once, and it was a close ass shave, lol. I'm bummed out because I cannot find it. Gonna check a few other boxes tomorrow. Anyone have information on this type of razor?? I like it because you can hone and strop it inside the case, it's really cool.

          Not brave enough to try the straight razor he left to me, besides I don't have a stone or strop that I can use on it.


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by APX View Post
            Flipping the blade does not do any good. When you shave it uses both side (top and bottom). A good rule of thumb is to change blades at least once per week or every 4 to 5 shaves.

            I typically change my blade on Sundays. By the end of the week I can feel it getting dull. Also, probably best to not shave at least one day of the week and let your face rest.
            Thanks for that info. I will try a blade change once a week and see how that works.


            • eyephantom
              • Jul 2009
              • 333

              I use the mach5 based solely on this artice:***...-blades,11056/


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                Originally posted by eyephantom View Post
                I use the mach5 based solely on this artice:***...-blades,11056/
                WOW, that was funny as hell!


                • KarlvB
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 681

                  Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                  I am really interested in going to this method of shaving so hopefully my neck won't be broke out in red bumps anymore. I've looked online, and it seems like this stuff is just outrageously priced. Some of these shaving sets are going anywhere from 200-1000 dollars. Even just the plain straight razors are at least a hundred bucks! It's amazing that the same products that were dirt cheap back in the old days, like you when you see them getting a shave in those old westerns, has become products for the elite. Am I looking at the wrong websites?
                  DE shaving is probably like most things in that it can be very expensive or not at all. I chose to spend a fair bit of money to get the kit I wanted BUT if you were just hoping to try out DE shaving I would suggest spending no more than $50 or so. This should be able to provide you with a decent razor, a brush and some cream.

                  Just shop around as places like Amazon offer pretty good deals as well as most of the reputable online shops. I am not going to mention names of shops but have a look at Mantic59's videos for recommendations on where to shop etc.

                  Definitely also check out Badger & Blade as it is CzechCzar mentioned and invaluable source of information.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    I found out that my razor is a Gillette Gold from the 1920's. It is in pristine shape and shaves quite nicely. They don't seem to be very expensive ($8.00-$30.00 range) and are easy to use. I am almost having fun shaving again! I shaved again this morning with no nicks at all even going up against the grain. It was much easier today because I only had about a days worth of growth to deal with.

                    Anybody try the Personna blades yet? I saw those at WalMart fairly cheap.


                    • f. bandersnatch
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 725

                      I got a straight razor from an antique shop. It's actually really effin nice (the shave, not the razor). I used a pretty cheap fine grit stone to grind it out a bit and then I honed in on an old belt I had that has a tough side and a softer side. I got it sharp enough to shave with, but I am thinking about buying a real sharpening system, as mine is pretty haggard. Any forum straight razor peoples have suggestions?

                      I found this one on amazon. Sounds like a pretty good deal if it is actually a legit stone and strop.



                      • RedMacGregor
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 554

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        OK my first shave with a DE razor wasn't so bad. A little blood from some tiny bumps I had on my skin but nothing terrible and I am sure it will get better with time. I didn't want to make a huge initial investment so I bought an old Gillette brass razor that I found at an antique store for $10.00. They had a ton of razors at this store in great condition so I got lucky there. They even had this little travel razor in a box that looked clean but it used these small long thin blades that I have never seen before and I am not sure how hard those would be to buy. Not a bad shave at all! The only question I have is how many times can you use a DE blade? It looks like you can flip it over when it gets dull on both sides for a total of 4 fresh blade edges per blade but I am not sure about this.
                        the double sided blades snap in half to make 2 long thin blades


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                          I got a straight razor from an antique shop. It's actually really effin nice (the shave, not the razor). I used a pretty cheap fine grit stone to grind it out a bit and then I honed in on an old belt I had that has a tough side and a softer side. I got it sharp enough to shave with, but I am thinking about buying a real sharpening system, as mine is pretty haggard. Any forum straight razor peoples have suggestions?

                          I found this one on amazon. Sounds like a pretty good deal if it is actually a legit stone and strop.

                          That's a bit hardcore but I love it. It's pretty cool to shave with something that is almost 100 years old and still shaves better than most anything on the market today. Did you have any problems getting the right angle with your straight razor? Somehow I think I would pose a danger to myself if I tried to use one of those. Your strop paddle looks nice but you might want to check ebay as well. Antique shaving stuff is dirt cheap!

                          The razor I am using now is similar to this one



                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by RedMacGregor View Post
                            the double sided blades snap in half to make 2 long thin blades
                            Crap! I didn't even think about trying that. How do the blades stay in place though? I definitely want to go back to the antique store and see if that razor is still there. Thanks for the info!


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                              I got a straight razor from an antique shop. It's actually really effin nice (the shave, not the razor). I used a pretty cheap fine grit stone to grind it out a bit and then I honed in on an old belt I had that has a tough side and a softer side. I got it sharp enough to shave with, but I am thinking about buying a real sharpening system, as mine is pretty haggard. Any forum straight razor peoples have suggestions?

                              I found this one on amazon. Sounds like a pretty good deal if it is actually a legit stone and strop.

                              You really shouldn't need a stone, at least right away. I'd get a traditional leather/linen strop to start, and then maybe a water stone when you see a good deal on one. You may be able to find a strop at an antique shop, but they turn up infrequently in my experience. Also, a hard Arkansas whet stone may work well enough as opposed to a water stone, but I don't have personal experience. I got a water stone specifically for razors from an antique shop for $3, but that was an unusual find.

                              I like this strop assuming you can't find one used...


                              following Vegan's Ebay suggestion...

                              water stone



                              • f. bandersnatch
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 725

                                Lxs- The only reason I needed a stone is because the edge on the blade I got, while not marred or damaged, is (was) very dull when I got hold of it. I got it pretty sharp, but I am interested to see what a good stone could do. Thanks for the advice on the strop though. Now that I think about it a bit, I think I am gonna hang back and try and find one in an antiques shop. The process of sharpening things is not at all unfamiliar to me, but I would hate to go out and buy a nice new strop from amazon only to immediately hack chunks out of it in my amateurish fervor.

                                Vegan-Yeah, it has been difficult to get a good angle, especially around the chin. It seems like it is going to take a good while to really get the hang of it, but I am sure it will be well worth the time. And that razor you got a hold of is pretty slick looking.


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